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‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL CHARACTERS Perzan0xo Hero | Thieves Gustave Lavy Howe PEE per nieces Duroxr-Durorr Sexron Durens-Dorore Joxion ‘Tue Town Cans ‘Tite Poricawan ‘Tue Nossa ‘Tae Lirsue Go. ‘Tar Mosca rea . Thieves’ Carnival ACT ONE The public gardens of « wotring-Hlace which sew its heydey in the 1880's. In the middle, o bandstand. Tie orchesra is represented by @ single Mostans, ‘eho ef the rv of he Curtain fs executing slo of Superlative tus onthe carint A woman deck Chair Arvasoas goes to and fro. Summer Vistrons Sirol up and down 10 the rhythm of the music. In the Joregroud Eva ond Vicon ore lcked in roma rac irae Pe MUSIC spe, So det the bts, rom which Hiscron merges, reelng a hile, Applause for the Musician. are cron. (Covered coon) Kay sendy, Taye splaadig ‘Eva. (Bursts out loughing.) OF course not, it's the orchesra. Tmust say you appeal to me enormously. Hisctos. (Insintvely gering his hair ond. mous ‘ache) What do you ke about me specially? ‘Eva. Everything. (She blows him ies.) We mustn't say er to i, eno tg a Ta ihe Pheete bar. And if you should mest me’ with my fun, whatever you do, pretend you don't krow me. ‘isctoe. (Yearning) Your ite hand, once more. Eva. Careful. My au’ old fiend Edgard is over there by the bandstand reading his pape. Hell see us. (She ‘olds out her hand, but turn eway 10 watch Lon Encarn) Hiscton. (Passonately,) I want to inhale the perfume ot your hand? (He bends over her hand, ond surrepitiosly drows « jewelers eyeglass jrom his pocket to take © closer Io at Eins rings Eva selthdrws her ond ow arwor of the manazere) 3 ‘ ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL nor va. Til tonight. (She goer, Fvtron (Weak a he Lae) My beloved (He Jol te ef hte cme! ea fo ti tig one Sond muttrs thi sl ore Spo tne honed thousand. And oot Sante ot (At this pont th Town Cnn enters with i dram end ‘he cred gotherrownd to lst) “Town Cees, Towssnen of Vichy! The Municipality, snsious 0 ihe welteng td any othe {iva and baths, fests a warning forth Informe: tion and protection? Numerous complaints from vilrs five ben lodged tthe Towa Hal anda the mala pole Salon, Marker Street. A dangerous pack of pickle (He has little trouble with this word, at which the CLARINET lays 0 little eccompaniment. The ‘Towne Cae fringe round on him, furious.) —a dangerous pack of Citas the CLARINET renders the word in music) is ht this very hour within our gates. The local police json the watch. Members of the Force, in plain clothes and in uniform, are ready to protect our vsitors— (Indeed, coen as he speats Poviceaen are thread ing their several ways gracefully through the CxowD.) Visitors are nevertheless requested to exercise the greatest possible caution, particularly on the highway, in public parks and in all other places of public resort. A reward in ind is tered by the Tourist Association to anyone sp- [pling information leading to the apprebenson of ns! Tell your friends! (A roll of DRUMS. During the proclamation Hiscror has welicved the Town Caren of his enormous copper ‘watch and bulging purse. The Cuown scatters, ond the DRUM ond the HARANGUE ore heard ogcin further off. Hacron takes teat, ond the CHAI ‘woman approaches.) ‘Cuamwouan. Will you take a ticket, sir, please? scr ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL 1 Hacron. (Largely.) Since it's (Cuatmwouan, That be five francs, (White Hzcrox fees for the money, the Womax steals his wallet, then the huge watch ond the purse he has just taken jrom the Town Care.) Hiucron. (Seling the hond om its nest sip into his ‘ecket) Hey! What do you think you're up to? (Pha Womas sia to fee here, ond lve hr ig.) Have gone cary? (le ft hi own wig and monstacke tiie) Rene 4 (Phe Cac Arann raat Br wie Peen Pp avo. Sy, lt eap 1 etn, Had a god ‘Hrcro. The purse anda watch, anda cigarette li Prramono”(Eraminig hem)‘ Know int wate 15 oars er ee ‘rexel? Heke 8 ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL (he Gn ies im coin) (prstnnono begins 1 36 : rrrmpn, chenge! {cll you I've got no change! No Giang" do you hear? No change at all, T keep on tling me, soul "Necron. Whats this? No. change, h?,Eacuse satiate allow ime to pu this islet aaa Mrpsce! here foes e tile wnder cover of which Hacrn (THe spe the tp of the gts necce,) so aay tg te ee Cine rae ais aS Pare Sia Ss omy me eer td aoa Sie ieee ea aarti ord aati ane eae eniiiiaan it mati eee pa oieirne rears Ere monary Bee manera Se irk ba dana ta ‘complain to the union if you dare! 1'l tell them a thing Seatac areata fet ‘tave.) You! You haven't done a stroke today, naturally! aie ecu hoe naa a Fa re moa vce af as Yi ls ra ise rn rs ert Rew ol coer te Sica se et eer) ant eet : ar Seca a eet PE oe tm rea one Ym Da roe TeonQRMRhS Sar scr ‘THIEVES CARNIVAL ° ow.) That was me, idiot, that was me! At this rate we'll be lucky if we cover our expense! _qGisTarE But The gt something ee, Mr, Petrone, ‘Permmpowo. (Profound discouraged.) VWs some- ‘hinges you stole rom me you can imagine my curiosity. genes We ava thing va ae And she oaks “incron, Jumping up) Good God! Dont say i's the sane gi A redhead? About twenty-ive? Name of Eva? Gosrave. No, Da hai, about twenty. Name of Jule Hecron Ob, thats alight rrmong, Win di yo ge stave. Nothing yt. But helped her fh aid ot of te Theres Fours, We at inthe son to Gry and we ft talking. Se told me she Tked me. Permanow, Any jewels? Gsrate One very fine peat Prrnono, Good. We must Took into that. Hector, can you spar moment this ateroon? other engage” en pera? stave NOV 1 ke to handle this mye Prramzoxo. What's this? Whats this? Handle it your sal would you? Well whatever next? Gustave Te was me she took a fancy to. afeziaaono. All he more reson, Hecior wil swallow ‘Gustave No, I tll you! Not tis one! Prrassono, (Severdy,) Gustave, listen to me. Your 4s assistant decoy. You're ‘That's fine. I was amt ys you have to work your Way haere isthe finest profesional seducer I know this side of ‘Monte Carlo. There's a chap who hits the bal’ eye three times out of four, and take it from me, that’s a pretty ‘handsome average. You don't mean to tell me that you, 10 ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL ner mere apprentice, expect to turn out better work than at? ‘Gustave. To hel with it! Il get her for myself Pepto. (Tiht-ippe.) 1700 who dahon the side in your spare time there's nothing to stop you You'l owe me just the sixty-five percent on what Jou sake, that’s all Hiecron. (Who has Been watching @ Nussmuat during this eltercalon) Peter? ‘Puremnowo. Hector? Hiscron. ‘That ‘mursemaid over there. See the gold chain? se 5 Peremnoxo. (Contem Pooh! It’s ramon, (Contemptuouly.) probably PrrannoNo. Very well, if you're set omit, Well give her the “Three Musketeers” Hrcror. Three Musketeers Manceuvre? Prrmanono. It’s the classic routine for nursemaid. Number one gets off with ber, umber two plays ten litle pigs with the baby, and- number ‘three starts mbisting bugle-calls without break to make her senses (They g0. Enter Laoy Hone and Joxserre.) Jouterrs. The little boy was barely five years old. He ‘ras only in up to his waist, but he was frightened and be kept falling over. He would have drowned, ' sure. Lapy Horr. How dreadful! Have you noticed all these [ttle chimney-pot hats everywhere? How absurd they Jeurrrs, Fortunately this young man came to the rescue, He was wonderful, and very sweet. Lavy Hunr. All children are sweet at five, But at twelve they begin to get silly. That's why T never wanted any. Jouerre. 