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Punjab University College Of Information Technology

Wasim Ahmed Khan

Enterprise Application Development

Spring 2020
Assignment 3
Issue Date: February 28, 2020

The objective of this assignment is to:

1. Understand some N-Tier and file handling in C#


1. This is an individual assignment, you are strictly NOT allowed to discuss your
solutions with your fellow colleagues, even not allowed asking how is he/she is
doing, it may result in negative marking. You can ONLY discuss with your TAs or
with me.

2. Send your tasks on till Monday (March 16, 2020) 5PM.
Late submission will not be accepted.

3. Subject of your email should be your roll number and assignment e.g.
BSEF17M5**(Assignment 4+task 1)

4. If you have any ambiguity post an email at or , , ,

5. Use only C# language to do these tasks. Languages other than C# will not be accepted.

Task 01: [20 Marks]

You have to develop a scientific calculator exactly like one available in windows 10. The
calculator should implement all the functionalities of windows scientific calculator
Example functions are:

• Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Mode, Exponent

• Square, Cube, log, ln, factorial • Sin, cos, tan, cot, csc, sec
• Inverse of Sin, cos, tan, cot, csc, sec
• Square root, cube root
• Clear button, Backspace button, pi(3.14) button, point button
• Log with any base, 2^(2 raise to power),e^(e raise to power)
Punjab University College Of Information Technology
Wasim Ahmed Khan

• Inverse of a number x (i-e: 1/x), x raise to power y (x^y e.g : 4^5=1024 where x=4
and y=5)

NOTE: If the implementation of any one function (from original windows calculator) will be
missing, it will result in marks deduction.

• You need to handle exceptions like:

i. Divided by 0
ii. Two operators entered consecutively (2++2 or 3+*6)
iii. Operand missing after operator (2+)
iv. No consecutive decimal points.

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