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Psychologist have known for many years that colour can affect how people feel.

For this reason,

attention should be given to colour schemes when decorating places such as offices and hospitals.
How true is this statement? How far does colour influence people’s health and capacity for work?

Colours have significant place in our life. There has been done different researches and experiments to
find the influence of colours and it’s proved that colour can affect how people feel. With this in mind,
public buildings, such as offices and hospitals are usually coloured using appropriate colours for
decorating. I think that colours have special meaning and they can influence people’s mood, health and

To begin with, we are influenced by colours in our everyday life and have special attitude to them. To
give an illustration of what I mean, let’s look at the case of riding, red light on the street informs us to
stop, while green lets us to continue our walk. We react differently to colours, for example, it’s known
that blue is colour of nature and it has positive influence on people’s mood and behavior.

Moreover, as I mentioned above, decorating places such as hospitals in special colours may have an
asset for patients. It’s scientifically proved that our mood can affect our health conditions, so the colour
schemes and decoration should be set in a way so that people feel better being there. Similarly, the
interior in the offices can affect the mood of employees working there. While we spend the most part of
our offices, it’s logical that the interior there can influence on our psychology and way how we work.
From my experience, I can say that I prefer to work in a room which is painted in green or light blue
colour, while I use to get tired easily in a red or orange painted rooms.

All things considered, even though sometimes we don’t recognize it, colours have special place in our
everyday life. Thus, colour or decoration in a room or building should not be selected randomly, but a
good amount of time should be invested to colour any building.

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