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Unit 9 – “What Happened?

As you can see in your books p.84 the theme is unexplained mysteries. It is quite an
interesting topic which can provoke a lot of thinking and researching. On page 85 there
is a text which you should read and concerning the situation I would like you to do only
exercise 4 on page 84 and mail me the answers ( ).

You know that we never stick to the book only, so I would suggest some videos,
concerning the topic of course, check them, but feel free to do some researching and
find some other materials according to your interest.

The task here will be for you to watch the video and write a short paragraph about it
(Explain what you saw, What did you learn? How much do you believe in that particular
mystery and the explanations about it? ……) Keep it short 100-150 words

Watch the following videos

Enjoy the videos !!! And again, you can choose other videos and talk about them. Of
course mail them to me together with the link so that I know what you’re talking about

The deadline for your homework is Friday 00:00.


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