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Nama : I Putu


NIM : 1712021178

Kelas : 6MP


Basic Skill : Reinforcement skill

Class : 8th grade junior high school

Subject lesson : Quantifiers (Countable & Uncountable) Nouns

Method : Discovery learning

Time allotment : 15 Minutes

Day/Date :-

I. Learning objectives

a. The students are expected to classify the countable and uncountable, determining which
is countable and which is uncountable nouns.
b. Students are expected to differentiate the countable and uncountable nouns and using
countable and uncountable nouns in daily conversation with their teacher, friends and
II. Learning activities


1 Pre activity 3  Teacher gives greeting and  Giving Praise
Minutes leads the pray
 Teacher speaks about his own  Motivating the
gadgets. Teacher explain that students
he has a few gadgets.
 Hook questioning
 Teacher begins asking the
students with sunglasses a
question about his/her gadget.
E.g. “Student with sunglasses
should answer my question,
how many gadgets do you have
at home?”
 The teacher approaches the
students with sunglasses and  Changing position,
hear the answer, if the students giving approach and
correct the teacher nod the gesture
eyebrow and say “you are reinforcement
 The teacher asks other students
with a question “How much is  Hook question
your gadget?” if the students
correct the teacher will nod but
its incorrect the teacher will
curve and will say “I don’t  Teacher gesture
think so”.
 The teacher chooses the
students who use white shoes to  Positive
answer the question. reinforcement
2 Main activity 9  The teacher gives a video  Giving references
Minutes entitle “Quantifiers” and media variation
 Teacher shows that he brings a
chocolate candy in front of the  Motivating the
class. (the teacher explain a bit students with candy
the use of countable and
uncountable nouns how to use
it in real life)
 The teacher gives of example
countable and uncountable with
the chocolate candy. Teacher
ask the students “How many
candies are inside the package?
How many candies do you eat  Probing questions
every day?”. The students can
answer by raising their hand
and students who can answer it
will get a chocolate candy.
(the teacher guides the students
to answer using some, a bit, a
little, a few)
 The teacher approaches the
students who tries to answer
and giving attention to him/her.  Changing position,
If the students are correct, gesture, eye contact
teacher give the candy and give
a high five but if its incorrect
the teacher will say “I believe
the answer will be….”
 The teacher choosing one  Voice variation
student to come to front class
and teacher ask the students as  Centering attention
the seller while the teacher as
buyer. Other students should
pay attention, the teacher
begins asking goods and the
price like and the students
should answer. E.G
T : Do you sell some sugar?
S : Yes, how much do you
T : How much for your sugar?
S : Is it five thousand rupiah
T : I need a lot of bread for
breakfast? Do you have it?
S : Yes, I have it  Eye contact, position
T : I need a few of sausage, can movement and
I buy it? gesture
S : Yes, of course
 The teacher demonstrates the
countable and uncountable  Students pattern
nouns to the students, now the interaction
teacher asks the students to find
one partner for playing games.
 The game will name “Shopping
cart”. One student should be the
seller and one student should be
buyer. The teacher gives the
amount of money that the buyer
should use and seller has list of
goods. Teacher guide them by
providing example and come
around to see the progress of
the students.
 Once the students have
finished, teacher give a  Positive
opportunity to the students who reinforcement
wants to perform in front of
class, they will get a candy if
they perform in front of class.
 Students who come to the front
class get candy and applauses
from the other students
3 Post activity 3  The teacher mentioned the  Clarifying the lesson
Minutes countable and uncountable with the students
noun with the students that they who has not speak
have learned before. yet
 The teacher gives a test to the  Evaluate the students
III. Assessment
A. Assessment technique : Test
B. Assessment Instrument : Test Essay
Please work individually based on your understanding of using the how much, how
many, a lot of, a few, some, any, little. Please give a underline and mark C for countable
and UC for uncountable for the text below which one is using countable or uncountable

Shopping the goods for home with daddy

One fine morning Leon and his dad goes to supermarket to buy some goods for their
aminities in their home. The need to buy some food, a few box of soap, a basket of fruit and
a lot of toothpicks. They arrive at the supermarket nearby their house, Leon and his dad
begins shopping.
L : Dad, how many do we need the soap?
D : I think we need 3 boxes of soap since there is no soap remaining in our home
L : Well, I am going to look for the soap, Dad.
D : Go ahead son,
On the other hand, Daddy are lookinb for the rest items with the emploployee from the
D : Hello, would yoi like to help me finding these items please?
E : Hello, yes how may I help you, Sir?
D : Well I need some butter, some sausage, a bottle of zaitun oil, a basket of some fruit and
a lot toothpicks
E : Would you like to wait a moment, Sir?
D : No worries mate, I will wait for you. Thankyou so much.
A few minutes later, Leon got all the soaps needing and his dad still waiting from the
L : Dad, I got the soaps
D : I am still waiting for the goods from Employee, son.
E: Hello, Sir. I already got what you needs. Some foods, a bottle of zaitun oil, a basket of
some fruit and a lot of toothpicks.
D : Thanks a lot mate, I appreciate it!
E : No problem sir, you can pay in the cashier.
D : Thank you.

Leon and his dad goes to cashier to pay their goods

D : Hello, I would like to pay all of these goods, can you help me with the total?
Ca : Yes sir no worry, please wait a moment sir
D : Yes no worry, how much mam?
Ca : Everything is five hundread rupiah, Sir. Some butter is a hundread rupiah, some
sausage a hundread and fifthy, a bottle of zaitun fifthy rupiah, a box of some fruit a
hundread ruliah and a lot of toothlicks a hundread rupiah, Sir.
D : Wow, a lot yeah, here is the money, Thankyou.
Ca : No worries sir (smiled)
Leon and his Dan got everythinh and they return home with all the aminities they got.

1 Correct answer 1 one point

Wrong answer 0 points

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