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Oh, my stars and garters.

- Beast

PL: 10 (184 pts) - OPL: 10; DPL: 10; HP: 1



SKILLS: Acrobatics 8 (+16) [Accelerated Acrobatics*], Athletics 4 (+14), Close Combat [Unarmed] 3 (+10), Deception
(+3), Expertise [Biology] 9 (+18), Expertise [Mutations] 9 (+18), Expertise [Science] 6 (+15), Insight 4 (+8),
Intimidation (+3), Investigation 3 (+12), Perception 5 (+9), Persuasion 7 (+10), Stealth (+8), Technology 4 (+13)
[Inventor], Treatment 4 (+13), Vehicles 4 (+7)

ADVANTAGES: Accelerated Acrobatics*, Benefit (1) (Ambidexterity), Defensive Attack, Eidetic Memory, Evasion (1),
Fighting Climb*, Inventor, Languages (3) (Latin, Japanese, Sh’iar, 7 others, Base: English), Move-by Action, Takedown
(1), Teamwork 

Beast Size: Growth 2 (+2 Str, +2 Sta, -1 Dodge/Parry, -2 Stealth, +1 Intimidation, Speed +0, +2 Mass; Extra:
Innate, Permanent); 5 pts
Beast Hide: Feature 1 (Insulating Fur), Protection 2; 1 pt
Beast Physiology: Feature 1 (Prehensile Feet), Leaping 2 (30 ft), Speed 3 (16 mph/250 fpr), Movement 1 (Wall
Crawling [Speed rank -1]), Regeneration 3 (1/every 3 rounds); 11 pts
Beast Senses: Senses 4 (Low Light Vision, Normal Hearing [Extended], Scent [Acute, Extended]); 4 pts
Pheromones: Perception Ranged Affliction 2 (Resisted/Overcome by Will; 1st: Dazed, 2nd: Compelled, Extra:
Cumulative, Subtle, Flaw: Limited [to two degrees], Limited [opposite sex only], Sense Dependent [Olfactory]); 4 pts


Initiative +8
Close Attack +7 
Unarmed +10 [Unarmed +10]
Ranged Attack +3

Dodge +10 [DC20] Parry +10 [DC20]
Toughness +10, Fortitude +9, Will +9

Fame: He is one of the leading spokespeople for the Mutant race in addition to being a world class biologist and
Avengers member.
Monstrous Appearance: His beastly appearance can make it difficult for Henry to blend into normal society.
Phobia: With his mutation constantly in flux, he has a great fear of losing his intelligence and becoming a true beast.
Prejudice: Mutant.
Relationships: Most of the X-Men, although he is very close to Professor X, his fellow "First Class"-mates (even though
he and Scott are often on "the outs" because of Scott's more radical viewpoint), Hank Pym, Janet Van Dyne (from his
time with the Avengers), and he is currently sort of dating Abigail Brand of S.W.O.R.D. 
Responsibility: Xavier's Dream.

Abilities 96 + Skills 35 (70 ranks) + Advantages 13 + Powers 27 + Defenses 13 = 184 / 184

Build Comments: This is Henry as he is currently where is back to being more Beast-ly, with some artists beginning to
draw him with the old tufts of hair again. The kitty Beast was a nice aside, but I like the more simian version and I'm
glad they're kind of going back to basics with him, even if he's a bigger Beast now.

Secret Origins: Henry Philip "Hank" McCoy was born in Dundee, Illinois, in the United States, to Norton and Edna
McCoy. His father, Norton McCoy, is employed at a local nuclear power plant before Henry's birth and was once exposed
to intense nuclear radiation, which appears to have caused his son's mutation. Hank is born with a vast intellect,
unusually long arms and legs, and unusually large hands and feet for a human; in fact, his body's proportions are
comparable to those of a gorilla and later stories reveal his nickname in school was "Magilla Gorilla".

Henry's mutation more fully manifests during adolescence, providing greater strength and agility, and although his
powers allow him to briefly excel in athletics during his remaining time at school, he soon attracts the animosity of his
fellow students and other non-mutant humans. As he seeks refuge, he is approached by Professor Charles Xavier, who
invites him to study at "Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters".

Henry recognizes the opportunities such an institution can offer him and accepts the invitation. He finds the school both
a fountain of scientific knowledge and a place of sanctuary and is there introduced to the X-Men, who accept him into
their ranks and give him the codename Beast.

The Story so Far: Hank leaves the X-Men shortly after his twentieth birthday, after remarking that he is no longer one
of the "strangest teens of all." He becomes a research scientist at the Brand Corporation, a genetics research facility.
His assistant, Linda Donaldson, quickly becomes his girlfriend. Hank isolates a "hormonal extract" allowing anyone to
become a mutant for a short period of time, and uses the mutagenic serum on himself to disguise his appearance while
foiling an attempt to steal his research. However, he waits too long to reverse the process, leaving him permanently
transformed. He has grown grey fur (which later turns blue) all over his body and acquired pointed ears, elongated
canine teeth, claws, the ability to run on walls and ceilings like a spider, enhanced senses, an accelerated healing
factor, and a feral side he struggles to control.

Not long after this transformation, he is recruited to join the Avengers as a provisional member. He is later granted full
Avengers membership and remains a member for a few years, becoming a close friend of Wonder Man. He leaves the
team periodically to rejoin the X-Men during times of need. He joined the Defenders briefly, as well as the Doom Patrol
and helps the original X-Men form X-Factor.

Later, as the world experiences a mutant baby boom, much of the mutant community seemingly begins experiencing
"secondary mutations", often taking the form of additional or enhanced abilities. Beast's secondary mutation is
"jumpstarted" due to the powers of teammate Sage. The further mutation causes Beast to develop a more feline
physique, to which he initially has some trouble adapting and haunted by the possibility that his new form is simply a
step in a continuous state of devolution. However, after a period of adjustment, he became comfortable with his new
mutation and was his old self again.
Beast had a falling out with Cyclops over Scott's increasingly militant and extremist attitude to protecting the mutant
species at all costs, even at the cost of sacrificing his friends to do so. He rejoined the Avengers for a time and after the
separations of the X-Men in two teams, Beast is one of them to go with Wolverine to Westchester to open "The Jean
Grey School for Higher Learning".

Recently, Beast and Scott have reconciled at least most of their differences and Hank has joined the Justice League at
Xavier and Scott’s request to be, as Scott put it “my big, blue conscience”.

Characterization: Hank possesses a brilliant intellect. He is a world-renowned biochemist, having earned Ph.D.s in

Biophysics and Genetics, and is the man who cured the Legacy Virus. He frequently functions as both field medic and
in-house physician for the X-Men, despite not technically having an MD. His intelligence and expertise in genetics rival
that of Professor X, Moira McTaggert, and Kavita Rao. A Renaissance man, McCoy is well-versed in many fields
including several languages, literature, philosophy, psychology, and sociology, history, art and art history,
anthropology, linguistics, and music, as well as in political science and economics with a special affinity for science and
technology and a penchant for quoting literary classics. His vast scientific knowledge ranges from theoretical physics,
quantum mechanics, differential equations, nanotechnology, anatomy, biomedicine, analytical chemistry, electrical
engineering, and mechanical engineering.

Friends and Foes: Hank is one of the most respected men in the superhero community and has several allies thanks
to his time with the X-Men, Avengers and other teams. He is closest to his original X-Men teammates and maintains his
friendship with Simon Williams, Wonder Man. He is currently in a relationship with Abigail Brand of SWORD, although
he seems to take it more seriously than she does most of the time.

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