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Letter of application

Dear Miss Simpson,

I am writing to apply for the position of departament manager, advertised in the local
newspaper last week . I enclosed my curriculum vitae as requested and testimonials from my
previous employer. I am generally noted for my good managerial skills and the ability of
working with people.

As outlined in the my curriculum vitae, I graduated The Faculty of Business from

Bucharest University in 2007. After graduation I have worked as a store manager for five years
at H&M Enterprise, where my major duties included the organisation of the employees, the
daily verification of the store, the control of the quality of the products, the correspondance with
the rest of the company.

I think I am a good candidate for the advertised position, because of my long experience
in sales and also because during this period I participated to many trainings organised by Ernst
& Young, the famous public relation firm.

I would be pleased to supply you with any further information about my qualifications
and I hope you will be able to make use of them. I thank you for taking into account my
application and I am available for an interview at any time.

Best regards,
Letter of request

Dear Sir,

I would be grateful if you could send to the adress mentioned above a copy of the last
number of “ Bismark” magasine, which I was not able to find in Bacau. I am very found of your
publications and I want to congratulate you for the great quality of the articles the readers can
find in them. Unfortunately it is very difficult for me to find them in my town. The last copy sells
early in the morning. I suggest you to solve this problem because there are many other readers
keen to read your articles.

Would you please inform what method of payment is suitable for you. I thank you in

Yours sincerly,

Letter of information

Dear Mr and Mrs Brown,

Thank you for the attention given to our advertise about our holiday home. We inform
you that the house is available for the whole month of July.

It has three large bedrooms with matrimonial bed, TY and computer connected to the
internet; two modern bathrooms, a large dining room where dinner can be served, a large modern
kitchen and a three-acre garden. In the yard there is a large pool for grown-ups, another special
pool for children and a place for pets. It is ten minutes’walk from the beach and five
minutes’walk from the non-stop opened shops. Costinesti, the village in which the house is
placed is only one hour’s drive from Constanta.
The house is offered for a 250 rent per week. 10 % from this amount should be payed in
advance, 4 weeks before arrival. In the case that you cancel the booking, the amount paid is
returnable only if the house is re-let. I enclosed two photos of the house, in order to have a better
image of the place.

Hoping you will find attractive our offer, we expect you to be our guests in July.

Yours faithfully,

Letter of complaint

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to complain about the poor quality of the service offered by your company
to its customers. I left a large picture in your shop from Bacau, in order to be framed. At that
moment the shop assistant told me that it would be delivered to me within three weeks. Since
five weeks have passed and the picture has not been yet delivered to me, I want to know what
has happened to my portrait and the reason for which I have not been able to receive it home.

I expect you to apologise for the problems created and I also think that, considering your
reputation as a serious company, a certain percent from the amount I paid should be returned.

Would you please telephone to let me know what is wrong and when I should expect the
delivery? I hope it will not be too long as I want to see the results.

Best regards,
Letter of apology

Dear Mr. Rob,

Thank you for you letter of 29 May, by means of which you informed us about the poor
quality of the service that you received when you left a large oil picture in our shop from Bacau
to be framed. I am writing you to apologise for the long deliviring time. We inform you that the
mentioned deliviring time was not respected, because of the great volume of work in our
company. I assure you that this is a isolated incident which is unlikely to happen again.

We inform you that the picture is well framed and will be delivered within two days. A
complete refund cannot be given, but 10% of the paid amount will be returned to you. Please
inform us what payement modality is suitable for you.

I apologise once again for this inconvenience and I thank you for understanding.

Yours faithfully,

Letter making a suggestion

Dear Sir,

I am writing to express my concern about the lack of a zebra crossing near “Vasile
Alecsandri” School, where my children go daily. Given the fact that parents are not always able
to attend their children to school, a zebra crossing would be very useful for the safety of our
children, who are in danger to be killed by careless drivers. There are many shops and
restaurants in the area, where hundreads of people driving cars do the shopping daily. As a
consequence of the heavy traffic from the area and of the nervous drivers circulating with great
speed, my children have to walk almost a kilometre every day in order to cross the street near
the traffic light. It is easy to understand how difficult it is for children to walk such a long

This problem could be easily solved by creating a zebra crossing in front of the school.
Its advantages are evident, given that most of the parents would be delighted of such an idea,
thinking that their children can cross the road safetly at the end of the classes.

I hope you will take into consideration the opinion of a mother worried about the life of
her children and that suitable measures will be taken before a tragic accident occur.

Yours faithfully,

Transactional Letter

Dear Mr Collins,

I am writing to thank you for your kind invitation to Wiliam’s birthday party, on 28th of
May. I would have been delighted to participate tu such an event, but unfortunately , my plans
have changed lately. My superiour wants me to attend an important medical Conference in
London, on 29th of May. As a consequence I have to leave Bucharest earlier than I expected.