1 was about the young man, Aunt. ‘Lapy Horr. Oh yes, of course. ‘There's another of art ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL n those grotesque litle hats. The young man was very smeet-—yes, go on. jouer. Thats al ‘Hoar, We must invite hin to dinner, Joutrrre. He's gone. Pd never seen him before. Loy Hr. Good. One always Enows ‘ar too many pple. Besides, T'can't sand stories about drowning, or poor unc swam lke «lump of lead He drowned ‘msl seven tiny cold ave bein. A, res Elgar Edgad, have you seen Bra ‘Toro Evca. (Appearing rom behind his poper) How axe you, my deat? ‘ow Hune T asked if you'd seen Eva. Ta Enoano, Eve? Noy T haven’ That's very odd. ‘Now what can Thave dove with her? Pechape aes at the Bathe ‘Lapy Hurr, At seven o'clock at night? Don't be sil. Jouerre. Shall we try the Poenix bar? She often goes Lao Huey. Edgard, don't stir from this spot for any reason whatsoever. ‘Loxo Boeaxo. Very good, Laoy Horr. (Going) But after her. ‘Lord Epoano. Very good, my dear. Laox Hnr. Or better still, don't; you'd only lose her —Just come and tell us which way she went. ‘Lon Ecaxb. Very good, my dear. aby Hoar. On second thoughts, no. You'd never man- age to find us. Send one attendant after her, another at- {endant to let us know, and put a third in your place to tell us where you've gone so.we can pick you up on the ‘way bome if we should happen to be passing. ‘Lorn Eocaro. Very good, my dear. He retires, stunned, behind his paper. Bait Lao Huxy (ie Sk ouerae Eater the Doeats Doron, [eter ‘and som, accompanied by the litle fig on the clarinet, ‘which ie thelr sigmature te.) OF ou you se Be, rn = senevar) CARNAL, | co ps Sonn ile ey eo atom sta era ee ae Peel do ae ane Bie Sn ay ts tage ad ak rig orang be a ee ee is es DD. fad ‘What does that matter? Tele with, DD. Sor, Wi Se Oat a eae aoe aber TSS RSLS eect aaa B.D Sao. Sn inate ny area no u ances Sy an oe this marriage, ‘Nothing short of that will put our bank 2 NC ec tary sed pay os sem te act ; D.D. Sentor. We couldn’t wish for more propitious oe Sea ee a ie aa eee ee oe See ee bak (teams tis Dore -borers, {=a eal aed te Rieti eat og me rt oe a ee ge ee eee cere cater ne ome aa the other side. They all perjorm a flirtatious Ballet round the Nurse@ar, the mancesores of the ole rand he Nee See Recars soe indo es eae ‘ras, Die Newt foal ere othe abbey ta el can staan nde Se a a ee er exit of the Poicemen and the NuRsEMAID.) Perensowo. (Thwarted.) Lads, that’s the first tine Libs = ser ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL 3 Te ever known the Three Musketeers Maneuvr to mis- any. Tor Horr. (To Loxo Eooaap.) Well, Edgard ms dear and what Have you done with yoursall today? ‘Ueno Eooano. (Surpried and embarresed at aboays af ae Hons tatomary sbrapincs) Tet read Aor Hons. (Str) The se a yseday? Tor Eocauo. (Ingonousty,) Not the same copy as yaaa (Inge ty.) ‘copy Tiscron. (Who hat deem walching the scene, gives @ ‘tule of ednrtion) Se tv past enaowo” Four lions! icon How about it? Whats it to be? Russian princes ‘Perrmooxo. No, She knows her onions by the look of ter, Ruined Spanish noblemen. Gustave. That's bright of you, Whenever you mas- gerade Spires pole ee tHe «Couple of Perexsoxo. Quiet, shaver! You're speaking of a trade youl nothing abou. ee stave, Well anyway, if you think Ti dressing up as your ecleslatial seerttary Tike the last time, ts 20 BF ot wearing cul to he eat Tempo, Gustave, you're trying my patience! Come slong, home! Hector and Twill be Spans Grandes, and Sou'l put on that cssock, beat or no heat (The unwilling Gustave it Borne away, to the accompani- ‘ment of litle jig om the clarinet.) Lapy. Hone. (Who has been deep in thought.) Bagard, the situation is grave— ‘Lox Eocaxo. T know. According to the Times, the Empire — ‘Lapy Hoar. No, no, here. Lown Evcanp. (Looking round him ansiously) Hore? ‘Tan Hap, Listen to me. We have two tender creatures, nour care. Intriguet are fermenting—marriages are ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL sort ‘brewing. Personally T can’t keep track of them—it gi Ie the vertigo. Who fs to uncover them, Edgnrd, who is {to supervise them? HEayea you in te mst of thee thre saterbrats. ‘Lond Epona, That leaves me aor Hour. Which is another way of saying nobody. am perplexed, excesively perplexed. Anything may pen satrap Inrgun spring pander en Very fect like so mach fongle vegetation: Should we do Bete‘ lee Vichy, 7 mondrr Quah we pra bury ourselves in sone rustic backwater? Edgar, ft Fenver's sake say something! You are the gusdian of these two young things, aren't you? 5 ‘fons Eooars: We tight ask Dupont-Dufort his advice. He seems tobe a man of character ‘aor Hump. A deal too toch character, What nny you te Hie he ata om whom eat nee Depont-Duferts are after our m ‘Lon Encaxp. But they're rich. ae Lapy Huae, Exactly. That's what worries me. They're itera ft of money. An investment or a mariage ste tent. Our two ite ones with their mifions are exe "eTond Booker Could we not telegraph to Eaglnd? nD Epona, Could we not telegraph to Lavy Huy. What for? ee zo Hunt. Sean Yard might edo a dette. apy Hone. That would be'a great help, T mst ‘They're crooked as corkscrews, the lot of them! "no Kona, We probit nee al iAoe Hone. Edgar, you simply must bestiryoursel. Our fate, the girls’ and mine, is in your hands. TLowo Hooano. (Looks att had, very worded) T don't Know that I'am very well equipped. scr ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL 5 ‘Lawr Husy. (Sternly,) Edgard, do you call yourself aoe Horr. Then make a decision! Loum Epcako. (Pirmly,) Very welll 1 shall neverthe tess summon a. detective’ from’ Scotland ‘Yard, with @ ‘pedal provito that I want him honest aoe Hore. Over my dead body! Tf he's honest, bel pliner with the Kitchen-naids and he won't wach. Tt ‘il be insuferable. And yet I don't know why T should Be ualing you all this. What do I want with absolute security? Tim as bored asa pice of old carpet! ‘Lore Enoas, Oby my dear Lane Hun. Thats all Tam, a piece of old carpet. Tomo Encaro, You, who were once 0 beautiful Uior Hon Yes the nieten hundred Ob, T could scream with ragel {want to enjoy ny lst few year trent to Taugh a litle Sisty years I've spent deluded ito Tie a serious business, That snty_ years 00 Kg am nthe mond ar, for x ea oe of ‘Lorn Epcaxo. Nothing dangerous, T hope? Lane Hun. I don't know. 1 see what occurs to me (Skeleont towrds him) tink I should like to massicre {be Dupont-Dutflors (ln they come, accompanied by ther particular ite tune, cme oth Bva ond JOLIET) D.D. Seok. How are you today, milady? DID, Jono Midyear DD. Sexson. Ab, dear Lomo Eooaxa- (Drawing hin aside) Take the greatest posible care DD. Sexion. But why, milord? Tors Eoosso, Hiusht {ean tell you, But take care Leave Vieby. . DD. orion. We ran into these ladies on the promen- de, E 6 ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL nor Eva. Vicky's am impossible place, Nothing to do, o- were to go, and all the men afe hideous ‘Dib. Josron. Ob, how tre! Quite, gute hideous, al of them! Dr, Sraon, All of them! (Aside ois om.) Excelent thing for oe Tvs. have an engagement tonight, Aunt. I shall be late for dinner “if Fm Back at all ‘B.D. Seton (side o his son.) With you? DD: Jorton. No Joumtmn, Bra, {havent told you. I recued tle boy who fell into the Termes Fountain, and 1 met ah nchanting young man, who helped me t'save Bi ‘Lane Hine folet tale of nothing ee (The Dorons-Durorts look at eachother ensouly.) DD. Simon Was at you? BB: fomcn: No ateder Wert the oon we mew dyad cide Pe Sint plant New Heep, teh ack Nal? cndhe ol the ean Yous by chance? 