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Some people think that there should be strict laws to control the amount of noise a person makes

because of the disturbance it causes to people. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Give
reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Nowadays as a result of technology development, merely each second family owns digital equipment
which can cause noise, for example, by loud music. Moreover, noise can be caused by people talking,
television, by domestic animals, vehicles and etc. Because of the disturbance it causes to people, some
people think that there should be strict laws to control the amount of noise a person makes. I’ll try to
discuss this tendency with some compelling arguments.

To begin with, because of our hectic pace of life, home is a place where we decompress, unwind and
refresh ourselves. Noise can break our comfort zone. With this in mind, people keep to install carpets in
walls to reduce noise pollution produced by strong sounds. Some people use to have special technics
canceling sounds from streets and neighbors.

To that end, there are some restrictive measures about this issue in most countries. For example, in
Georgia according to the law, in any kind of housing, street, private or public establishment, noise is not
allowed to exceed the limited norm. This norm is usually calculated in Decibels. Moreover, there are
fines for people who brake this law. I think that this type of restriction has made a good impact on our
society. Now people try not to make a noise at night afraid to be fined by police.

All things considered, when we speak about people’s private life, and I think disturbance must be
considered as interference in private life, government should control the amount of noise person makes
by strict laws.

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