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Case Analysis – Ivey Publishing: Making A Case for Paying the Price

MGMT-6135-30-20W – Essential Skills for Management Professionals


Ivey Publishing is a global publishers and distributer of business cases, the business environment of
this company began to change since 2012 because of the technological development of digital area.
people are able to download unauthorized or free materials in the internet through pirate website
like BitTorrent. As a result, most of Business students from University and collages are not purchasing
Ivey cases instead they are copying from other students. this is creating a big issue for the company to
sell their valuable product and covering their costs.


From 2012 the sales of the Ivey case studies and continues to decrease, because their customers were
able to make duplicate copy of the case studies. As a result of this trend, there would be more
financial problems in the company.


This problem exist because of piracy download, there is no effective restriction for this and it is
cheaper to make a copy of authorized product.


The Ivey publisher's main revenue is the sales from its material mostly from students. The
organization have to pay its case writers and have many expenses to cover. If less students are buying
and other students are copying, the organization might not able to continue to operate without
covering its expenses.


Generally the customers are more responsible for this issue. Their buying behavior is extremely
effecting the company.

1.One of the solution for this issue is that to provide premium packs or updates. The company should
upload case videos and other additional materials relating to the case studies for only its customers.
for example, EA sports company had the same situation in recent years. people were downloading
their games from Torrent or another file sharing websites. So they developed a new method that is
updating their games each week and only authorized user can play career mode and multiplayer. This
is reduced piracy of their game.

2. Digital resource management (DRM) system might solve this issue because it would restrict digital
access and may prevent unauthorized file sharing or copying. It is restricting the file by itself and
restricting the ability to copy or print the file.

3. The organization should re-modify their website including more secure and user-friendly system.
Furthermore, they should give discounts and offers to their loyal customers.

4. Encourage students and professors to buy the cases and explain them the value that case studies
providing, the importance of case studies in their courses.


I would recommend the first alternative solution because the student would start to realize the value
of the product and they will get additional resources and it would be easy for them to analyze, learn
and solve new cases. As a result, they would most likely go to buy it because it will be helpful for them
to get higher scores in thier courses.

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