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04.16.05 08:05:23 D:\Halo\haloupdate.

exe untracked version Sep 5 2003

18:54:48 -------------------------------------------------------
04.16.05 08:05:23 error accessing EXE Path in registry.
04.16.05 08:05:23 initializing config with command line information
04.16.05 08:05:23 reading user cfg
04.16.05 08:05:23 Current configuration:
04.16.05 08:05:23 End configuration
04.16.05 08:05:23 running in manual mode
04.16.05 08:05:23 wait process is finished, we are go
04.16.05 08:05:23 creating the autopatcher object to find/download an update
04.16.05 08:05:23 downloading to _halopat.tmp
04.16.05 08:05:23 setting autopatcher to manual mode
04.16.05 08:05:23 enabling cancel button
04.16.05 08:05:24 autopatcher - manual mode
04.16.05 08:05:24 autopatcher - retrycount config set to 0
04.16.05 08:05:24 autopatcher - retrydelay config set to 0
04.16.05 08:05:24 autopatcher - language is 'English'
04.16.05 08:05:24 autopatcher error: MissingVersion
04.16.05 08:05:30 disabling the cancel button
04.16.05 08:05:30 deleting autopatcher object
04.16.05 08:05:30 autopatcher failed
04.16.05 08:05:30 Log Closed.

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