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Dental models made with an intraoral scanner:

A validation study
Anne Margreet R. Cuperus,a Marit C. Harms,b Frits A. Rangel,c Ewald M. Bronkhorst,d Jan G. J. H. Schols,e
and K. Hero Breuningf
Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Introduction: Our objectives were to determine the validity and reproducibility of measurements on stereolitho-
graphic models and 3-dimensional digital dental models made with an intraoral scanner. Methods: Ten dry
human skulls were scanned; from the scans, stereolithographic models and digital models were made. Two
observers measured transversal distances, mesiodistal tooth widths, and arch segments on the skulls and
the stereolithographic and digital models. All measurements were repeated 4 times. Arch length discrepancy
and tooth size discrepancy were calculated. Statistical analysis was performed by using paired t tests.
Results: For the measurements on the stereolithographic and digital models, statistically significant differences
were found. However, these differences were considered to be clinically insignificant. Digital models had fewer
statistically significant differences and generally the smallest duplicate measurement errors compared with the
stereolithographic models. Conclusions: Stereolithographic and digital models made with an intraoral scanner
are a valid and reproducible method for measuring distances in a dentition. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop

uccessful treatment planning in dentistry re- to loss, fracture, and degradation and require physical
quires precise diagnostic information and an storage space.6,7 To overcome these disadvantages,
extensive diagnosis. In orthodontics, dental 3-dimensional digital dental models are an alternative.
model analysis is an essential part of this process.1 Den- Additional advantages of digital models are easy
tal models can be used to evaluate occlusion and storage and exchange with electronic data transfer.
perform measurements more easily and accurately Digital models can be virtually manipulated, precise
than in the patient's mouth.2 Measurements typically cross-sectional views can be created, and they can be
made for orthodontic diagnosis are overjet, overbite, magnified.8 Commercially available digital models can
tooth sizes, arch lengths, and transversal distances.3 be produced by a direct or an indirect method. Indirect
Space can be analyzed by calculating the arch length methods begin with dental impressions. Digital models
discrepancy.4 Disproportions among sizes of maxillary can then be obtained by laser scanning of plaster
and mandibular teeth can be defined by using the tooth models or computed tomography imaging of the
size discrepancy calculations according to Bolton.5 For impressions or plaster models. The direct method uses
dental model analysis, plaster models have been the an intraoral scanner to scan directly in the patient's
standard for years. However, plaster models are subject mouth, making dental impressions redundant.8,9 This
can be advantageous for patients with a gag reflex or
From Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. with cleft lip and palate, who are at risk of aspiration
Orthodontist, Department of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Biology. and respiratory distress during taking of the dental
Orthodontist, Department of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Biology.
Orthodontist and PhD student, Department of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Bi- impressions.10,11 Recently, the validity of digital
ology. models produced with an indirect method was
Associate professor, Department of Preventive and Curative Dentistry. evaluated in a systematic review by assessing the
Chef de clinique, Department of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Biology.
Assistant professor, Department of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Biology. agreement of measurements on digital and plaster
The authors report no commercial, proprietary, or financial interest in the prod- models.12 It was concluded that digital models offer
ucts or companies described in this article. a high degree of validity, and measurement differences
Reprint requests to: K. Hero Breuning, Radboud University Nijmegen
Medical Centre, Postbox 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands; are likely to be clinically acceptable. To our knowledge,
e-mail, no study has assessed the validity of measurements on
Submitted, October 2011; revised and accepted, March 2012. digital models obtained with a direct method with an
Copyright Ó 2012 by the American Association of Orthodontists. intraoral scanner. Therefore, the aim of this study
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2012.03.031 was to determine the validity and reproducibility of
Cuperus et al 309

Fig 1. Examples of a skull model, a stereolithographic model, and a digital model. SM,
Stereolithographic model; DM, digital model.

