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Read the text and choose the correct answer

The job interview

Interviewer: So, you... you applied for Saturday's position, right?
Yes, I did.
Interviewer: Can you tell me what made you respond to our ad?
Jim: Well, I was looking for a part-time job to help me get through college. And
I think that I... I would be very good at this kind of work.
Interviewer: Do you know exactly what you would do as a store assistant?
Well, I imagine I'd be helping customers, keeping track of the
supplies in the store, and preparing the store for business.
Interviewer: That covers everything, I would also be responsible for maintaining
in front of the tidy store. What kind of student do you consider yourself to be...
enjoy studying while you were in school?
I guess I'm a reasonable student. I passed all my exams and I enjoy studying the
subjects that interest me.
Interviewer: Do you have any previous work experience?
John: Yes. I worked part-time on a take-away during summer vacation.
Interviewer: Now, do you have any questions you would like to ask me about the
Yes. Could you tell me what hours I would have to work?
Interviewer: We open at 9:00, but I'm expected to arrive at 8:30 and...
we close at 6.00 pm. You can leave then.
I think I've asked you everything I wanted. Thank you for coming to
the interview.
Thank you. When will I know if I've succeeded?
Interviewer: We'll make our decision next Monday, we... 39 will call you.

1. You would not have to deal with the customers.


2. John failed some of his tests.


3. John started work at 9:00.


4. You saw the ad in the local paper.

No... he didn't say...

5. John would work in the electrical department.


6. The job is in a store.


7. John has left the school.


8. The job is full-time.


9. The job doesn't... doesn't pay very well.

He... he didn't say...

10. John will start work on Monday.


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