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Just read about Ham the chimp who was sent into space,who survived an accident in space.
When he came back to Earth he was smiling, but chimps bare their teeth when they are
anxious. So basically he was anxious! He spent nearly two decades alone in a zoo after
which they transferred him to another zoo where he lived with other chimps.

Why do we do this to humans. I don't know what exactly NASA achieved by this experiment,
but for my peace of mind I will assume it was essential and unavoidable. But even then why
an animal? They must have wanted to test how living things (humans) survive in space. Why
not send a human? There are so many monsters living in jails. Terrorists, pedophiles,
rapists, murderers. Why not one of them? Science considers prisoners as vulnerable
populations, they are easy to coerce into experiments against their will. And animals aren't?
Dogs, bunnies guinea pigs, chimps… which of these has signed the informed consent form?
You wouldn't test a medicine or procedure meant for animals on a human. Then why test a
medicine or procedure meant for humans on animals? Especially when there is a whole lot
of human like monsters to choose from?

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