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, •, language.

This would in turn have ham o„y « was

completely different from thetr langu g implications for the universal nature of vowel harmony.

_....-.... —-«X" " —" . method used for backness harmony subjects, in order to t
Turkish also transcribed 80% of the recordings. To avoid any bias phonology of Turkish, 40% of
the tapes were also transcribed by a Polish speaker.

The'tapes were not acoustically analyzed. The tapes with the recordings of the subjects were
listened by the experimenter and anything that sounded different than the actual item was noted. The
errors for each subject were noted this way and then the type of errors were categorized

In the same pattern with the backness harmony subjects, the errors of height harmony subjects are
provided in two ways: 1. The number of errors (consonant, vowel, switch errors) 2. The rate of
errors (which shows the average number of errors for each subject). The speech errors were
analyzed according to the categories provided by Fromkin (1971). Fromkin categorized speech
errors as: 1. shift and exchange, 2. perseveration, 3. anticipation, 4. deletion, 5. addition, 6.
substitution, 7. blend.

3.I.2.I. Speech Errors of Harmony Subjects trained in Height Harmony Condition

Subjects trained in the harmony condition of the height harmony were trained on words that were
harmonic in respect of their height feature. That is, if the first vowel of the word is high, then another
high vowel would follow, as predicted by height harmony rules. It should again be noted that the rules
of height harmony designed for this artificial language were very strict as was the case for backness
harmony. Since there were again vowels used from the set [e], [i], [o], [u]; high vowels ([i] and [u])
did not agree in terms of their backness frontness or rounding features. With the same logic, low
vowels ([e] and [o]) also did not have common rounding or backness/frontness features. In short, the
only feature common for the vowels was their height feature. To illustrate, some words used in the
actual experiment are: bivu, kezo, vobe,fuzi. As can be observed, all the vowels in the words agree in
their height features.


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