orthodontic measurements made on stereolithographic epoxy resin. An example of the 3 models used in this
and digital models created with an intraoral scanner. study is shown in Figure 1.
Two experienced observers (A.M.R.C. and M.C.H.)
MATERIAL AND METHODS measured the dentitions on the skulls on the stereolitho-
Ten dry human skulls were selected from the files of graphic and digital models. A digital caliper (Mauser,
the Department of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Biol- Winterthur, Switzerland) was used for the measurements
ogy at Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, on the dentition and the stereolithographic models. The
The Netherlands. The inclusion criteria were (1) full beaks of the digital caliper were sharpened to a fine edge
permanent dentition from the left first molar to the right to improve measurement accuracy. All measurements on
first molar in both jaws, with 1 missing or deciduous the digital models were made by using the software pro-
tooth per skull accepted, and (2) dentition without gram DigiModel (version 2.3.6; OrthoProof). The digital
abnormal morphology, with defects of teeth accepted models could be rotated, magnified, and sliced during
when they did not affect the mesiodistal or buccolingual measuring. The computer screens used were 15.4 in,
diameter of the crown. with a screen resolution of 1280 3 800 pixels and 32-
The dentitions were scanned with a chair-side oral bit color. The observers repeated all measurements 4
scanner (Lava, 3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) according times with a minimum interval between repetitions of
to the manufacturer's manual to create stereolitho- a week.
graphic files. After scanning, the files of the scanner The following measurements were made on the skulls
were sent to the company by e-mail. This company and the stereolithographic and digital models: intermo-
uses a computer program to correct for missing data, lar distances, intercanine distances, mesiodistal tooth
and the files were returned to our university by the Inter- widths, and dental arch segments. There were recorded
net. These files were then transformed into digital to the nearest 0.01 mm. The definitions of these mea-
models by software (OrthoProof, Nieuwegein, The Neth- surements are given in the Table.
erlands). A dental laboratory (Oosterwijk, Utrecht, The All measurements were made in both arches, and the
Netherlands) used the same files to produce stereolitho- mesiodistal widths were measured for all incisors,
graphic models with a 3-dimensional printer, made from canines, premolars, and first molars. The arch length

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310 Cuperus et al

Table. Measurement definitions

Measurement Definition
Intermolar distance Transversal distance between the mesiobuccal cusp tips of the first permanent molars
Intercanine distance Transversal distance between the crown tips of the permanent canines
Mesiodistal tooth width Greatest mesiodistal diameter measured perpendicular to the axis of the tooth
Dental arch segments Segments were measured by using estimated contact points in a nicely aligned dental arch:
Incisor segment:
The estimated distal contact point of the lateral incisor to the estimated mesial contact point of the right
central incisor
Canine segment:
The estimated mesial contact point of the first premolar to the estimated distal contact point of the lateral
Premolar segment:
The estimated mesial contact point of the first molar to the estimated mesial contact point of the first

discrepancy, and the anterior Bolton and overall Bolton differences showed greater distances on the skulls than
ratios were calculated. on the stereolithographic models, except for segments
33 and 43 and the arch length discrepancy. Fifteen
Statistical analysis statistically significant differences were found between
the measurements on the skulls and the digital models.
For all models, both means and duplicate measure-
In these 15 cases, the distances measured on skulls
ment errors of all distances were compared by using
were greater, except for segment 33 and the arch length
paired t tests. This was done for both observers sepa-
discrepancy. When the measurements on the stereoli-
rately and combined. The level of significance was set
thographic and digital models were compared, in 26
at P #0.05.
cases, statistically significant differences were seen. In
The mean measurements on the skulls were used as the
all cases (except for arch length discrepancy), greater
standard values. Mean differences in measurements
values on the digital models than on the stereolitho-
between skulls and either stereographic or digital models
graphic models were found. An example of the deviation
are informative but do not reveal how often a relatively
of the distances and measurements of the dentition in
large deviation from the standard values occurred. There-
the first quadrant is shown in Figure 2.
fore, a large deviation was counted by using arbitrarily
The measurement errors for the arch length and
chosen cutoffs: 0.1 mm for mesiodistal widths, 0.2 mm
tooth size discrepancies on the skulls and the stereoli-
for segments, 1.0 mm for transversal distances and arch
thographic and digital models were determined. When
length discrepancies, and 1.5 mm for tooth size discrep-
comparing these measurements on the skulls and the
ancies. Deviations larger than the cutoffs were compared
stereolithographic models, 7 of the 44 measurements
by using the Fisher exact test version of the chi-square test.
were significantly different, with larger measurement
errors for the stereolithographic models. Between the
RESULTS skulls and the digital models, 16 statistically significant
The reproducibility of the measurements was tested. differences were found, with larger measurement errors
At only 3 times, a significant difference was found, but for the skulls. When the measurements on the stereoli-
this difference was not statistically significant. The cor- thographic and digital models were compared, 31 statis-
relation coefficients of the absolute measurements were tically significant differences were seen. Again, the
high (mean, 0.986; range, 0.876-0.999). We concluded stereolithographic models had greater measurement
that the outcome of the measurement is independent errors. An example of the measurement errors for the
of the method and the observer. Therefore, only pooled distances and measurements in the first quadrant is
comparisons are presented. given in Figure 3.
The mean values for dental measurements, arch Relatively large deviations of the measurements on
length discrepancies, and tooth size discrepancies on the stereolithographic and digital models by using the
the skulls and the stereolithographic and digital models cutoffs were recorded. For the transversal measure-
were compared with the paired t test. Of the 44 variables, ments, this difference was always less than 0.1 mm for
37 showed statistically significant differences between the digital models. On the stereolithographic models,
the skulls and the stereolithographic models. All of these however, 1.32% of the transversal measurements

September 2012  Vol 142  Issue 3 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Cuperus et al 311

