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Mr. Campbell


September 19, 2018

Selecting a Major

Since childhood each person has a career dream that sometimes requires a University

education. However, when you graduate from a high school diploma, many Young people can

not find the ideal path, while it is easy for others to do so. We all know that choosing a path is all

the more difficult as parents trying to help us come to impose their choice for our own future. we

should know that choosing a major is the choice of our life for our future and that’s why we must

know who we are and what we aspire to in life. In my essay I Will show you four test I did to

better handle this decision. The first is to know what my interest are, the seconds is an

personality test, the third is to know which major is matching with my interest and the fourth is

to help me to choose a career.

Knowing your interests is the first step in the research of your major, this allows us to

properly choose the path we Will follow after graduating from secondary school. The interests

diverging from one person to another, it is in the perspective of knowing mine that I did a test

made by the Company My Next Move, who designed the “O*NET Interest Profiler” revealing

my interest. The results are below

thanks to this test I was able to recognize myself in many of the interests that were proposed to

me as being mine.

As we can all see this test say that I’m realistic, social, conventional even if the scores are not the

highest, I think that these interests are more true than other because I love all about socializing I

love helping the needy even if I’m not paid and I’m not a dreamer, I like to think about the

problems that affect our world and trying to find solution. I think that some interest are not mine

because I’m more realistic that artistic. The next results are which career They Think I can do

according to my interest.

if we stick to the results of the test they think that I could work as a concierges or special agent

of the police but I see me more as a special agent than a concierge naturally. I can say that I’m
thankful to this test that help me to know interest I didn’t know before because that helped me a

little to think about the career I can embrace.


As André Gide said in his work titled "The personality stands by its limits"

That's why we need to get to know each other because if we know our personality we will know

our abilities and limits. Thus we can better choose a major in which we Will be more or less

alaise. In order to know myself better, I did the test "16 personalities” which revealed several

facts that I did not know about me. Here are the results

I can say that I was pleasantly surprised by these results because despite the fact that I am not

turbulents I thinks these results are matching with some of my interest that are social and

realistic. Then This test is very truthful because they did an entire description of me without
knowing who I am. I think I’m a very expressive person and I like talking with many people and

help them emotionally or physically. It’s true that I’m intuitive and judging.


Always aiming to be sure of the sector that will be most in my person I also conducted a

third test made by Loyola University of Chicago. This one being supposed to propose to me a

sector which will go of pair with my personality.

Unfortunately, the choice of major proposed does not really interest me because although I like

all that attracts the social and the good of the human person, I do not see myself doing this sector

because I think it will not lead me to my goal. This test was therefore for me a small failure in

the search for my sector.

In order to know which career will matching the more with my personality I did a test

from career College. This the result

Kragbe 5

I agree with this result because I really want to work in business in the future. Even if I don’t

know yet why I want it I Think that working in business has a lot of benefits such as knowing the

economic reality of my country and others countries. I liked this test.

Eventually I can say that these test permitted me to know a lot about myself. I think that

these test helped me to choose a good major because now I know that I want to learn Finance

Works Cited

O*NET Interest Profiler at My Next Move.” My Next Move, 2018,

16 personality test,

Loyola University Chicago, test to choose a major,

Test to choose a career made by career College,


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