I am sorry to miss your son’s birthday, but perhaps I could call you as soon as I get back
in Romania . We could arrange a meeting, to offer the present I have already bought for your

Until then, kindest regards.

To: The National Commission of Educational Evaluation

From: The Bacau Local Council

Subject: Evaluation Report of Sunrise Kindergarten

Date: 28th October

As requested by The National Commission of Educational Evaluation, this report

examines information gathered from observations made at Sunrise Kindergarten, No.8, Venus
Street, Bacau. The information was recollected during the period mentioned bellow: 27 th
September- 27th October. This report contains public information and it will be published in the
Official Gazette and on the internet site of the institution.

The purpose of this report is to analyse the way in which the grant accorded by the Local
Council to the institution mentioned above was spent.

The Local Council assigned to the institution mentioned above a grant of 2500 for the
financial year 2013-2014. The amount was delivered in the official account of the institution on
19th September 2013. 10 % of the amount was spent in order to buy new beds for 20 children
who will study for the first time in the institution this year. The payment is justified by the bill nr
251 from 19th September, enclosed to this report.

The rest of the amount was used to repair the roof of the building which was damaged
since July, because of a strong storm. The work was made by SC Company. 25 % of the amount
was spent for the acquisition of the necessary materials ( tray, glue, wood) and the rest was spent
for the manufacture. The work is guranted for six years. The bills giving a detailed and clear
image of the materials bought and of the manufacture are enclosed at the end of this report.

Taken into consideration the observation made by our team related to the way in which
the grant was spent, we conclude that each payment was correctly made and was justified by the
attached documents. This report recommend that the Local Council continue its cooperation with
the institution mentioned before.
Greater freedom means greater happiness

Freedom is a complex topic that has always generated many debates. One of the most
used today dictionaries gives the following definition to the word freedom : the condition or right
of being able or allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever you want to, without being controlled or
limited.1 This can be a starting point for this work, because it contains some keywords related to
the concept of freedom ( right, control, limit). Yet, this definition is incomplete, because it does
not specify the complex and cotroversed nature of the concept. Many questions may be asked.
For instance one can ask whether unlimited freedom really exists; which are the borders of our
freedom; does our freedom ends when it limitates the others freedom; who decides which are the
limits of our freedom; is freedom synonim with happiness etc. It is diffcult to give very strict
answers to such questions, especially to last one, because many pro and contra arguments can be

Firstly people are different and have various needs that must be satisfied. In some
repressive regims this general thurth was ignored and the quantity of food people were suppose
to eat was calculated, using obscure criteria. Thus, people were made to spend many hours
under a fierce sun or on the contrary at very low temperatures at long queues in order to buy
some food, soap or some other goods they needed for a decent life.

Secondly, it is supposed that an adult is able to decide by his own, to have his own ideas,
opinions or beliefs. That is why people have the right to be properly informed and to have free
acces to all kinds of information. This right is obviously ignored through censarship by
repressive regimes, which are aware of the power of media in the development of a society and

1, retrieved on 15th March 2012
thus control it. Furthermore there are many well known cases of people who were imprisoned
during some repressive regimes, because of belonging to a certain nationality or social class or
because of claiming their right to have and to express their own opinions. They were humiliated,
tortured and deprived of food or water, because they had the courage to express their own
opinions and beliefs.

Taking these arguemnts into consideration, it is obvious that the consequences of lack of
freedom are appaling. It is evident that more freedom means more happines.

On the other hand more freedom does not mean only more happiness, but also more
responsability. And being responsable is not an easy thing.

There are parents who trust their children and who consider that giving as much freedom
as they can to them means in fact making them responsabile for their acts. In this way children
become aware of the fact that everything they do has certain consequences that they have to
endure. Unfortunely there are situations in which this well-known thruth is ignored and freedom
is used unproperly. Too much freedom may become dangerous and it does not bring necessary
happiness. Nowadays there are many temptations such as drugs or pornography which can
destroy the lives of teenagers which are allowed to do whatever they want, without being aware
of the consequence of their behaviour.

On a larger scale, there are situations in which freedom can become dangerous at the level of a
whole country. The case of Romania in 1989 is a good example in this sense. People had wanted
to be free for a long time. They had had enough of being tortured and repressed etc. But when
they finnaly got their freedom, they did not know what to do with it. After such a long period of
dictatorship and censorship, freedom was something too new and unknown to be properly used.
Thus, much violence, indiscipline, coruption, pauverty, economic crisis, lack of a coherent
corpus of laws etc.

Taking into consideration the arguments and the examples mentioned before, the best
conclusion to such a question whether more freedom means more happiness would be the old
latin proverb aurea mediocritas. In other words, achieving a balance between freedom and
respnsability would be the best solution.
Animals should be treated with as much as respect as humans

The way in which humans should treat animals is a long discussed issue, involving many
debates, with supporters claiming that animals may be sometimes more faithful friends than
human beings, whilst opponents consider that animals are just beings acting according to their
instincts and which are unable to reason.

