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Agenda: Dependent Picklist - Level 2 , Data Cleaning Modes In Salesforce

Thursday, January 2, 2020 2:29 PM

========== Intelogik's Project Problems ==========

Business wants you to provide a solution of connecting below picklists to improvise product purchase process for a e-commerce company's internal processing.

Category of Products= (LOVs = Communication Devices, Home Appliances, Apparels) (you can add more if you want)
Products Names= (LOVs = Mobile, Washing Machine, Formal Shirts) (you can add more if you want)
Brand Names= (LOVs = Nokia, OnePlus, Whirlpool, Peter England) (you can add more if u want)
Attributes = (LOVs = 4 GB RAM, 8 GB RAM, Whirlpool Model 123, Whirlpool Model 456, Red Shirt, Black Shirt )

Above picklists are in the exact sequence, in which client wants the dependency to be shown.
Implement this requirement.

Step 1:- Create the picklist

Step 2:-Create the dependencies

========== Class Notes ===========

IQ: Samsung, USA

If I want to set any picklist as controlling field,
then how many max values I can have in it?
300 max


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How many values we can show in Picklist which is dependent?
>> Max 1000


Values in Picklist is also terms as : LOV

LOV = List Of Values

Why we don't have radio button in SF?
What u use instead?

Note: By code we can create radio button. Not by Object Definition Page way / non coding way.

>> SF says, we need to use Picklist (single select), as we can select only one value in Picklist, can make use of it same as a Radio button.

Bad Data

What is Bad data?

Such data which customer / end user entered into SF, which is not suitable for business process or not matching with business policy, called as Bad data.

Ex: In business, client never gives discount more than 40%. But if any field called as "discount given", the value is 70%, is an example of bad data.

Issues with bad data?

>>Make data irrelevant to business, can make issues in calculation and policy implementation of business.


What are the ways of keeping data clean in Salesforce?
Validation Rules (today's topic !!)
Data Loader (future topic)
Triggers (future topic)
Server side validation (future topic)
Schedule class (future topic)

Avoiding bad data which is not suitable for our business process, such mechanism is called as "Data cleaning process"


Why we get bad data in business?

--human error / typing issue
(instead of number 10, we wrote "ten")

--business logic / rules are not considered

(more than 70% discount)


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