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The four part strategy and guide to have your business go from
One Person to Fortune 500
Ty Cooper

*** Product/Service - What do you want to do/sell?

When initiating a business, you have to decide what product you want to sell or service you wish

to provide. There are lots of people who use an app or website as a pathway to make money.

The main thing is that those are only platforms useful for expanding and growing business.

*** Purpose - Why are you doing this?

A great video I have a watch that is called, “Start with Why!”. It’s one thing to know what you want

to do, but it’s entirely different to know why. Your goal for diving into any business venture should

be considered carefully. You never want to do something that you dislike, or do something that

you are only trying out, going half way then decide not to go all the way. There will be multiple of

hardships in life, and even more in business.

Less from a personal note to more of a business view, this is the most important context that will

resonate the most with your audience. People never necessarily buy what something is they buy

why. When you are passionate about your product, then you have a high rate of attraction when

you resonate with your audience.

*** Objective - What do we hope to achieve?

A great part of business growth is to always set goals and achieve your goals. Knowing what you

want, and why. Now putting the objective in perspective to make a set of goals. Doesn’t matter

how far fetch or simple they are.

You have what you want, and why you are doing it, now apart of your business plan you want to

have a list of goals you wish you wish to achieve in your business. No matter how far fetch or


Ty Cooper

simplistic it may seem, there is one variable that will always remain consistent, and that is

ensuring progress is being made.

Take this time frame for example when it comes to where do you want the business future of the

business to be:

Ten Year Plan

Five Year Plan

Three Year Plan

One Year Plan

Six Month Plan

One Month Plan

One Week Plan

One Day Plan

The perception of time varies, but when it comes to setting the goals for each plan, the time

passes by faster you may consider. Each day is crucially important in striving for success.

*** Location/Real Estate - Where is the business located? How is it convenient for the customer?
What are the environmental conditions? (For most online based companies this isn't even too much of an

issue, but it still needs consideration)

Depending on the business you are running, location plays a vital part. Traffic is a big factor to

play in. You want your building to be apparent to achieve the maximize the amount of traffic, and

you also want to pick a location that is convenient to access.

Many individuals claim that e-commerce will dominate physical stores. This may be true in some

cases, there will always be a need for a market. Drop shipping has advantages, but there are


Ty Cooper

some complications and it’s a little difficult to build a structured brand around it. If your products

are China-based, your customers may despise the length of time it takes for them to receive their


For many online based businesses like drop shipping, and social media marketing, the location

may not be too important, but many of these tips translate into the platform of the business.

*** Target Audience - Whom do we want to specifically design the brand around this common
positive stereotype.

When starting a business, don’t get fixated that you are the core center you have to provide a

service to the public. In relation to what you are selling, you want to gain an idea whom you are

selling to. Being specific for an ideal group, you can prepare your marketing strategy centered

around this demographic

For example. Someone who builds an e-commerce business to sell beard growth products will

have more success than someone who starts an e-commerce business for trends. This is

because the bread growth business has a target to sell directly to men with beards, while the

trend business would have a harder time because they don’t have an idealistic individual to sell


*** Tutorials - We have to teach and explain to users how to use our services.

Keeping the customer thoroughly informed about your product and service builds trust between

your brand and other competitors. This tutorial sections may not seem important, but from a

psychological stance, it makes things convenient and efficient for both your business and

customer when they are familiar with your company operations.


Ty Cooper

*** Customer Support - Someone has to answers all those questions and solve issues.

You must be able to not only explain to your customers about your product or service but be

readily available when something goes wrong. We do not live in a perfect world and there are

times when things are bound to go wrong. This is also beneficial for your business to grow to be

able to solve the problems that arise. 90% of business is problem-solving.

*** Technical Support - Like customer support, but this requires actual skill.

Technical support caters to more technical questions and more specific rare occasion issues that

will require a higher level of expertise. This is popularized by those guys over the phone with the

thick accent helping you with your computer. This applies to anything that needs a higher level of

understanding. If you have employees running a site and a question comes up that isn’t solved by

a quick glance at the guide, you must resolve the issue to appease the customer needs.

*** Optimization - How are you going to ensure your business keep a competitive advantage to
remain in business during societal changes?

