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What is your full name? How old are you? Where are you from? Where do you live?

What is your
profession? What is your hobby? Who do you live with? What are you studying? What is your
favorite TV show? What is your favorite sport?

Hello, my name is Marisol, I am 41 years old, and I live in Villagorgona, I am

studying psychology at Unad, I like reading, going for a walk with my family, and I

love comedy movies

Tenga en cuenta que las respuestas en oraciones completas le ayudarán a organizar un discurso
coherentemente. No incluya las preguntas, sólo las respuestas

**. Para describir a su familia tenga en cuenta las siguientes temáticas: family composition, name
and age, occupation, and origin, and appearance de por lo menos 3 miembros su la familia:

There are 3 people in my family. “My mother is Lilian White, she is 36 years old, she is a biologist,
she is from Boston, my mother is very nice, she is short, her eyes are brown, and she has black
hair. My sister is…”

Los siguientes videos explican como hablar de la familia. -

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