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Jesus enters our town, our homes, our lives, our government, our

Jesus enters God’s world to transform it, and to change it. 

Lately, I cannot sleep well, I pray to God- how can I have a mind like
I pray: Our Father -no my father who is only my private space, but
Our father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name,
Your kingdom comes,
Your will be done-
not my kingdom oh Lord, but yours.
Not my will of Lord, but yours. 

We are confronted by human arrogance, selfishness, 

We worry about if we are going to have enough.
Yesterday, my wife woke up and challenged my son Mateo to give his
savings to families, who do not have what to eat;
believe or not we found some families who have been living on what
their neighbors bring to them daily. - Give us, our daily bread. 

Professor Joy Moore says that in the face of corruption, tragedy,

illness, and disaster, God, in Jesus, moves into the neighborhood to
journey with us. 
US is plural- not just you and me but US - 
God journeys with the poor,
the one who do not have the privileges most of us have right now. 
Jesus is Emmanuel: a vulnerable God who puts on human flesh,
who teaches us to love, to share, to be like God. 
The Holy Spirit transforms us. 

Brothers and sisters in Christ- we are One- We are God’s Gabe

reminded us last night in FLC Story Time. Let us Linger today and this
coming week, before the announcements of resurrection’s triumph-
let us linger where we are. 
Jesus did suffered to the end, even to death. Let us linger.

As we linger in the silence, let us prepare ourselves for the Easter

Sunday’s announcement.  In our lingering God surprises us.
Linger to wonder why God does not reject us after we reject God.
Linger in the longing for love and mercy.
Linger to feel the trembling that suggests this is not the end,
even though you do not yet know for sure. 

Linger in the darkness so you can recognize when the dawn comes.
Moore says: Linger in this day to glimpse the presence of God.
When we do not worry about tomorrow, we can marvel at the
wondrous things God is doing today. God is turning the stumbling
blocks in our lives into stepping stones toward our future.
Whatever struggles this season of fasting is presenting to you- not
being able to eat out, shop out, gathering as a church in one building,
What ever this fasting has revealed,
      God’s love is steadfast and endures.

God will use people like my nine years old son who has just a little
God enters into the life of regular people - like my wife-
God stirs people hearts like God did it with my wife and my son, 
God enters your lives and one more time invite you to share a word
of hope, a phone call, a text, your treasures, your gifts!

God will be with you through this season. 

Do not be afraid. 
Linger. God is there. God will be there.
God is holding you in the palm of his / her hands. 
You are in God’s hands.

Do not avoid the cross. There is power in the cross. This hymn we are
about to sing was composed by slaves- people who had lost
everything - they knew what was to be imprisoned, to be isolated, to
rely only on the One who can changes and transforms everything. 
They knew what was to have everything – to have God. 
           Let us linger in God’s palms. Were you there !? 

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