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Huckleberry Finn

fetch  * to be sold for a particular amount of money

satisfied * pleased because you have got what you wanted, or
because something has happened in the way that you
victuals ** food and drink
considerable  ** great in amount, size, importance, etc.
reckon ** to expect to do something
monstrous ** very large
skiff  ** a small light boat for rowing or sailing, usually for one
ornery ** easily annoyed and difficult to deal with
quarry  ** a place where large amounts of stone, etc. are dug out of
the ground
counterfeit * something that is made to look like the original of
something else, usually for dishonest or illegal purposes
meddle  *** to interest oneself in what is not one's concern
interfere  to interpose in a way that hinders or impedes : come into
collision or be in opposition
temperance  * the habit or practice of avoiding extremes of behavior,
esp. not drinking too much alcohol
stanchion  * a fixed vertical bar or pole used as a support for
wallow * (especially of some animals) to lie or roll around
slowly in deep, wet earth, sand, or water
palaver ** talk that does not have any meaning
yonder *** at or in that indicated more or less distant place usually
within sight
slough *** place of deep mud or mire
fetch  * to be sold for a particular amount of money
satisfied * pleased because you have got what you wanted, or
because something has happened in the way that
you wanted
victuals ** food and drink
considerable  ** great in amount, size, importance, etc.
reckon ** to expect to do something
monstrous ** very large
skiff  ** a small light boat for rowing or sailing, usually for one
ornery ** easily annoyed and difficult to deal with
quarry  ** a place where large amounts of stone, etc. are dug out of
the ground
counterfeit * something that is made to look like the original of
something else, usually for dishonest or illegal purposes
meddle  *** to interest oneself in what is not one's concern
interfere  to interpose in a way that hinders or impedes : come into
collision or be in opposition
temperance  * the habit or practice of avoiding extremes of behavior,
esp. not drinking too much alcohol
stanchion  * a fixed vertical bar or pole used as a support for
wallow * (especially of some animals) to lie or roll around
slowly in deep, wet earth, sand, or water
palaver ** talk that does not have any meaning
yonder *** at or in that indicated more or less distant place usually
within sight
slough *** place of deep mud or mire
quicksilver ** mercury (or a chemical element. Mercury is a poisonous
silver liquid metal, used in thermometers.)

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