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Activities for Grade III

Day 1

 Start the morning with half an hour yoga practice, which you learnt in the
Yoga Class.

1. LA
 Read a story and make story cloud of it using A4 paper.

2. SS
 Draw a Bird's Eye View Map of your bedroom and label it using numbers or colours.

3. Maths
 Add:

a 265 b. 427 c. 323 d. 442

+ 324 + 561 + 255 +356

e 603 f 526 g 673 h 236

+284 + 63 +315 +641

4. Science
 Draw a picture of a plant and label its different parts.

5. Nepali
 तिम्रो घरका सदस्यहरुको नाम लेख र सबैको उमेर र पेशा लेख।

6. Art
 Draw any 6 shapes and colour it.
Day 2

 Start the morning with half an hour yoga practice, which you learnt in the
Yoga Class.

1. LA
 Watch your parents cooking some food and write the recipe of that food along with ingredients.

2. SS
 Write down any 5 healthy habits that you follow everyday along with pictures.

3. Maths
 Make a booklet and write the multiplication table from 1 to 5.

4. Science
 Observe your surrounding and list out any 5 living things and 5 non-living things.

5. Nepali
 तिमीले पढे का कथाका तकिाब मध्ये एकदमै मन परे को कथाको तित्रकथा ियार पार।
Day 3

 Start the morning with half an hour yoga practice, which you learnt in the
Yoga Class.

1. LA
 Draw a T-chart and paste 5/5 pictures of Proper Nouns and Common Nouns in two columns. (Use
old books, magazines, newspaper or cut & paste book)

2. SS
 Prepare a questionnaire and take an interview with the eldest member of your family asking
him/her about "neighbourhood" during their time.

3. Maths
 Complete the pattern:
a. 20 25 30 _____ _______ ______ ______
b. 61 63 65 _____ _______ ______ ______
 Create a pattern using 3 things that you see in your bedroom.

 Create a pattern using any 3 things that you see in the kitchen.

Note: Learn the multiplication table of 1 and 2.

4. Science
 Draw a T-chart and paste pictures of healthy and unhealthy foods in two different columns.

5. Nepali
 सगरमाथाको बारे मा सोधखोज गर र एक अनुच्छेद लेख।

7. Art
 Draw any four vegetables and colour it.
Day 4

 Start the morning with half an hour yoga practice, which you learnt in the
Yoga Class.

1. LA
 Research about a famous personality and write his/her biography including date of birth, place,
contribution etc.

2. SS
 Draw a picture of your neighbourhood.

3. Maths
 Subtract:

a 642 b 98 c 77

-531 - 64 - 51

d 63 e 86 f 49

-12 - 33 - 25

Note: Learn the multiplication table of 3 and 4.

4. Science

 Do you know about seasons? Which is your favourite season and why? Write few sentences
about your favourite season.

5. Nepali:
 साि बार र बाह्र मतहनाको नाम लेख।
Day 5

 Start the morning with half an hour yoga practice, which you learnt in the
Yoga Class.

1. LA
 Draw pictures of all the family members of your family including you and write five describing
words (adjectives) for each to describe their character or physical features.

2. SS
 Draw a picture of your favourite means of transportation and research about it and write few
sentences. (Hint: Research who invented it and when, its function and usefulness, etc)

3. Maths
 Cut a paper in different shapes. Make a robot, a house, or a man using those shapes. Paste it on
A4 paper and display it in your room.

(Take help from your parents to cut.)

4. Science
 Paste pictures of 5 land animals and 5 water animals.

5. Nepali
 आफ्नो वररपररको वािावरण हे र र त्यसको तित्र बनाऊ।
 क दे खख ि सम्मको बाह्रखरी लेख। (क , का , तक _ _ _)

6. Art
 Draw two water animals and colour it.
Day 6

 Start the morning with half an hour yoga practice, which you learnt in the
Yoga Class.

1. LA
 Learn a poem/song through internet and recite/sing in front of your family members.

2. SS
 Write a short paragraph on “ Neighbourhood and its Importance”

[Hint: write about neighbourhood, different places and people in neighbouhood, its importance,
our duties as a member of a neighbourhood]

3. Maths:
 Multiply:

a 2 b 4 c 3 d 6

x3 x 4 x 5 x 3

e 5 f 7 g 7

x 4 x 2 x 3

4. Science
 Research about a bird. Write the bird's name and gather the following information about the bird.

a. What is its body colour?

b. Where does it live?

c. What does it eat?

d. What type of nest does it build?

e. How does it move?

5. Nepali:

 नेपालको रातरिय जनावर "गाई " को तित्र बनाऊ र गाईको बारे मा दस वाक्य लेख।
Day 7

 Start the morning with half an hour yoga practice, which you learnt in the
Yoga Class.

1. LA
 Prepare a booklet, write a story of your own and draw pictures related to the story as well.

2. SS
 Prepare a model of any one means of communication using the things available at home.

[Hint: means of communication: TV, radio, computer, telephone, mobile phone etc]

3. Maths:
 Divide:

a 2) 8 ( b 3) 9 ( c 2)6(

d 4)8( e 3)6( f 2)4(

4. Science
5. Experiment Time!!!!!!!!
Sink or Float Activity. See whether the items given below sink to the bottom or floats on the top.
Materials required:
Bucket or big bowl
Different Items (Coin, spoon, pencil, dice, ball, blocks, straw, toothpick, ear bud. stone)
You can use other items as well to do the experiment.
Do the predication whether the items will sink or float.
Fill the bucket or big bowl with water.
Now, drop the objects one by one into the water.
Observe it and record whether these items sinks or floats.
Record whether these items sinks or floats.

Name of the items My Prediction Result

Sink or float Sink or Float
6. Nepali
 आफ्नो वररपरर हे रेर नाम का प्रकार छु ट्याएर लेख।

जातिवाचक नाम

ब्यक्तिवाचक नाम

समूहवाचक नाम

द्रव्यवाचक नाम

भाववाचक नाम


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