3 No Mins al with ed al Joust aod Bib" Sroe: (Wizpes) Sony, you hae abot fot isu (hatin ook) le ter ae fou bolt oie) tee es ou mus ge ten anton af yor tect Gr You cul ave rc te dd hh rat LIE Of, thecal would fave been qe wees. ‘rae Thomes Pima tony iio eke ep (Towards the end of this scene, PerERDONO, at @ very noble—all too noble—old Spanish gentleman, He ‘tor as a Grande, an equally spectacular achieve tment, and ‘Gustave, their ecclesiastical secretary, come'in and slowly approach the others.) ner ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL Prraanono, Cael, This is big game. Stay ose, and ale as Soe rcron. Your monoce Prranaono, The big at, “Nobles oblige” Walt for the wd gu Gustave tre poos tebod (The CLARINET strikes up 6 march, hero ond wlira- ‘paneh Suddenly Lane Hon who hes bet wach ine this carious tio, rans to them end Tivos her Shs rowed Paraxnono's neck) Laov Hunr. Why, if it ov that dear dear Duke of Mrafons! (atustc stops) Przsazono, (Sirfrited ond uneey.) Us? Lae Hose: Don say you've forgotten! Biarts 1902. ‘Tae luncheon parties et Fompeluna! The bulk hts! ad at ermgoxe, Ab—! Lady Hurt, Balbights. Lonch Dear fend. (To te offer te.) T must have made ep Ts one of ber acquaintances ‘ape Hone. Tam so, 20 happy! t was disintegrating wih boredom. But where i the Buches? Person, Desd (TREMOLO from the orckestr,) Lior Hone. Ob, heavens! And your cousin the Count? Fermin. Dead (TREMOLO jrom the orchestr.) Lay Hunr. Ob, heavens! And your frend, the Ad- nial Prrrazoxo, Ako ded ‘The ORCHESTRA Berns funeral march) (erntnnono tat to his fonds.) Saved Taov Hunn My poor frend. So many funerals Prrmpono. Aus However, may T present my son Don Hector? And ny eclesastcalsereary, Dom Pet ra 8 ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL ner eee sem eon a 7 ae a a a vt a ae "Lany Hur. (Stern) What's the matter? Do you Saeeew eee i Bee RS Sat am See eee aie er raters eee cere cc taal be ae re Ser erewes Sosoecames tone in aD cee oe pea reins a ae gma potrcrnarre Soa SEP AER LE hoe et Saye as re obs a es (olay bee Go Bee tion. Gustave has a Geehpeeres ‘his brief- Coen nee eee Speen Pane Pee hats aa Purzsnono. (Nudging Hector) Undreamed of. scr ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL 9 Hacrox. (Nudping Petexvoxo) Yes. Undreamed of — sbeoltely undreamed of (im ther lee, they go much t00 Jor, but no one seems to notice.) Lior Hong. Your son is most char think so, Eva? Eva. Ves. Prmmapono. He was the most dashing ofcer in the cantie Spanish army—before the revolution Laby Huar. Alas! You suffered a great deal? ‘Perexpono, A great deal Lior Hur. Where are you staying? Not at an hotel? Permapowo. (Vaguely.) Yes ‘Lov Hoxr. Its out of the question, Edgard! The Duke is staying at an hotell ‘Lomo Epoano. But, my dearest, T assure you Lior Hoar. Be quiet! Dear Duke, you cannot, you simply cannot stay at an hotel. Will you do us the honour of accepting cor humble hospitality? Our villa is enormous, fnd we shall put the west wing entirely at your disposal Paremsoxo. Certainly, certainly, certainly, certainly— (Stupendous nudging between Perexnoxo and Hrcron. ‘The Durowt-Duronts exchange crestfallen glanc #6) Laoy Hux. You may, needless to say, bring your (She looks enquiringly at Gustave.) T5 he Tooking for something? PerEmsono. A document, yes. Dom Petrus! Gustavm. (Emerging from the brie|-case) Your Grace? (Hle has put om some dark glasses.) ‘Lay Huxr, Has be got bad eyes? Perensoxo. Oh, very bad. His condition requires a certain arpount of care. T coulda’t burden you with bis presence. Dom Petrus, we shall accept Lady Hurf's gen: frou fer of hospitality. Call atthe hotel, wil you, and hve our luggage sent on. And stay there until further Don't you 20 ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL ie notice. You will collect the mail and come to us each morning for instructions. Gustave, (Purious.) But, your Grace— Prrexpoxo. Enough! Gustave. Your Grace— Perexnowo, Off with you! (Hxeron gives Gustave a push, ond he wanders rec: ‘tantly away.) Lavy Homr, (Moved.) Just as be used to bel That same commaniiog tone the woeal magic of the Mn forest Your cousin bad ito. Prressono. Alas! Lior Hon. How did he de? Prnzanono. Er, how be died? Low Horr, Weel was so fond of im. Prerzapono. You want me to relate the circumstance ot hs passg? Lor Har ven ae aabon0. (Tums to Hcvon i his panic.) Well He we c povic) (Hlxcron mimes @ motor accident, but this PxrHOs® connot grasps) Perttono, He dled inane a Lavy Tox. Al, poor fellow! He always was € But your wile, the dear Duchess? Prteasowo, Dead, Laoy Hun. Ye, know. But how? ncron touches his heart several times, parson? stow fo take the suggestion, bt a he has m2 lion whatever himsel) he gives wey) Przeanoro, of love wr Flonr. (In confusion Ana'yout end the Admiaip) OM TPB 7 mxooN®. Aby now the Admiral— (He looks ot Hecror, whe indicates that be BE Sito eas Hage sa adatom para! _ EEE scr ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL x Drowned, But please excuse me, you are reopeni wounds which tine has not yet healed, ns ‘Lavy Hn. Oh, forgive me, dear friend, forgive mel (fo the Oras.) Wont bresding! What grandeur fa twenty! Don't you think so, Edeard? Tord Boone. My’ dear, 1 stl insist that— Laoy Hunr. Do stop insisting. Can't you see the Duke is sferiog? DD. Seton. (To his som.) Let ws join in the convers- DD. Jomon, What an appalling avalanche of mis f cy, Sree aera arnt (ism ten) maton eas areas EO eee eee emma tie mths cee eee Pee elena cat ibaa oe oe Se are Vari oz ct ae = ae a Hon, (To the Oris) He's wandering le mene ese tera FRE Syaetments right away. ‘The vila is close by, at the aioe mets ae tg es ecm drm § Sng self, but magnificently dressed.) ce ol mg oe ge ae fy Fe ec Get ends rae rms cmv a {Leon Cat, yu he nah ma "Hun ning oh) sh ttaacan (ie po tt ta 0 fie ta gn rem ns spun itp Lavy Horr. Come along, Edgard ‘ fa Gir bor RS a a ("hyn poe btn Lom a ces Jerr (Goran) Now ep a ‘me what is going on? beer ctr Ph ci (They g0 too. The Duroxt-Dovosts ere ‘eft alone) BB. fen Titer yee ae See ar ae nh i a el i i sie eames (They 50.) ACT TWO se wen «pores i ey Eevee orses =e fees Heath og errs Fe Se tet a AaEeS fa Rete rear eara Se Sc mast oehaSss soe SNe Saree Do yout Tats hay. mio ie me (ty afro cs a Sn eee fase Jutterre. Don Pedro, what's the matter? We were eee ee SSeS (1 pane a trace, papers.) ak va ol Pio) rhe ad the endeavour, Il set my mind at rest. (He drops his 9) MES STWLSL ett hn fs) Dal see oe ate hr apt) Bo Senay Bet eet oe Seeder ie mee mea ne Lee ms es 4 ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL aor Gustave. What is he looking for? He's done nothing but ferret about among those old papers since we came here. Jour. T dont know. He's a litle mad Only bes painstaking as well, you see, so sometimes the results ae ‘(a urerce Gree comes in.) on, Mere’s my lite fiend Ciba Merete Jlete, Tv peed some ce