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Hello! My name is Ashlyn I’m Emma Lewis.


I’m Sarissa Bryant. And I’m Eric Michals. We are

students at Frank W. Cox High
School in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
We are currently in our second year
of the Virginia Teachers for
Tomorrow program.
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We would like to begin by sharing With that being said, we would like
our connection to this dilemma. We to share our findings in regards to
are from a school that values its the ethical dilemma presented to
athletics and we are extremely us.
proud of our 53 state titles of which
52 are in sports. Within our school,
20 - 25% of the teachers are Cox
alumni and understand how
important sporting events are for
not only the students, but the whole

We found it of the utmost How do school sports, not just

importance to speak with teachers football, affect students’ grades?
in regards to this dilemma so we How do you see this effect?
could ask their opinion on the issue.
We asked them a few questions.
What should Ms. Lopez do and What are your thoughts on student
what would you do in this situation? athletes?

If you were to put yourself in the Here is what they had to say.
opposite role, what should they do? Slides change.

After speaking with staff within our Our chapter decided that we would
own school, our chapter came to a give the student the opportunity to
consensus. We would first like to makeup an assignment or complete
mention that as future teachers, we an alternate assignment that would
would first talk privately with the hopefully increase his grade in the
football coach to inform him that we English class. To be sure this issue
find it very inappropriate and doesn’t happen next quarter, Ms.
unprofessional to approach a Lopez should schedule a parent-
coworker asking for a grade to be teacher conference- with the
changed for an unethical reason. football coach and teachers in
We are choosing to look past this attendance- so the player’s parents
right now, in order to help the are aware that their child had a
student. failing grade.
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The player should make time to We believe Ms. Lopez should offer
speak to his teacher privately. As a football related assignments to the
teacher, he or she would player in order to spark the
understand that football is a major student’s interest and motivate him
part of this student's life, as it will to complete the assignments. We
influence his future, so the teacher would also offer the assignment to
should give him the opportunity to the entire class as extra credit
complete other assignments. because the other students should
receive the same opportunities.
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Some may believe an extra
assignment should not be given
because the student should have
been aware of his grades before
the situation arose.

School shouldn’t just be about We received multiple perspectives

grades; it should be about preparing from the coaches and teachers we
kids for life and the real world and spoke with and took those points
into consideration.
this student completing these
assignments on his own time will
show the teacher that he has the
ability to succeed while being a
student athlete.
We found that just speaking to In the article, “The Case Against
teachers within our school was not High School Sports,” we learned
enough to support our opinion. some of the benefits of high-school
Therefore, we completed more
athletics. These include lessons in
research using the articles provided
by Educators Rising. sportsmanship, perseverance, time
Slide Change management, and of course school

An argument can be made that Ms. We as students, and future

Lopez should not give the student teachers, believe that the player
an alternate, or extra credit should have been aware of his
assignment because he should declining grades. As a way to
have completed them the first time ensure that students are constantly
and he should be responsible for aware of their grades, we suggest
his grade even with his busy that all sports have a biweekly
schedule as a student athlete. sheet they must fill out including the
class name, teacher name, grade,
teacher signature, and any notes
the teacher would like to include.
This is especially important
because he understands how
important his football career is to
his future.

As stated in the article, “High According to the same source, we

School Athletes Gain Lifetime found that the activities the player
Benefits,” some positive outcomes participates in during his high
of students involved in sporting
school career are the ones he will
activities include more leadership
roles, higher pay in the future, and never forget. These activities are
increased self-confidence. what pave the way for students’
lives, whether it is the career of a
student or life in general.
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Winston Churchill, a former British If you have any questions, feel free
Prime Minister once said, to reach out through the emails
“Continuous effort, not strength or provided on the screen. Thank you!
intelligence, is the key to unlocking
our potential.” We believe that
success is all about perseverance.
The player must put forth
continuous effort in order to be
successful in sports and academics.
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