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home practice sequence

level i
150 W. 22nd Street 2nd Floor Sequence 1
New York, New York 10011
212 691 9642 (Wherever the time is not given, the pose should be done
according to one’s capacity and time at one’s disposal.
Repetitions are recommended over timings to avoid strain.)

1 Ta¥d›a¥sana/Samasthiti 2 Ta¥d›a¥sana/Samasthiti 3 Vr»ks»a¥sana

to UΩrdhva Hasta¥sana to UΩrdhva Baddha¥nguliya¥sana 2 x each side
3x (change interlock)

4 Utthita Trikon›a¥sana 5 Utthita Pa¥rs`vakon›a¥sana 6 Pa¥rsv`otta¥na¥sana

2 x each side 2 x each side (hands on hips; concave back)
2 x each side

7 Prasa¥rita Pa¥dotta¥na¥sana 8 Adho Mukha S~va¥na¥sana 9 UΩrdhva Prasa¥rita Pa¥da¥sana

(hands on floor, arms straight; 2x (resting version: legs up wall,
concave back) back flat on floor)
2x stay quietly for 5 minutes

home practice sequence
level i
150 W. 22nd Street, 2nd Floor Sequence 2
New York, New York 10011
212 691 9642 (Wherever the time is not given, the pose should be done
according to one’s capacity and time at one’s disposal.
Repetitions are recommended over timings to avoid strain.)

1 Utthita Trikon»a¥sana 2 Virµabhadra¥sana II 3 Ardha Utta¥na¥sana 4 Pa¥rs`votta¥na¥sana

2 x each side 2 x each side (half Utta¥na¥sana; (concave back; hands
hands on wall at on chair or blocks)
shoulder height; 2x
concave back)

5 Pra¥sarita Pa¥dotta¥na¥sana 6 Sukha¥sana 7 Baddha Kon»a¥sana 8 Vajra¥sana (UΩrdhva Hasta

(hands on floor, arms (simple cross legs; (back supported & Parvata¥sana in
straight; concave back) switch cross and twist against wall or couch) Vajra¥sana) sit with
2x to each side) 2 x sit on support for blanket between calves
several mintues and thighs)

9 Adho Mukha Virµa¥sana 10 Pavanmukta¥sana 11 Adho Mukha S~va¥na¥sana 12 Supta Baddha Kon»a¥sana
(knees apart; relax 2x (with support under
forward; then arms legs, back, and head)
forward) 2 x

home practice sequence
level i
150 W. 22nd Street, 2nd Floor Sequence 3
New York, New York 10011
212 691 9642 (Wherever the time is not given, the pose should be done
according to one’s capacity and time at one’s disposal.
Repetitions are recommended over timings to avoid strain.)

1 UΩrdhva Hasta¥sana 2 Utkat»a¥sana 3 Utthita Trikon»a¥sana

2x 3x 2 x each side

4 Utthita Pa¥rs`vakon»a¥sana 5 Vima¥na¥sana 6 Virµabhadra¥sana I

2 x each side 2 x each side 2 x each side

7 Adho Mukha S~va¥na¥sana 8 Catus`pa¥da¥sana 9 Adho Mukha Virµa¥sana 10 S~ava¥sana

2x 2x (release the back) (legs resting on chair or
support; 5 minutes)

home practice sequence
level i
150 W. 22nd Street, 2nd Floor Sequence 4
New York, New York 10011
212 691 9642 (Wherever the time is not given, the pose should be done
according to one’s capacity and time at one’s disposal.
Repetitions are recommended over timings to avoid strain.)

1 Sukha¥sana 2 Sukha¥sana Twist 3 Adho Mukha Virµa¥sana

(change cross) (simple cross legs, twist, (extend arms forward
1x change cross, and repeat) then change cross)

4 Utthita Trikon»a¥sana 5 Virµabhadra¥sana II 6 Ardha Candra¥sana

2 x each side 2x (with or without wall)

7 Adho Mukha S~va¥na¥sana 8 Bharadva¥ja¥sana 9 S~ava¥sana

2x (in chair) 5 minutes


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