you "Jourerre, Thank you, darting Cte. ‘They haven't many petals. Daddy says thy SJouerre, Never mind Gro. Shall T get some others? Jourerre. No, Yes. You're very sweet (She sts he) Run aay nom Crt Soe.) Joctnrre turns to" Goscave, shamefaced.) Do you think Selly of mer ees stave. No. Jouterre, You said you loved me, Don Pedro yet fr thie days now you haven't even locked at me. Gustave: T do love you Julette Jouerre, Then why} Gostave. Pean' tell you. Jousrre. My father wasn't tiled, T know, bot my sunt isa Lady, and my grandfather was an Hoaoure Gosrave. How funny you are: It svt tat Jourerre. Do you thiak the Duke of Miradores woud consent to my marrying your Gustave. (Smiling) Tm sure be would. Jousrre. ‘Why do you Took so sad then, if you lt ime and everyone soprover? nae eat tl you, re But you do tel, hme and Joa one day?) 7 Sat ustavE. would be lying if tld you T fl that. Joustre, (Turning away) That's dakind of oo. scr a ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL as Gustave, Careful. Here's your cousin, T's getting dark. T want Sou, Come into the yot ts tlle everyting (Phe MUSIC Jade 08 they g0, BVA comes in, Jolowed ‘by Hacron, n totaly ‘igernt make-up from The ee wort Act) ese cron. Thre, you se, they've left ws he place to unclen Eva But I don't fn the Hast need a pace to myself— ate iy oft leapt mys que ely pat cond sound us Fiscron How cre you ael Eva Ido ike you Ton erel fo thse ds. 18 inlmy mature: Baton the otber band, when sone {pon Tome, ere’ Ral anyting {woulda do fr Tncrox. (Im despair) Why, why can I not manage to sopalt vot ssecn inet” ‘Eva, You know perfectly well why. You're not the same Hcron, What abominable absent-mindedness! This lsguis,T tall you, fe the fancy of an aristocrat weared {o death of his wn personality, pastime which afords Hin an'excape front his oppresive self” And for this accursed fancy, most Tote my love? ia remamber wih delight youne man whe spoke to me in the park. Find hint for me. T'might stl think Hin lovable Hscton. This is ridiculous! Won't you even tell me it Tim getting warm? At least tell me, did T have a beard when I first appealed to you? Eva. But it woulda't amuse me if T were to tell you. Hcron. (Who has turned away to change his make-up, turns back again swearing a completely new face.) Tt ‘wast like this, T suppose? Eva. (Im a burst of laughter.) No, ob nol Hircros. Yet you remember my voice, my eyes? ‘Eva. Yes, but it isn't enough. 6 ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL ner Hieron. Yim the same height as Twas. Tim tal, well toll assure you Tam, very well ball ‘Bra Tonly jadge by fs Hivgron, his horrible! Horrible! 11 never ld the facs'that pleased you, ever! Tt wass' as a woman, by ay chance? Teva, Wit do you take me for? Heron. Or as Chinaman? Eva Youre evidently out of your mind, 1M watt fren again. Pena gos 2 oe urthero ; he starts to follow her ear tot for evens ke will f No, tor so! For heavens cake will you stop wed ance your bead ovay ive mia ‘Youre mating iy head spin. “ieevon. Stricken) And to tink tat idlotPeterbono keeps on searing f was as atest pot! (Loro Bacio croties the room laden with popes.) Lox EncAnp. This is unthinkable! I must find this letter, from which the truth will spring in such a curious (te sees Wincron in his latest makeup, dope Bs Papers and leaps on him.) At lst! "The detective from Scotland Yard. ‘Hrcror. No sir. (He makes to go.) soedaly sipated secu Bot ooh be al Tat ys secrecy. But don = ‘Lord Edgard in person, You may disclose your identity. ite, Ul you Tim not the man youre eng fe goes. yl Eooann. (Following him) 1 set 1 sel Peet ‘u're keeping word for word to. my instructions ftremed the need for ution (Lave Hoar enters, holding « maposine) taoy Hay. My tle Eva is bore, it seh (Eva smiles ond 1891 nothing. Unseen by Lane Hon, ‘iscron comes back mn Shther make, whe vcr ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL 7 Aiently shows Tv. She shakes her head ond he felbey, heap heared, Lioy Hun putt dow her tagazine lho igh) Libr Huns, My lle Eva sas bored as she canbe. Eu (Wh ooh) Vex, Aunt Line toe. 0 am, dang, very bore, va Only Ty tweety fv, so You see, is rather sad. Lise Honr. You'l sce How much sder it can be wen you are snty. For you there's aways love, you Tay gus Bs several years now ince Tofiially we mou ra Ob, love! Lior Hone, What a deep sigh! Since youve been a iw, srely you've had avert Tn Tae hada singe one who loved me Eisvitore. You want the moon I your lovers bore you marty ave of them. ‘bat wil give the bers a Bd teaton fv Marty? Whom? Lior Hus? Necles to say these Dupont-Daferts ccagparate us both, What about the Spsiars? Seta er ccs nig nom ia the hope of redacovering the cue tat stp Peale to me. ‘Li Hox. Truly appealed to you? Brn (Smiling) dot remembet. Lior tone eye carious Individuals Bn Way? Lady Hote Oh, T dont know. Tel you, Tm am ott cos wh dot ino wa to 0 wth heal Te ad everthing a wotnan could reuonably, oF ve SO facet, nb for Money power, lve Now Sat Tim old fel at aloe inside my kin as Td a a Tle fil and ‘dey made me face the wall when 1 been Etch, And heres te ruby know that between that Hite gl end old womad, tere hasbeen, under the harvard the nous, nothing but even eater inane vA Te always thought of you as happy. s THIEVES’ CARNIVAL La Foxy. You don'ts much, do you? 1 ap eat ng a 78 a Al Four ows you pay Baty git Yel at der air) Cu, Std, you wl always ng (SA, ober toed by deen it changing bend Pao ourage to tell one of them: stay as you arent ine Don’t think yourself a martyr now. All women are te samme. My lide Juliette, though, will come trou Se awe she ia romantic: Her simplicity il nave het favour only granted io few va There are some wio can love. iow Homr. Yer There ae some who lve aman. Wie Xt ‘hm' with loving, who hil themselves for hi, tt {hey ae seldom eee to milions. (Ske ole br dai in, ith a rucal smile) Ab, youl ish wp Be foe, an old worn covered diamonds who plas st Intques nan effort forget that she has news tne ‘And yet, I'd like to laugh a little. Here am I, playing wit fre, dnd the fre wont even burn my fnge™ iva. What do You meant, Aunt? {Lady Hn. Shush here come our montis (Prremowo ond Hecron appear im the dowret) preceded by the Musician, and followed a ‘once by the Durowr-Duronts. They AU re feward the Lote, but iy tne THES there fst to bits thet hand.) . (Dump thr Jeet and ators sudden or.) MOLT wa pa be ye EIONO. (Frightened, to HECTOR) St Ti fe ot of me. very time she seream™= KE my beard’s loose. ae = aoe Hons. Where is Juliette? Ther Eva In the garden, with Prince Pedi separable Lavy Hoar. (Calling) Juliette! yoo vast Jourren” (Coming Ke ban cost) PM sme, Aunt Emily? “ Lace Hour. (Drewing her eside) YOu rave) DI vcr THIEVES’ CARNIVAL * {2iK, Now mind, you mustat be unhappy, or T cut Stings and the puppets wil fall down. > cov Hoe. appoat to be lag len pesuy ov poe Wort cadectand ie Coe fang ‘arte prdon) I tre ada to tighten opt ev {Sh I want yo toll ne what ou tink of (icy go. The Dovon-Duronra look at each othr) LD, Senos. Alter then, sou. And banded Uines core ham, Remetber is our hire that a Sake Dib. Jonon. Ye, Fa (Let ene, the thee Tusa co eben.) Heron, (fering Prannowo a bor oer) Wool vena aretoote, (Helping himsel)) Yin saourng them. TBson (Pour nt) A Wile brandy? Poste tie pe (They rit) Hecron, Another ces, peeps? Pisco" (Grille © Rall withowt