Fig 2. An example of the deviation of the distances and measurements in percentages in the first quad-
rant. SM, Stereolithographic model; DM, digital model; m-d, mesiodistal.

deviated by more than the 0.1-mm cutoff. For the Similar significant differences between measurements
mesiodistal widths, the 0.1-mm difference was exceeded were also found in other studies.13-15 For correction
by 11.86% on the digital models and 30.08% on the of relative large deviations caused by measuring
stereolithographic models. For the segments, 7.92% smaller and larger distances, arbitrary cutoffs where
of the digital model and 10.00% of the stereolitho- used. With these cutoffs, again the digital models
graphic model measurements deviated by more than had smaller percentages of high deviations compared
the 0.2-mm cutoff. The 1.0-mm cutoff for the arch with the stereolithographic models. Significant
length discrepancy was exceeded in 2.50% of the stereo- measurement differences were found in 84.1% of the
lithographic models but not on the digital models. For stereolithographic models and in 34.1% of the
tooth size discrepancy, neither the stereolithographic digital models. In general, the measurements on the
nor the digital models exceeded the 1.5-mm cutoff. stereolithographic and digital models tended to be
smaller than those on the skulls. Measurements on the
DISCUSSION stereolithographic models tended to be even smaller
The results of this study can only be compared with than those on the digital models. Both the scanning
studies that used indirect methods to produce digital process and the procedure used by 3M ESPE to convert
models, since no other validation studies for stereolitho- the data from the scanner into stereolithographic files
graphic or digital models with an intraoral scanner have could explain some differences between the accuracy
been published. Therefore, we can only compare our of the models. The restricted scanning time and the
results with studies that used indirect methods to difficulties in scanning of contact points in the dental
produce digital models. When distances measured on arch caused small amounts of missing data on the
the digital models and the skulls were compared, high scans. To obtain a complete stereolithographic model,
percentages of statistically significant differences were an algorithm was used by 3M ESPE to correct for
found, but these differences were relatively small. Signif- missing data. This algorithm might also have
icantly small differences were also found in other stud- influenced the measurements. The layered structure of
ies.9-11 In our study, significant but relatively small the resin as a result of the 3-dimensional printing
differences on the skulls and the stereolithographic process and the minimal shrinkage of the epoxy resin
models were found in 84.1% of the measurements. during the production of the stereolithographic models
Significant differences on the skulls and the digital (about 0.12%) will influence the accuracy of these
models were found in 34.1% of the measurements. models.3

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312 Cuperus et al

Fig 3. An example of the measurement errors in millimeters in the first quadrant. SM, Stereolitho-
graphic model; DM, digital model; m-d, mesiodistal.

The measuring method (a digital caliper and a specific was found. Other studies reported comparable small
software measuring program) could also have influenced mean differences for tooth size discrepancies.7,10,11
the measurements. The smaller values found for signif- However, in 2 of these studies, the values of the tooth
icant percentages of the measurements on the stereoli- size discrepancy had fairly large ranges: 0.0 to 5.6
thographic models could be explained by difficult mm10 and –5.09 to 3.75 mm.11 The measurement error
access for the digital caliper between the teeth. Access can be seen as a measurement for reproducibility. In
was easier on the skulls because of the slight mobility general, the measurement errors on the digital models
of the teeth. There were no access problems for measure- were smaller than were those on the skulls and the ster-
ments on the digital models because of the digital eolithographic models. Therefore, it can be concluded
measurement method. that digital model measurements showed better repro-
When the differences of measurements on the denti- ducibility than traditional caliper measurements. The
tions for both the stereolithographic and digital models measuring method on digital models, with the possibility
were compared with the skulls, we concluded that these to zoom in and without physical barriers during measur-
differences were small and comparable with validation ing, could explain the smaller measurement errors in this
studies on digital models produced with an indirect study. The measurement errors on the skulls were smaller
method. For transversal distances, other validation compared with the stereolithographic models, probably
studies found differences between plaster and digital because the better accessibility for the digital caliper
models of 0.04 to 0.62 mm.9,12-14 Differences found in on the skulls positively influenced the accuracy of
this study were well within this range. The reported the measurements. The stereolithographic and digital
ranges for differences in measurement comparing models used in this study seem to be clinically acceptable
mesiodistal widths in plaster and digital models are for measuring distances and segments in a dentition.
variable.10,12,14-16 Differences in mesiodistal widths in The differences fell within ranges that were considered
this study were well within the range reported in the clinically acceptable in other studies.7,9-17 However, no
literature. Large variations in space analysis on plaster studies with which to compare our data were found.
and digital models have been reported. Differences for
space analysis in this study were comparable14,17 or
smaller15,16 than those published in other studies. CONCLUSIONS
For tooth size discrepancy measurements, only 1 Based on this study, we concluded that measure-
small (0.114 mm) but statistically significant difference ments on stereolithographic models and digital models

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics September 2012  Vol 142  Issue 3

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