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Learning activity 1 / Actividad de aprendizaje 1

Evidence: My Profile / Evidencia: Mi perfil

Complete the blog entry with the appropriate information. / Complete la entrada
de blog, con la información correspondiente.

Your entry blog. / Su entrada de blog.


Diomar Palacio Flórez


My name is Diomar Palacio Flórez. I am from Colombia. I live in

Barranquilla. I am 31 years old. I am single. I am an Industrial Engineer. In
my free time I watch TV, do exercises and listen to music. My parents are
Hector Palacio and Maria Flórez. They living in Santa Marta. My dad is
taxi driver and my mom is a dressmaker and housewife.

My father is 52 years Old, he is very hard working and responsible, my

mother is 48 years old, she is loving, kind and intelligent.

I have two sisters, Marcela Palacio y Yarleydis Palacio.

Marcela is educated, intelligent and very and very beautiful, she is 25

years old while Yarleydis is 21 years old, she is more disordered and

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