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Activity 10
Due Monday, April 6th

1. How do you feel when you have to work with a group? I don't have any problem to work in team.
Actually, in some situations it's good to help each other to solve problems in better way. Also, there can
be a lot of ideas to do things in many ways.
2. Do you like to lead, or to be led? Explain. It depends the situation because in my experiences when
I'm good at certain things I like to lead the people. But when I don't know about certain topics or stuff, I
like to be led because in that way I can't ruin things and I can learn people who’s leading.
3. If someone else is usually the leader; why do you believe that person becomes one? Because that
person it's good at that moment. Also, it could be that person know about the topic more than the team
or can be good to organize the team.
4. What kind of leader would you like to become in the future? The one who give trust, gives the
opportunity to talk and hear other ideas to get better results. Someone who guide in the correct way and
the one who can take the correct decisions for the team.
5. Share a rewarding team experience. When I went to ITM, I take a class of structure design and the
teacher give us a team work really difficult. So, my team decided that I would be the leader of the team
beacuase they like my organization plans when I worked in this subject. Finally, I said to my team what
we need to do for get a great note to this final proyect, I dedicated to one part and others to another
things that I thinked they would good at, so we have a great note.
6. If you had a feeling that somebody in a team was not competent (or wasn’t doing their job well),
what would you do? I try to talk with that person to listen to their problems and if they don't understand I
give it my help trying to get a good result for us and the team.

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