A famous example of this was start of the 1900’s when everyone relied on horses to travel to

work by horse. Then, the model-T emerged then it caused a revolutionary ripple in other


Optimization is your business plan to be the highest rated, most popular, and most influential

business in your invocation as you possibly can. This means keeping up with technology,

understanding the latest trends and having the capability to use these subjects to your business


*** Prioritization - What are the factors of the business you are going to focus on the most?


Ty Cooper

Prioritizing your company’s objective are a key factor in ensuring things are efficient. It could be

daunting when you are juggling multiple of situations simultaneously. You’ll never be able to solve

them all at once and why would you? You target the biggest liability first! Whether it’s the shipping

time, an associate of yours, legal, financial, or product enhancement. Take care of it. These

obstacles will never get any easier. Consider them like compounding interest. It may be small

now, but soon they begin to evolve.

*** Consumer Centricity - This is from the perspective of the consumer on how they benefit
from the business and how is it something they need or want (it's hard to justify a want other than

gathering user opinion)

Not being customer-centric is the biggest threat to any business. This is why famous companies

like Yahoo, blockbuster, and sears went out of business, and superpowers like FAANG

(Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google) constantly thrive time and time again. These

companies understand that the customer must be treated well and their services and easy to

understand and navigate. This pushes yourself as an entrepreneur to take pride and deliver

quality results. Also, enjoy the fruits of your work!

*** KYC - Know who is using your service and how.

Finally, for this segment, we have KYC (Know Your Customer). This is important to know

because, not only it’s required by the federal government to collect this information, but it helps

you as a business to know what your customer like and dislike. You also have an idea of who is

doing what with your product. This is why the company’s terms and conditions come in handy

(Even though no one reads it). You can’t necessarily control what your company brand or

representation will result in. People can take something and create an entire narrative out of it; if


Ty Cooper

they are creative enough. This also influences culture in society and you definitely want to scale

and expand to make an impact!

*** Allotted Resources- What are the resources you have available where you can apply to ensure this

gets completed?

*** Research - What research have you done to know what people need or not?


Ty Cooper




*** Budgeting - You can't run a business without money, and a business that doesn’t make money
doesn’t make sense.


Rapid Debt Reduction (App Featured) | Tax Deduction/ Write-Offs | Building Business Credit | Assets and

Liabilities | Using Liabilities to turn into assets | Business Insurance | Sales Optimization | Reading in

between the lines | Profitable Platforms | Budget Sheets | Balance Sheets | Seeking Investors |

Negotiating With Investors | Government Grants | Ad Spend Brief | Lines of Credit | Business Capital |

Point of Sale | Profit Projections

(Coming Soon in Part II)

*** Marketing - You can't have a successful business if users don't know anything about it.

Ad Spend (Advanced) | Advertising Platforms | Social Media Marketing |Online Adverts vs. Local Adverts

(App Featured) | Micro-Sell | Macro-Sell | Graphic Designs | Branding Content | How to be Competitive |

How to be Irreplicatical | How to be Memorable | Content Creation |Taking advantage of Special Events |

SEO | Email Marketing | Click Funnels | Event Hosting |Testimonials | Reviews | Surveys | Press Release|

Local Listing | Web Traffic | Network Marketing | Domain Search (App Featured) | Influencers |

Commercial and Video Advertisements

(Coming Soon in Part III)

*** Governance/Rules - Who is doing what inside and outside the business.


Ty Cooper

Managers | Board of Advisors | Treasure Secretary | President | Marketing Agent | Graphic Designs|

Virtual Assistance | Copyright | Trademark | Tax Forms | Tax Filing | Accountant | How to manage |

Interviewing Process| Privacy Policies | Partnerships | Manufacturing | Distribution | Maintenance and

Procedure | Social Media Manager | Email Responder | Shareholders | Contracts | NDA’s | Legal

Consultations | Operating Agreements | Asset Protection | Insurance | IPO’s | ICO’s | How to handle

controversy | Business Records

(Coming Soon in Part IV)


Ty Cooper


For The Young (Earning Income guidance for the youth/broke)

Making Money Move (Teaching proper investing strategies)

Crypto Dictionary (Learn Crypto, Use Crypto)

The Decentralized Future (Building a Blockchain Company)

Bare Minimum, Maximum Profit (Profitable strategies for less ambitious)

Money Waterfall (Ways to establish Passive Income)

Network = Net Worth (Learning to gain connections)

Making College Profitable (Leveraging your college to earn money)

Petty or Competitive (How to gain a competitive edge in your business)

Book Of Reference (Whom to follow for best assistance on a subject matter)

Selling While Broke (The name implies what it means)

If you would like your business featured in this book of reference contact me via email



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