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1) _ UNIVERSITATEA “AL. I. CUZA” IASI FACULTATEA DE GEOGRAFIE $I GEOLOGIE DEPARTAMENTUL DE GEOGRAFIE LUCRARILE SEMINARULUI GEOGRAFIC NR. 36 IASI 2013 jan Academy CONTENTS Psihical Geography ECOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE MEDICAGINI-FESTUCETUM VALESIACE WAGNER 41 ASSOCIATION PRESENT ON THE ROMANIAN Angela Lupaseu $ HYDROLOGICAL FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT FOR CEATALCHIOL LOCALITY, DANUBE DELTA Marian Mierid, Gheorghe Romanescu n LAND DEGRADATION WITHIN THE POJORATA CATCHMENT (TUTOVA ROLLING HILLS) Bogdan Padurariu, Ion Joni 23 OBSERVATIONS ON NAVODARI FLOOD PRODUCED IN THE CITY AND TOWNS NEARBY IN THE PERIOD 1994 ~ 2004 Daniela-Mirela Plesoianu, Marius Lungst 37 ANALYSIS OF SNOW-DRIFTING VULNERABILITY. APPLICATION TO BOTOSANI COUNTY Lucian Sficé, Adrian Andrei, Florentina Barcicianu, Stefana Cojocaru, Andrei Enea, Oana-Elena Hapciue, Marina losub, Pavel Ichim 43 STRUCTURAL BIOENGINEERING TECHNIQUES FOR RIVERBANK EROSION CONTROL, Costel Boariu 58 ‘THE INFLUENCE OF THE NUTRIENTS AND THE SOIL pH ON CADMIUM AND ZINC UPTAKE BY THE BRASSICA NAPUS o's Paula Cojocaru 65 MAXIMUM FLOW VARIABILITY AND FLOODS CHARACTERISTICS IN ‘THE CENTRAL AND NORTH DOBROGEA Camelia-Eliza Telteu, Florentina-luliana Stan, Emilia Branescu, Aurelia Berghezan 73 Human Geography SOCIAL DISPARITIES IN RURAL AREAS IN BOTOSANI ‘Maria-Simona Cuciureanu 85 ‘THE EUROPEAN FUNDS ABSORPTION FOR TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS OF RURAL SPACE IN MOLDOVA Alina-Mirela Marcu 93 ee rE III LUCRARILE SEMINARULUI GEOGR FIC “DIMITRIE CANTEMIR™ NR. 36. 2013 STRUCTURAL BIOENGINEERING TECHNIQUES FOR RIVERBANK EROSION CONTROL Costel Boariu! Abstract, Streambunk protections are precautions taken against the erosion of both water How sixl moving ice, The use of Various structures and the subsequent development of vegetation emphasize he strong suits of both parls ~ the strength of the structure (limited in time) and the feibiity of the ‘cectation (long lasting). In order for this system to work, it is necessary that the arificial structure solds long enough for the vegetation to take up the main role. This material describes the minimum ‘onditions that need to be attained for the development of crib walls associated with vegetation for the “roleetion of mountain streambanks. Keywords: sireambank soil bioengineering, erib wall, forming discharge, bankfull discharge 1. Introduction The term “Streambank Soil Bioengineering” has been used to refer to a large number of techniques. There are many definitions of Streambank Soil Bioengincering in the specialized literature but all of them basically define the category by the material that is used sn the techniques. The definition of Streambank Soil Bioengincering that is used in the recently released NEH 654 (USDA. 2007) is as follows: Streambank soil bioengineering is iefined as the use of living and nonliving plant materials in combination with natural and

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