Firstly those who defend animals give examples of animals such as dogs or monkeys or
dolphins who helped their human friends in emergency situations such as fires or medical crisis.
On the other had, unfortunally one can watch on TV many cases of human beings acting as if
they would be animals and torturing poor little cats or dogs.

Another major argument brought by the supporters of the idea of treating animals with
the same respect as human beings is their ability to communicate with people. Even if animals
are not able to use words, there are many situations in which dogs for instance can be trained in
order to answer to some simple comands, to bring different objects, to dance etc. Moreover
Police frequently use dogs trained to discover various objects or persons using their good senses.
Horses are also used by Police in some coutries as an economic and ecological way of transport.
Moreover in the indian culture cows are considered to be saint animals and are allowed to walk
freely on streets.

There are also some TV channels which dedicate their entire programmes to those who
love animals, giving them acces to the beauty of wilderness and at the same time providing them
with tips and tricks about the way in which they should train their pets.

The examples mentioned above suggest the fact that animals were created to be useful to
people and that is why they should be well treated, that their basic needs should be satisfied and
that they should be provided with food, water or shelter. But creating hotels, fashion shops,
hairdressers and even spa saloons for cats and dogs is too much. It is a sad to think that dogs or
cats are treated as human beings and spoiled with all kind of products, while children die because
of lack of food, water or medical services.

The opponents of the idea that animals deserve to be treated with the same respect as human
beings consider that an animall will always be an animal, no matter how much time one would
spend in order to educate it. They give the example of well trained animals which had an
unpredictable behaviour and attacked their masters or even worse they killed them. It is well
known the case of Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter at Dicovery Channel who was killed by his
passion for wild animals.

To sum up, it is evident that nature has its own rules that people cannot do anything that
respect it. It is ridiculos to see dogs or cats wearing human garments, having their fur cut by a
hair stylist or even participating to matrimonial ceremonies organised especially for them. As
long as an animal has everything it should have to satisfy its needs, it is properly treated. In my
opinion a human being is far more important than an animal, now matter how well trained it
might be.

Cars enslaves/ eliberates us

We live in a world in which technology has great influence upon our life style. Most of
our work is performed nowadays by all kind of machines. Most of us use daily a car, a
computer, a washing machine, a mobile phone etc. Despite the fact that using all these machines
involves a great economy of time, one of the major problems of postmodern society is the lack
of time. This is the paradoxical nature of techonology. These machines were created to improve
our lives, to allow us to spend more time with our families or to do things we enjoy to do, but
unfortunally they became themselves great time eaters. As a consequence, they does not
eliberates us, but on the contrary they enslave us.

For instance, it is supposed that owing and driving a car involves many advantages such
as comfort, speed and time economy. We go to work by car or by bus, we do the shopping using
a car to carry our lugagge, we go on holyday using th same car. As incredible it may seem, there
are people who drive a car even for three minutes until the small shop at end of the road to but
some food, instead of walking.

But everything has a price that should be paid. everybody complains about the
disadvantages involved by the increased number of cars, such as pollution, great costs, traffic
jams, accidents, obesity etc. In this case the last two advatanges of driving a car are unreliable.
Spending a couple of long minutes daily in a traffic jam, while the traffic light turns green
several times is absolutely a lost of time. It is now wonder why more and more people decide to
go to work by bycicle. It is ecological, less expensive, healthy, even time saving.

It is also important to mention that cars are not used nowadays only for their practical
advantages such as those mentioned before. In the postmodern society they are also a cultural
sign. If in the Victorian age for instance the social stata were very strictly defined, in the
postmodern society there are not any longer strict boundaries. As a result the postmodern society
is a society governeded by images. There are many VIPs who spend fortunes to create a certain
public image ( hairstylists, fashion designers etc). This is a general thruth, not only for public
persons, but also for most of us. “Everybody wants to look good” is the slogan of one famous
fashion retailer. Looking good does not mean only being beautiful or having a perfect body. It
also means being succesfull, skilfull, rich, happy etc and especially showing it.

In this context the car one owns is one important element of the image he wants to create.
Owing an expensive car means belonging to a certain social class, having great influence upon
the others, prosperity, succes. Moreover, according to the commercials that one can watch daily
on TV, owing a car means happiness and big smiles. That is why the characters are happy
parents who spend their time with children or very handsome youngmen ready to seduce each
and every woman they meet. Cars are an important part of the American dream based on
progress of technology everybody wants to live.

As a conclusion we have to point out the paradoxical nature of progress. On one hand
techonology ( including cars) improves the quality of our lives, on the other hand it makes us
superficial, less sensitive to spiritual values and more receptive to material goods.

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