more de vac uw Kad Roy nore, you eras mes (fe ed's Spat rman amd taker he box) Bot mays ‘amps yous en? Tincton. (Pulling them out of Me pockets in hands) ‘rank you So much, Pal right Jt now. (ere 6 moment of bectiude end exqiite refine. “tet, Phy siecdthensees aaly one Reddy Hoc indicts Gomtare, sting to sd sombre ee corer) Partacwo. (Rice ond ons to Him.) Whats rong, sade Why na Hae yore tra cer oy ‘ay ood/and'a pet le ng to Bist wih youve ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL aor 30 playing at princes, and forall that you can manage to be ‘Sobewve, T don’t want to stay here (The Ormex Two give ¢ stort) Perranoxe, Ub? You watt to leave? Coonan Ye, Peruuovo, Leave here? Gosnave Yeriave here Sere, ctor, the boy's fst Ms reason. FErzen hat do you want eave or? Ector in inte nh Jui Hecron, Well hen? Gostare. Healy love. cron: Wall hen? PeSitpouo Why not? You've never been beter of sae eke you ork pice, and eh a Unto and fades ax good ae yours Mjuseher 1 dant ato take hr, for ay, and then te forced oleae er Paramore, You have to leave her one dy CeseieAne tm ashuned‘of is pe have 10 poy wi Re rather go away, now i neve Bt ta Tiscron, He's out of his mid Prrmanono, Completa Gls ate we Sere fo? eabowo. What are ‘we hee for? Were wg lad. It’s the height of our season. ne “Goatave. Webre bere to d's Jb, Lets do thn and @. ‘Permnowo. And the preliminaries? Have you spared Single thought for the preliminaries? “Gustave herve gone on Tong enough, your me ‘PETERDONO. I ask you, Hector, isn’t it painful? Having to listen to an apprentice teaching us our trade! Hircrox, Of course well do a job; thats what we cane scr ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL st fr bt hve you even the Sat ea what tat fs ing Gorzave. Sip the drawing wom? rerpono. With carpet-bags, eh? Like raggletagsle ypu! The lowness, Hector, the abysmal iowness ofthis Soungser's mind Understand, boy, that we haven't yet Zecded onthe jb we've going to do. And if our behaviour ste ou a ove, Puli, tel yur! ies becnse wee fa the proces of favestigating the possibilities of is etablihment. at aed Gastar. You'e lingering on bere for the brandy and cigars, and. because Hector stil hopes hell get Eva to femeriber him, But in actual fact you haven't the smallest inkling what you want to do. I may be an apprentice, bat Ti tell you something-—that's no way to work. Petexoowo. (Running #0 Hictox) Hector bold me tack! Hecron, (Still blissfully smoking.) Gustave, don’t be ow Does that upact your Yeo, ERROR. But Den in every trade there's) thal hich isn't very pretty. Aa", tow BY, Tort of chap in my own way Tye rect without frills and fancies. Not 'F sor Peterbono has to be the Duke OF 2 it honest in one’ ow particla® 1s Ctherwise (He taker 0 furl te not too tight? (He giver her 2 ying a rick Ike that on 92s just now. Tam fond of you,"Ciyented work.) After all, when God oo Settee ta te et en mam cea = seein arate ith by perio retemtt pret ti oe ces ee eae eran ee fibeorai deste poss ae (cit et terececeassoe peti pecans and he looks at ker.) shes ee ee Teaver TM sos geuay san e Sonkoviet ia overeat rma Serie aes woe grate Pe, on ok a the hit Woe relia iy tr Sues hn oo kere Fa ee le aac we, ee eee ee a eapeaers aa {ge tg teroam str) Seay areata tal SER ey : ee es te oe ally Geta aa me PES Ae at ee See Ronin pws Se es paternal slhcompoop bound and greyed ia a cha? Of course T tow you's thier. 1f you weren't areal thief, I wouldn't i ‘you rere planning to leave in the mide of, ‘the night, would I, seeit re a guest of my aunt's? ‘Golie What sre so aking oct Serr Fetes tte oor std over apt or alte anyolauee cate ie 8 ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL act a job was done, I dressed and got ready to go with you You don't intend to stay, do you? ‘Gustave. That's no juestion to ack a thiet Jourrre, Well then, take me with you Gost Hut Ym aie i Jourrre. (Crying out im exasperation) I tell you T exw you're a thief! ‘There's no need to go on and on about 1ETinder you dont daw attention to youre, Coe jong, untie my han Gustave. But, Jullette— Jourerre. Untie my hands. They're teribly painful Gustave, Do you wear not to run away and raise the alarm? “Vutterre, Yes, yes, T swear. Oh, how stupid you ar! Gustave, I trust you of course, But T just don't under stand, Fe ee a eS baer eos jeunes Tegel st nel eee me ert a ee ae deen itr nsec oe a By ake oar (SSE EEA weet et rere Meso es Gustave. Oh yes, but— et hee Geer OR es ea a oo RTE Oe geo male aaa cya wise worry, if you're afraid of wna poe SN ocr eee Seether Oe oe rebel len ab ae ee ee aa acct a eee 2g ca rae aes han Wht wd ba cae near tia eee re ts eae fully. Listen— (She gives an earsplitting whistle.) ser ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL Gustave. (Terrifed.) Sscsh! For heaven's sake! (They listen for ¢ moment.) Jum, (Hamby) V0 ry What ol Tam, Take day. Vl whe very quiets, {promise you, and then Gig when Wr aecutely neomaary. Gorraras ult, ths is only & whim. You're playing withme Its unkind of you Jormrze Ohno, you must’ chink thatl Never thine ‘ta Tove you tage But do you know te danger of ths kind of Jounrre. Yes, Kiss me Goetare: Juliette, i's good-bye to your tranquality Jourrne It was’on the way toiling me, my trat- sly Rig zi avg Bat you're happy bere Juliette. You don't samy lait mads to be othe Fa, be ald. Youre ‘se to Tam “ure: Why, wee ticht Look at thist If 1 wortes yiage owt se fing a te pote ae out ios ‘Gastave, Thieves arent wealthy folk. You ge precious defor wat you sel Sounere: Wel, we'l be poor then. Kiss me. (They jinn Lome ss.) (Radantiy Tam 20 happy. Now, bury. (She stop {gy you Raven taken te ile Fragonard. You're m iy ating hey te most vacable things in the house. (Bie rant to fake theme don.) And the ite enamels {Ste Tammager inthe sack’) Leave the, candlesticks. Penis rome Youn ir fel 12908 Macha help youl ep, Ribs mee ‘Gustave. (Taking her in his arms gain) My little ser gi (they 20.) ACT FOUR In the comersatory, an how later, The CLARINET, uch har bein by plying the Cmte then, her up ogee e's ottalgic manner The Cua ‘em sindr nin single fle, heads hong, ond ‘is down, vexed and dee Loy Har. 1s positively absurd Hincron To thie they might have Netw i auton asad. Fancy wg te ile arial in mcrwcopteleteing Beoomty san sete ‘Shion ‘wth te Preach Lomo Encano, We were tured away In the mot “Sve What oyu expect; Unde? T at What , Uncle T an gute se cour ative alarmed them Sa ‘ty Tony. A Carnival of Leaves! The loc ot! ‘A Carnival of Leave ot DID, Semon, What porsles me is how you could con fe 4 Carnival of Lene witha Carnival of Tews Taig ont. You shoul have conned te aie youl then ty pod fen, if is DD. Semon’ fey dane BD. Jou. Da teach Dad Lay Hon To begin with is thank to your dogs that our party was shown the dooe 2 Prranowo. Tahould definitely have gti, fron. 1+ soon tig They quite Gough Teas pig 2 ls ‘Laer Hoxr, Of course, but for them we sad al bre been admited. What sbominabe taste! Look at them, [Tit our They might be couple of pantamine bo pD.D, Stam. T should have thought fora Cana ot TOY Howe. Leaves! Leavest Leaves Are you weg te spend the JED the reat of the evening cain Cari o * a a ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL Ps calm, Father. (To Lavy Huy.) om Same (A0jeiy.) Wel never doi agua ons Akos ae eo ty ool Gould we not pris spend the evening