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Children should be forced to read novels from every major genre, including fiction, science fiction,

sports, romance, comics, horror, and crime. Being widely read will mean children will have a better
understanding of the world around them. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays we live in an age of great technological inventions, but books already have their special place
in our life. There are different kinds of books including books written specially for children. Books help
children to have a better understanding of the world around them. With this in mind, some people think
that children should be forced to read novels from every major genre, including fiction, science fiction,
sports, romance, comics, horror and crime, while others do not agree with this opinion. I will try to
discuss this tendency with some compelling arguments.

Books are essential part for children’s education. They play significant part in their development and
must be chosen carefully. Books must be interesting and educational at the same time. Parents must not
force their children to read books, they must awake their interest and will to read them. Usually,
children read science fiction novels or detectives, because they find it more attractive in this age. I think
that, it’s more important to develop the culture of reading in this age, than to force them reading all
kinds of books.

As a mentioned above, the world we live in is full of technological inventions which is part of children’s
life from early childhood. They watch TV, animations, mobile phones and other gadgets, which are
interesting for them. Children get information about different things, for example, from animations they
get aware of animals, birds, seas, lakes and other things. With this in mind, it’s not right that children
will have a better understanding of the world only by reading all kinds of books.

All things considered, I do not agree with the opinion that children should be forced to read novels from
every major genre. Books are essential and it may have significant role in children’s development, but
this must be done voluntarily to serve the main purpose.

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