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Classroom Observation


I was fortunate enough to observe the classroom of a seasoned English teacher of 5

years at Coral Academy. I was blown away by how well she seemed to manage everything.
Between the lesson plan, the constant questions, endless interruptions and about thirty
teenagers just being teenagers, it was miraculous seeing everything run as smoothly as it did.
She was an absolute master, and I was very much in awe. She was such a happy and energetic
person, who was pleasant to the point of infectious. I couldn't help but notice how much it
influenced the state of the students, as It’s hard to be apathetic when the person leading is so
energizing. I made particular note of this, remembering that attitude reflects leadership and you
have to not only run the class, but you also have to set the example and tone of the class as


The school I observed at was Coral Academy, a well-regarded charter school in the Las
Vegas area. The school teaches all grade levels and the campus I was on had two separate
facilities, one for middle school and up, and another for elementary. The facility was beautiful
and well kept. They had recently finished building the new gymnasium and it was an
outstanding facility to run physical education. I believe giving the students a campus they can be
proud of can be a big difference-maker in how well they perform academically. Showing the
students you care about how the facility is presented is a small subconscious reminder that this
place has a level of expected standards.


When you entered the room you knew beyond a doubt that this was indeed an English
classroom. The room was a vibrant place, with lots of colors and fun decor around the walls.
She had creatively placed posters of famous quotes from historical literature across the walls.
Some funny, and others inspirational, from Shakespeare to Twain the classics were all
represented. The atmosphere created by this was a wonderful balance of seriousness and
creativity. It felt like it was definitely a place and time to learn, while also inspiring.


I felt blessed to observe the classroom I did, as it was so diverse. The teacher I
shadowed was both an AP and a remedial instructor, so I was fortunate enough to see every
level. Her lesson didn't change much, but the classes were night and day. The AP being so
excited to learn and engage in the lesson, while the remedial classes were much harder to keep
on-task with any level of consistency. It was eye-opening how much the room fluctuated
between a quiet, smooth lesson and what can only be described as a three-ring circus. The
poor teacher had her hands full, but remained always professional and attended to every
student diligently.


The observations did a wonderful job of reminding me why I'm getting into this field.
There is a large portion of the job that is basically herding cats and clerical work, I acknowledge
this. However, the job has true meaning, and not everyone gets to say that. You have the power
to better a child’s life and help them grow. I have a passion for literature, and I hope to share
that passion to inspire students, Ideally giving them the same love of the written word. After
watching a pro do just that, I am excited and hopeful to continue my journey into the classroom.

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