ipgeie f 5 nr. what an inane idea, Let us #0 change. We'll play yet one more stupetying game (She sighs ond the Gusts sigh with her.) Epoamp, If T'd known we were going to soing to play i Ba (She goes with Eva ond Lorp Eocaxo.) Decca Rng Rt. Fore Peete gy (The Durows-Duronts find themselves alone:) are going badly. aly ively make-up Dib, Semon, Not for Carnival of Leaves. DD, Jornon. Fancy organising a Caraval of Leaves! DD. Fancy, what's more, reading st ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL cof Thieves” when i's down in black and white on all the fosters "Carnival of Lenves” The old pose Wp, Jonton, (Coteking. sight of the drawing-com through the open window.) Daddy! ‘DD. Sexton. What is it? DD, Jorn. Look atthe wall D.D. Sexton. What about the wall? DD. Jontox. The Frazonards! D-D. Seston. If you think at a time Ike this Ife ke song ito ecstasies over a lot of paintings! "D'D. Jonror. Daddy, the Fragonards aren't on the wall, (He ruthes into the room.) DD. Sexton, Well? DD. Juston. (From the room.) Nor are the enamels) ‘the bronze candlesticks are missing! And the swf bores. All the drawers are open! (Rushing ext ogait) Daddy, there's been a burglary! ‘D.D. Sexton. Let's go. They'll think we di it _D.D. Jonton. Don't be ridiculous! We were at the ot rival with everybody else! Daddy! ‘There's been @ robbery here! D.D. Sexton. (Who has been to make sure.) Youre absolutely right, There's been a robbery. But what are {you £0 pleased about? That won't set our afairs to fights ‘D:D. Junior. Don't you understand? There's been & robbery while we were at the Casino, Don't you se Su, picion ean only fll on the one person who made hms feongpicuous by his absence? Now then, who, I ask 30%) ‘made himself conspicuous by his absence? ‘DD. Sexton. Young Pedro? D.D. Junior. Of course! Young Pedro DID. Sexton. In that case, surely the others would be i ecm D.D. Junior. They are his ies. They cae ‘with us to allay suspicion, that's quite clear, But no" Yeu be se theyre gone, owl hve ble vey ‘DD. Sexton. Didier, you're magnificent! You doy ‘old heart good. Kiss me, Son! At last they are now anv ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL 33 je de fy, ne and or fin ave Inked v0 promising sm ee We must cinch matters, There's to be peat na denial, We must telephone the peli 2 aP ire picks up the reever.) Cive te the police, Dlase. Ap bury! SS, Senton (Trundling round the ond Aeloving) The Fragonards! The enamels! ‘The candle: tate sau bonest ‘Two drawers burst open! Mage ‘int : SOD. Jonson, Hallo? Is that the police statlon? ‘This istrvila dos Boyar. A serious robber has just ken see We tne lees are all om the premises, You! ek the red-handed St you hury, Hurry! A a re yComing back rodiont) Come 9 yout fuer, Lae! (They embrace.) DD, Jomon. Let's call the company and, confront the rz Hey tere Come quickly, everyboay! DD. Senor ley there! Hey! Do Senta /Batering. Hey ond likewise the OTHE adeThey come Gown, hive al changed bock into Heir whl deh) ha te mate? DD, Joston. There's been 2 bureary! Tero Bncnns, Thats no surprise to anybody in these trae tines. Where? DD. Jorton. Herel Low Eooars. Herel Bib, Shanon. (Breathless with excitement.) Here! Fein this very fooml Sen Meo Im the drawing room? What did they wake ° AST seaon, (Like a street hawker.) Fragonads! ‘ait Sounacat Candlesticks! Drawers! Come fo tel Come and se! {Limp Emoaun goes into the room, comes back and st sino on orm eee as ll Pn ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL vcr son acm, Terie Teel 1h ne i sues Boe Sota wl De yeu ty no a? tan Bisa pe Jot BD. some eee sme. Bean bel BiB, “Genion. (Of) again.) ‘The Fragonards! The comps! The candlesticks! The smuftborest sine rad ebout the candlesticks, they were apallig, nut isa shame about the Pagan “fncrom: (Enters iumphandly ina cw make-p.) BY this time Eve got i! Loto B00 im) dt last The det Tan Eoaup, (Leaping om him) At ltt The dt, tive) My. doar fellow, youre in Uh nik of time, A seins {Sts has st beta committed. We suspect some in TONGS whom we are entertaining at the moment, ovng Su any my cs: Kindly aes hen a once, my deat fellow. ‘Sin What's come over you, Uncle? That's Prinee lector. Hector, do take off that beard ei ‘cron. (Modesty, he revels himeel.) Yes st ¥ ‘oxo Eooaso. (Im a sudden rege.) How much Wot do gor intend to taake a fool of me, YOUNE TEN? ay Heeron (Backing imspercepiblyiowards the dor) B#* yout ordsap, in not making fol of you, relly ‘ono Esa. T can take a joke, im doubt tout is with a man of my years, but don't Fees ‘doen times 3 day! z CSifcrn: (ein the dvr) But Tim mot met (ite bumps into the Dopowe-Doronss, io hve is retreat) srw ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL s DD. Jorn. Oh no. DD. Seon. Of course you're not making a fool of san Dont pp. Everything wil be alight zeros, Look here, what's going on? Am T under sus- sion? SEB Gentes, will you plese lave His Highness ‘Sisco. sould his. Why es abr, i “Thoy Hong. (Entering with Perexnowo) What is all tis shouting? Tie never heard such a commotion! ‘Perzmnono. We simply can't bear ourselves speak Tom Bocas. Its terrible! There's been a dreadful rotbery! Thad my suspicions all along 1 told you he died {2 apoq!L told you they were all impostors! ‘DD. Semon (At the some time,) The Fragonards! The enamels! ‘The souf-boxes! The candlesticks! The craven ‘Dor Hoxr. One ata time, please! T don't know what youve tlking about. First of all T must it down. T'm yom out. (Duing the ejaculations of the Orxns, ond the silence "hick follows, Hircron is desperetly indicating £2 Prrennowo that they must be of. Pazexa0%o thinks Tscupllinks ore ndone, his tie crooked or that some ting te hanging down, He brushes himsell, look! it the herr sil falls to understand and finaly shrugs Is thoulders ond gives #P.) ‘Lane Har. Now. Tell me all about it manne: (nesting) Ses We, Tal a it Tin, Baoan (lr they sop him) Di 1 tell ae died o "DD, Seven, (At the same time.) Everything! Every- thing! ‘The Fragonards! The— (They ook at eachother ond stop dead.) 1Bva There's been a burglary. 36 ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL aetw Lapy Hore. A burglary? Eva: Yes, While we were out the enamels were stle, and the Fragonards, and believe it or nt, the candlesticks. ‘Laoy Huse. Oh good. They were imation. Loo Epox, tld you so! 1 told you sot chat Hime One ofthe servant pect Arty a ere? TEVA. I don't know. D.D. Seon. We must inform the police Lavy Horr, No. DID, Sewion. What do you mean, no? sa Lane Home: No, Tl ou wl ot have ples in my house, DID, Juwon. But we've already telephoned, ladys. o ‘Lao Hone. My good sirs, have you completely for sotien your manners? I beg you to remember that this is fy hodse. You appear to have abandoned every vestse ‘of constraint these lst few days. DD. Juston. But we— DD. Sexson. You se, we— oy Hon. fv, sng through atone and tl then D.D. Sexton. Too late. They’ bound to be on the way. (AN this time Perexvoxo and Hrcrox, hase beer ‘quietly edging towords the door, When Laox Hox? ils Ba to call of the police, they slop hope. fa A ee lst wordy they make msi doh ‘They're getting away! DD. Junton. This is too auch! Wel save you, wheter you like it or not! Hands upt D.D. Sexton. Hands upt (They cover the ‘Trevis with their revolver.) Lapy Hony. Gentlemen, I am mistress inthis house! T ‘order you to put away those