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Standard 2

Skillfulness and Health-Related Fitness

Component 2.a: Demonstrate competency in all fundamental motor skills, as well as

skillful performance in a minimum of four physical education content areas.

Artifact: PED 321 Movement Education FMS Certificate

Date: Fall 2018


My fundamental motor skills were assessed in PED 321 Movement Education

using the fundamental movement skills test. I achieved this certificate by performing all
of the locomotor, manipulative, and non-locomotor skills with competency. I was tested
on each skill by performing them in front of my instructors. In order to achieve this
certificate one must show a high level of competency across all of the skills.

The fundamental movement skills certificate relates to component 2.a in the

following manner. I was able to perform the skills accurately which shows that I am
capable of teaching them to my students in the future. It is very important to always
show students the proper techniques when teaching any skill. I plan to be a great
example for my students when demonstrating various skills in the future.

Demonstrating competency in all fundamental motor skills is important because it

is the start of teaching a quality physical education program. All physical education
teachers must be able to perform these skills in order to teach their students. Based on
the grade I received I still have some minor improving to do. I plan to continue to
practice my skills to ensure that when I teach I will be fully competent across all of the
areas for each skill.

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