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Kragbe 1


Dr. Victor Gosse

COM 2301 C

November 5, 2019


TO: Mr. Nasser, the CEO

DATE: Tuesday, November 5th 2019
SUBJECT: Justification of the reimbursement and the importance of this course

As we discussed last Sunday November 3, the course that I enrolled may be very useful for me,
especially in my job. As you saw, I should be a very good decision-maker and very energized to
reach my day work. And this course match perfectly with all these characteristics.

First of all, it can help me to be more dynamic because it requires more and more energy to
master it. And an additional energy source will be very recommended for my job.
Secondly, an additional challenge will help me to stay focus on my goal and give the best of me
at work. In fact, more challenge means more efforts so that I could be more concentrated on what
I want to accomplish.

Please analyze quietly all the improvements that I can gain with this course considering the price.
Email me if you need any other information about the course

Thank you very much for taking the time to help me to become a better employee.

Copies: AKADJE, the assistant of the CEO

BROUDI, the secretary

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