firearms! D.D. Juxion. No! sew ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL 7 DD. Snsor. No. You'l thank us for it later on. Lavy Huny, Eva, I'm going to have hysterics! Call the servants! Emile! Here, quickly! Joseph! Help! (Bester Pouce, during her cries.) snus Hee we are! Horace you take the fat (Phy hare en tee Baie Bandits pring {ar uns ci the gentry. Without @ moments i Ghion they hal Uherzelves onthe DUroxt-Dv- rors) ‘Aba me beauties! We've got you! DD, Sexton and Junio. (Backing away) But—but— We dat do anything! No, no, not us! Not us! Quite the reverse! We're the ones who telephoned! ‘This is pre- ‘steroue It's they! (They collide as they retreat, try to escape the other way ‘nd collide agen, in the course of a droll little ballet ‘which culminates in their capture.) ‘them on to their shoulders with ‘reus acrobats) Upsadaisy! (To Breton) If you'd like to give us a hand, sir, by taking the rouble to open the door, sr it'd be much appreciated. zeton, No trouble, Absolutely no trouble at all. (The Porzceaces: carry of the Durowr-Duronrs despite ‘heir eganising protestations.) oxo Encano. (Wildly.) But, my dear— ‘Lipy Howe, (Sternly,) Edgardt Be quiet. DD. Seaton, (Yelling in vain as he is borne away) For Go's sake say something! Tell them! ‘Tell them! pbiDe Jumon (ds he wins past her) ‘Mademoiselle q the showmenship 0 (Phey have gn, ployed out by thir own te melo) aoe Hons, (Caml) There! That's a ele, Three wide reiathTOE ave been ere, and T hada't & Soo ow og of thm. THIEVES CARNIVAL Lome Raman. (Overcome by 1¢ many emetion, ‘omchal) When 1 think T ce tows one een dear, rn op and get your wae Mis seeks at Prrannono, he fom ‘habing te the gip of Wraprenble byte) My dear man, save yoor lnaghter T knew pertectly we yo are the real thal Tite soaps dowd. She Jets bw is poche.) neg tay paar Vor haven't fem ery wer Ferewenacs What do you mean? Eloy Howe. Mave you be of Yaggage? How long take you te pac? Preece. [Pucomsly) Not tng. Kooy Stor. Them T ndvine you to make the grit inert Superbly.) There. The rascals are Nata ot tecking at al we 1 ths oe Aad reser beth ge op to your rome ac em. Realy, Father? Where’ the trhle ext Lime Eoccan. (Hinel} once sore) 1 tld yoo Oo Data sf Minatowes did Ia se TLaow Hour. t knew & Song a, my dene. “ina aoe waderttoniong Pyrevvene'y te see omotine, says wepgibty:) Wa ba! ba! Se ‘eve oat ja, oh? Tare Hous. The Dube ie in sy aren ot sen ee Se that T bnew quits wel whee oe wre daing 2 Cnty yo sa map poe od Raigad, Twas 9 ey, 7 Tincwen. (Pally going te Prrumene) Whats maser tr Meaven'y ashe? TPevemome, dt! Te haw trying to tl yu tr waw ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL 9 lat talthour. ‘The game's up, but she's letting us go Tacom UA? Dot bel, hyve sete th ter Berth Rest hey tyrant de ae ey a es ae see) rat SE Tet VR ws em weep sail fac Dae eer whe ot a eS Stare what eg ss abe ta nao ea, te afar y Salen ern al siuation.) Miraflores y Grandes! Ob, my Lord! Sie ar ba A Gap Cane ow on er aN eae yon ian To ne Ss ae Ie Be Cae BPE are the as Ct er pi eee gh te” Se ee eae iad al ean en a ae ai Sy rc es Fe ee Ee, ek reid N® found my face at last (He turns sway and pereiecTeates the appearance he had in the first scene.) =F i ee (faking up.) Let me alone. We're saved, (Site down, dispirited.) Bagacd it this 2g ci fais are wht hago, te ste oA eless. T have not the faintest idea of what is mai Mist ta RY lng? is ths another peo of 1 izewon, (IE 800s very much too fa, that boy. serie (22"™ing round triumphanlly) Eva beloved bent ‘wasn’t it? 8 ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL scr Lono Epoano. (Overcome by £0 many emotion, fol sembeonslons ilo on armehenr) When 1 tink cae here to cure my liver trouble! ‘Lapy Hone. Eva dear, run up and get your uncle his smelling salts. (Eva. foes. Lavy Horr looks at Prrzxnoxo, who goer shes the ost othe Dro Dorr hr been choking in the grip of irepresible hysteria My det say sve your Iughier brow pert wel you are the real thi (Ute stops dead. She feels in his pocket) GiveIme back my pearls. You haven't been very lever. ‘Permanowo. What do you mean? Liov Hone, Have you a lot of luggage? How long wil it take you to pack? Prretmono, (tou) Not long Lov Hone. Then T advise you to make the greats Hecton. (lnters. Superbly.) ‘There. The rascals are in ood hands, your Ladyship. (Peminono coughs) Father dear, are you not feeling well? ‘Lay Hur, No, he's not feeling at all wel I think you ‘had better both go up to your rooms Hixctox. Really, Father? Where's the trouble exactly? Lorn Epoano. (Himself once more.) T told you Duke of Miraflores died in 1904! ‘Lapy Hue. T knew it long ago, my dear. Hircron. (Stil not understanding Prvexbowo's dr? te dumbshow, says wogeisly:) Tal ba! hal Stil the Sane of jee? ‘Laov Hoar, The Duke died in my arms, or near enough So that T new qulte well whom we were dealing mi ‘Only. you see, my poor old Edgard, I was s0 very, YO Tiscron. (Finally ging to Permanowo) What's th rattr, for heaven's ste ‘Perixaono. Idiot! T've been trying to tel you for te ww ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL 9 lust half-hour. The game's up, but she's letting us go fe. “Hixcron. Ub? Don’t be silly, they've arrested the others. Laoy Huns. (Going to them with a smile) You don't, ‘Ym sure, want to await the visit of the inspector of police, ‘We were with you the whole evening! Don't be canny. Come on. . My dear father, T don't know what you're ‘about. Madam, we are here as your guests, and is no reason to treat us, the Miraflores y in this cavalier fashion (Unable to suppress @ giggle, despite the lores ¥ Grandes! Ob, my Lord! you? Tack) Here are the salts z ‘ot tolerate this atitade, Because if ‘our presence undesirable, 1 laugh to sora ‘ou hear, to storm, your utterly unfounded and insult ‘allegations, There's someone here, T know, who will Im, reece far from undesirable. Eva, Eva my dating, ve found my face at last (He turns oway and raps recreates the appearance he hed inthe ist scene.) eon. eco stop lying about The pole a ca thelr way ‘Hzcron. (Making up.) Let me alone. We're saved, 1 tel you! dispirited.) Edgar, if thir th him again, the situa- ave nat the faintest iden of what is (1 Ae ‘much to ft, rou triumphantly.) Eva beloved! 60 ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL act wv Gs sa Bs Oe eh on ea we s eer nee departure.) er rere ree asa me rarer ey eae me ei ae eee Lavy Hue. No, stupid, it is not all aver. This boy bas ila srw ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL 6 Eva. (Coming back) She's not upstairs. The servants ane combing the grounds Hor Hoe. 1 hort 0 Encato. Juliette, our lite Juliette I t posible? Canshe ve been salen? " ‘vn. Yeu Loto Eocaso, But she's big gel nov. She could have Aefended hersl. O eae for help. The house is overrun wih sat ‘oy Hive, Can't you understand? She's in his power! Hehehe her, Hell make er steal for him, o walk oxo Eooaxo. The streets. (1¢ dawns on him.) The streets (He staggers wider the blow.) (Phe CLARINET plays a air heavy with tragedy The three of them lapse into. pensive ond. penfud lence. The CLARINET resumes its tragic theme tithon overtone of mockery, and them leads into the Tomonce which is\indeed aitogether iting ot this Imoment, Jor Guezave entre on tiptoe, laden with omany things that he conmot see where he i goin. els carrying Jouteree, who is