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I recommend you read this story because it gives you a lesson to not be distracted in classes
because you can cause an injury or a wound to your partner Even something more serious
especially in the physical education classes. Yesterday when I finished the literature class, I was
going to start recreational workshops and I realized that Britney was playing the same
workshop as me, so I told him to go together. When I was practicing on the volleyball court
with my Friends; the teacher started his class. First we started by heating, after that, the
teacher divided as into groups, the first group was formed by the selection, lastly the second
group was formed by beginners. While the teacher was organizing, my friend taught me what
were the steps to make a pass. A long time ago, when the teacher finished explained how to
do the exercises, a girl threw the ball fell on my face. In this moment I was paralyzed for the
impression, then the girl comes over to apologize, I told him not to worry. Finally I told the
teacher what had happened, he gave me permission to go to the topic.

Now I'm more attentive to classes to not cause problems. I'm also more careful with the work
materials and I don't take it as a game anymore.

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