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I have learned many things about myself in my life, some of this knowledge are very important and it

helped to overcome several situations. Here are the Two of them. 1) I am a creative person – I have a
habit of thinking deeply about something, I always try to figure out solutions for everything. When I was
studying commerce subjects in high school, I always thought a useful business formula to help my
father’s business. My father has business in Sharjah, supplying electrical equipment for several
construction companies. I researched about the best electrical equipment agents in several locations.
Finally, five days of searching, I found a new dealer in China and I shared this to my father. Possibly, it
benefited him to earn more profit. 2) I am a good leader – encouraging people was an important factor
in my career. I was a football player in one of the best football club in Doha, Qatar. During these years
my team had to face many tough opponents, even my club failed various tournament, I always motivate
my teammates to gain strength for the tournaments. As result, I promoted as a caption in my clubs after
6 months from joining the club. These are the 2 things that I learned myself and applied this knowledge
in various situations.

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