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html - Index creting help website

Using the above website we can generate the indexes for a book

Script for creating index file

//DESCRIPTION: Index from word list
// Peter Kahrel --

16 Nov. 2011: fixed bug that chopped off word-final s

// List the paragraph styles to be included, using the first three

// characters of their name (case-sensitive), and prefixed with "|".
// Use "" to ignore this and include all paragraph styles

paragraph_styles = "";
//paragraph_styles = "|def|sec";

// 'true': search documents case-sensitively,

// 'false': ignore case
case_sensitive = true;

// Replace index?
replace_index = true;

// Ignore text after comma?

comma_split = false;

// Ignore text after parenthesis?

paren_split = false;


Create word-list. To create separate indexes,

prefix items with any of the symbols £ % & @.
Open the word list and all files to be concordanced.
The word list document's name must have 'topic list' in its name.


index_from_list ();

function index_from_list ()
var listName = environment_check();
var list = get_list (app.documents.item(listName));
//app.activeDocument.close (SaveOptions.yes);
var displ = init_progress ();;
index_documents (list, listName, displ);

function index_documents (word_list, listName, displ)

var docs = app.documents.everyItem().getElements();
for (var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++)
if (docs[i].name == listName) continue; // Skip the list itself
displ.docName.text = docs[i].name;
if (replace_index == true)
try {docs[i].indexes[0].topics.everyItem().remove()} catch (_){};
if (docs[i].indexes.length == 0)
docs[i].indexes.add ();
for (var j = 0; j < word_list.length; j++)
displ.pbar.value = j;
// split word-list entry into item to search and item to use for index
var search_item = get_search_item (word_list[j]);
var new_topic = docs[i].indexes[0].topics.add (word_list[j]);
//delete prefixed symbol, if any
app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = search_item;
var found = docs[i].findGrep();
for (var k = found.length-1; k > -1; k--)
// if the found string's parent paragraph style name begins with d,
q, or n
if (style_ok (found[k]))
new_topic.pageReferences.add (found[k],
} catch(_) {/* not interested in errors */}
} // for (k
} catch(_){}
} // for (j
// ();
//doc.close ();

// Take an item from the word list and create a search item:
// split word-list item on comma. If that fails,
// split on parenthesis. If that fails too, return the whole item.
// Wrap string in word-boundary markers and
// prefix the case-insensitive code, if necessary.

function get_search_item (s)

// delete prefixed symbol
s = s.replace(/^[£%&@]/, "");
if (comma_split) {
// delete anything from comma or parenthesis
s = s.replace (/\s?[,(].+$/, "");
// add word boundaries
s = "\\b" + s + "\\b";
if (case_sensitive == false)
s = "(?i)" + s;
return s;

function style_ok (w)

return ((paragraph_styles == "") ||
( ( (0,3)) > 0))

function get_list (doc)

var story = doc.pages[0].textFrames[0].parentStory;
// Remove trailing spaces
app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "\\s+$";
app.changeGrepPreferences.changeTo = "";
story.changeGrep ();
// Remove serial spaces
app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = " +";
app.changeGrepPreferences.changeTo = " "
return story.contents.split ('\r');

function environment_check ()
if (app.documents < 2)
errorM ('Open a word list and \rthe documents to be indexed.')
var listDocName = findTopicList();
if (listDocName == null)
errorM ('Open the document with the topics to be marked (it should have "topic list" in its
// The list document is now the active document
if (app.documents.item(listDocName).pages[0].textFrames.length != 1)
errorM ('The list document should have one text frame on the first page -- not more, not fewer.');
return listDocName;

function findTopicList() {
var docs = app.documents.everyItem().getElements();
for (var i = docs.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (docs[i].name.toUpperCase().replace(/[\x20_]/g,"").indexOf('TOPICLIST') > -1) {
return docs[i].name;
return null;

function set_find_options ()
app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeLockedLayersForFind = false;
app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeLockedStoriesForFind = false;
app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeHiddenLayers = true;
app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeMasterPages = false;
app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeFootnotes = true;

function errorM (m)

alert (m);

function init_progress ()
var w = new Window ('palette', 'Concordance');
w.alignChildren = ['left', 'top'];
w.docName = w.add ('statictext', undefined, '------');
w.docName.characters = 40;
w.pbar = w.add ('progressbar', undefined, 1, 50);
w.pbar.preferredSize = [270,20];
return w;

1. Save the above file in .js or .jsx extension and put the file in the following folder -
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CC 2018\Scripts\Scripts Panel

2. Create a indesign file named ‘topic list’ and type all words one by one without comma(,)
and save the file

3. Open script window, goto the Window->Utilities->Scripts

4. Then right click the java script file (index_topics_list.js ) and run the file.

5. Open the Index - goto Window->Type & Table->Index - In the index panel click the generate

The above js file is in my google drive

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