aslec, and Mis ver. oak He ereneythe drain, aon By ‘ybody suddenly he bumps into om armchair, He dope i sachs witha cletter, ond tarles the OvH- ‘5s, who see him and ery nt) e's killed er! (Gustave, tered, makes to put Juuierre down on the ‘ole, but et the cries she weakens and clings 10 ims) Juuzrre, No, no, no! Why did you bring me back? [Nay hes not to gol Tf he goes I'm going with him! Laoy Horr. Juliette! ‘Loxo Booano. My child Souter (Screaming through « flood of tart) Yes: yout despise him, T knov, but T love him. Don't try to tel tie anything 1 want to go with him because T Jove hiss. Dont say a word, I'd only hate you for it. Gustave, Gus- tave, why did you bring me back? ba ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL scrw (fie steeats and tries to rum ey but she catches No. Stay here, or let me come with you. Why did you bring me back? Was I too stupid for you? ‘To naive? Is it Because I fell asleep beside you in the car that you don't want me? It's true one doesi’t as a ule doze off the night of one's elopement, but I was tired, my darling. Tim not wed to staying up so Inte. (She Hides her Bead i is ‘Lox Encaxp. What is she saying? Lavy Hurr. (Moved.) Do be quiet! It's very lovely what she is saying Jourrs. (Turning to them like o litle fur, withost ding eo Goer) None ot aha Tot ashamed! You ean say anything you lke, TIl newer ‘shamed! Tove im. 1 wart hint for my lover, See yoo Jill never tet him be my husband. Look Tim going to Kiss Him now i front of you, (She throws her arms round is neck. He hos back for ‘second, then as he sees her touted hai on het Taian tar-stoined face, he too forgets the Orma3s) Gustave. Tove you, Juliette Joumerrs. You see, we're kissing here in front of (They kiss.) juke Boon (Adhitng his pncemes) Why, hye Tad Hone. That's right. They're kising. Wat aost it Did younever dg asimich? [he conflate, entrance.) How enchanting they art Lop Epcarp. Aren't they? Do you remember, Emily? Eazy How They mates delight co dt ay? you remember? The Crystal Palace? i vw ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL 63 tnd for our teribe, gentle litte Juliette. (She stops.) gat ae ou AEiking me into? He's a thet! Encano, (Smiling) Ab yes, a thiet Livy Horr. Well then, i's out of the question, He must watence, (The CLARINET stops from shock.) qh? Bocas. (Cresfallen.) But—but they ove each Ti Hur. I know they love each other. But it’s the cal thing to do. Absolutely the ony thing. She simpy ‘aanot macy a boy who has neither a father or a mother ‘ono Bootao, Ab! (Ue thinks furiously Jor momind, en eis suddenly.) Wait a tninatel Walt minute! (Gustave and outers, startled by his ery, come out of (COTE ambien, Lon vec ant oo hike one de ented) Loy Hoar, Where do you suppose he's going? Tourrre Til never leave him, never, never, Dever Gustave. (Holding her to him, says by way of 62 Hanation) We lve tach other. (The CLARINET plays a tte supplication.) Lior ony gather so. But there iti. You're noting bata nobody, if fot worse. Pm afraid youl have to 60 (Another entreaty from the CLARINET.) josrere 1 go with him. Tuer TH time me wil be Bere to stp you (The CLARINET scams in heart rending implore ont Choe Hone ture ariosly om the Msiciax.) As for you, my good sir, you're bepining to get on my reves! Go away! , (The CLARINET ttempts © musical protest.) Get eto here thi fstant! ries. rathetically the MUSICAN f0t5, (se Seine despr on i instrament. LO B- 64 ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL scr ‘oanp returns like @ meteor carrying ribbons, medals ‘ond 0 photograph. He marches threateningly over to Gustave.) ‘Loxo Evoano, You are twenty years old, are you not? Gusrave. Yes. Lorn Eocanp, Right. (He looks at the photograph, looks at ita second time, Backs, screwing up his eyes i the monner of o painter scrutinizing 0 picture.) Hold yout head up, Fine. Open your sbirt. Fine. Now for the mark ‘behind the ear. (He turns back his ear.) Fine, (He shows fim the medal) Doyo recognize ht medal? pustavr. No. Lon Encaun. (Throwing it away) Never mind. You ‘are my son! My son who was stolen from me ata tender ‘age. (He falls into is arms.) aby’ Howe. "Edgud, ave you taken lev of yer ‘Gustave, (Puriously) Let me go, sit. I don't know what outa tating about, (To Jour.) Wha te mater im? ‘Lorp Boos. (To Lavy Huny.) Do you deny that 2 son was stolen fam me a a tenet age? (To GusTate) De you deny that you are uncertain of your corigine? Yes, yes, you. are my son, my own son, my beloved son! (Hf jolts on his neck agai.) ‘outers, Isnt that Tucky! Gustave, isnt that lucky! Guscave. (Freeing himsel] roughly) No, H vot “Lox Enoaep. What won't work? Gustave. I'm quite sure I'm not your son, TLoxo Epcax®. $0 I shall have waited twenty years for Freaven to give me back my child, and now when Henven at Tast sees fit to give him back to'me, itis this vey child ‘who refuses to acknowledge his own father! Gustave, No, It's all a scheme because you can set your litte git fs in love with me, but I'm sorry, I can't Accept. ‘Lapy Her. That's very honourable of him. wrw ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL 6s ‘oxo Eooaxo. This is horrible! Horrible! My so denies met (He prances with rage.) ‘Gustave, No, T cant accept. 10 nice of you to do i, very nice of you. But I can't: Pin not one of your sort. ‘Lamy Hone. It is really unfortunate that this boy sould be the only one amongst us to sufler from class- Eooaxo, I am aborninably humiliated. Such con- ‘own son! I shall crumple up with sorrow. eer up with sorrow on te nearest ‘up. How much longer do I te to say crumpled? Ti Huxr. Couldn't you see your way to accepting? You've making your father very (Gorcave. How can 11 I haven't any reason— Jouerrs, Oby but you havel Come into the garden as you did before Tin going to explain all your reasons 10 Jeu. Do come, please, Come anyway. You haven't any Ug to lose alter all by coming into the garden. (She drags hi out.) Lar Horr. (As soon es they're gone.) Edgard, i's tot trel You never had a son stolen fforn you ata tender set TLoxo Encaro, No, it isn't true. It's a picture I cut out of a magazine. Laoy Hur, So you've acted like an imbecile for over fy years nd yer you ha iin you to tink of ‘that all vA. How happy they are going to be. Lavy Hur. (Dreomily,) Yes. Eva. And T shall continue to play the young and chara- ing widow who is always such a great success ty abi Hear, My poo Ev, fat 9 Bit, es "sno learning it, It's over, our fine escapade. Here wwe are alone again, ike bobbing corks. It's only for those tho have played it with all the zest of youth, that the ‘medy is'a success, and only then because they were cy ‘THIEVES’ CARNIVAL Sass we laying th you, «thing which sceeds sae. Thy ete one Suton a (Enter « Bassoro Grvriasn.) Buono Geert. am tom Stand Yard Lino Eos (La ut‘ fa, ha end tui is bard) Sao en Deracron. Supt You wag at Lee Eocan."(Greaty sous What Do you wan your Dinners OF cure its my own! som Bocas Then you tel re he ative Xt racrve 06 jut lds, haven 12 Lo Bron. Wel we doa hed ou any mre. THe coterie oven crve (DC) tm da case (We put is clarinet oa of Bs pocket —for i i one ther the the cece ete ep gk sep wich des duty te faa, The Capes fern though al he dots dec sa shot ing beards.) ‘THE END Sopa ced nn atone har orate ne PORTANT BLLING AND CREDIT REQUIREMENTS

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