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In a village, there was a poor widow and her daughter. Her daughter was very beautiful
but, her habit is really bad. She just lying on the bed and do nothing. She never helped her
mother to did the house work. In other case, she is really arrogant and spoiled like a baby. All
she wanted need to be granted.

On the day, her mom invited her to go to the market place to buy some foods and stuff.
She walked with expensive and glamour clothes. While her mother walked with frayed clothes
and bring a basket and she walked behind the daughter. People saw them as the prince and the

When they arrive at the market place, people admire the girl with her beauty, especially
the man, they look up the girl continually. But, when they see the old woman behind the girl they
feel curious. Then a man appear the girl and asked about the old woman behind her. The girl just
answered with “she is my servant”. The mother try to handle her feeling when the girl said that
she was her servant. But, not long after that the mother was very angry then she hoped to God
with “oh God, I can not handle this feeling anymore. My own daughter did not have heart for
me. She look at me just as her servant”. Then the mother asked God to punish the seditious girl
with the heavy punishment.

Slowly but sure, the girl feel freezing and her toes become stone. The girl was crying and
she said to the mother “mom, no mom, please forgive me, I regret about all of my fault”. But, it
was over all her body was freezing then she become the stone. People who saw the stone, they
can see there was tears in the cheeks. Because of that people state the stone with “CRYING

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