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Punjab University College Of Information Technology

Wasim Ahmed Khan

Enterprise Application Development

Spring 2020
Assignment 3
Issue Date: February 28, 2020

The objective of this assignment is to:

1. Understand some N-Tier and file handling in C#


1. This is an individual assignment, you are strictly NOT allowed to discuss your
solutions with your fellow colleagues, even not allowed asking how is he/she is
doing, it may result in negative marking. You can ONLY discuss with your TAs or
with me.

2. Send your tasks on till Friday (March 6, 2020) 5PM. Late
submission will not be accepted.

3. Subject of your email should be your roll number and assignment e.g.
BSEF17M5**(Assignment 3)

4. If you have any ambiguity post an email at or , , ,

5. Use only C# language to do these tasks. Languages other than C# will not be accepted.

Task 01: [20 Marks]

You have to develop an event management system. The system should have two modules i.e
Admin and Client.

• Admin and Client both can login into the system.

Punjab University College Of Information Technology
Wasim Ahmed Khan

Store admin and client’s Id, name and password in Admin.txt and Client.txt respectively.

A. Admin Module
• Admin can view the details of clients .

• Admin can search the details of client .

• Admin can delete a client.

B. Client Module
When a client login, show him/her a list of events like

I. Sports gala
II. Culture festival
III. Book fair
IV. Job fair

Also provide a specific date for each specific event. The client can select any event.

• Complete data of client should be stored in Client.txt in following format:

Id:1,Name:Ali,Event:Job fair,Date:30-3-2020

Task 02: [20 Marks]

As you know League will be coming soon. Sports Society doesn’t have enough time to
produce some kind of software to facilitate people more, in order to provide them with all
the match information and schedules. They require some people to do the job for them. So,
ready for some volunteer work?

You have to create a database named FixtureSchedule with following attributes:

Punjab University College Of Information Technology
Wasim Ahmed Khan

• Team1
• Team2
• Time
• Date
• Day

You have to create following functions:

• Add //will add a new record in DB.

• Update //will update a specific info of a specific record.
• Delete //will delete a specific record.
• View //will show all fixtures on console.
• Search (team name) //show all the record of team specified.

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