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Form <Revised on January 30, 2016; December 29, 2016; December 31, 2019>

Research Participant Statement

Center Name : Center for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions
Research Project Title : 표면화학반응

As a participant in this research project, I agree to comply with the following:

1. In accordance with relevant IBS regulations, including the Research Center

Operation Rules, I will fulfill my responsibility and duties in conducting the project.

2. During and after the project, I will not disclose or use, for myself or a third party,
any confidential information acquired while conducting the project without the
President’s prior permission in writing.

3. Even after research project outcomes have been legally disclosed, I will continue to
fulfill my duty of confidentiality as stated above regarding the undisclosed aspects
of the outcomes.

4. If the project is complete, or if I cannot continue the project due to certain reasons,
I will immediately return all project-related materials, including confidential
information to the principal investigator.

5. I will assign to IBS the right to obtain a patent or the patent on inventions that are
created or developed in the course of my duties at IBS and will immediately notify
IBS of such inventions, when their nature falls within the scope of IBS’ business
and the activities that have led to them fall within my current or past duties at IBS.

6. In the course of the project, I will comply with research ethics and make every effort
to prevent research misconduct.

7. If I violate any of the above statements, I will accept any civil or criminal liability
set forth by relevant laws or decrees.

Date (02/13/2020)
Undertaken by Aleksandar Cupic (Seal or signature)

[Attachment] List of Research Participants

Respectfully Submitted to the President of Institute for Basic Science

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