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Call today and find out ‘amps and accessors advertise in “THE WORLD CLASS MUSIC STO} Burbridge and the Modulus Quantum 6 ‘SPI Custom. Lene cnt oo a sore boss "Op nll the other sz who In Hew York State: (G16) 333-8700 or (718) 347-7757 THE SAM ASH MUSIC INSTITUTE MIDI & ENGINEERING PROGRAMS » WORLD-CLASS FACILITIES BB ease maven > syricr 04 162 WEST 48th STREET + NEW YORK CITY (212) 719-4572 RECORDING coninues ‘While many producers and engineers prefer to mike the player's tage rig, the Ampeg SVT is «8 popular studio standard George Drakoulias Tikes to use an Ampeg B-15. Paul Northfield believes you nee to strike a balance between the sound of vintage speakers and the power-han dling capabilities of newer ones. "Some of the lower-wattag rerssound grea, but they tend to low up,” he says, "But if you wse speakers

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