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Prime Healthcare Participating in

Program for Promising COVID-19
Prime Healthcare 

One of the most promising treatments for ​COVID-19​ is being made available through an
expanded access program at ​Prime Healthcare​'s Saint Michael's Medical Center in Newark.

Remdesivir, considered by the World Health Organization to be the most promising drugs to
treat COVID-19, was developed by Gilead Sciences to treat Ebola. The antiviral drug is
effective against two other coronaviruses that cause deadly respiratory diseases – SARS
and MERS – and is in five large clinical trials for the treatment of COVID-19.

Saint Michael's is one of only a handful of sites in the world to participate in the expanded
access program, which will allow the hospital to administer remdesivir to critically ill patients
who are on ventilators. The hospital has been a leader in clinical infectious disease
research and has worked with Gilead since the pharmaceutical company was founded in

There is currently no treatment approved for COVID-19, a disease which has infected more
than 1.2 million worldwide and resulted in nearly 70,000 deaths.

Saint Michael's is located in the New York metropolitan area, which has become ground
zero for COVID-19 infection in the United States. In the last week, Saint Michael's has seen

a spike in patients with the disease. Currently nearly every bed in the hospital is filled with
patients who have tested positive for the virus. New Jersey has the second most cases in
the United States, behind New York.

"The trial use of remdesivir is just one way Prime Healthcare hospitals are helping in the
fight against this unprecedented pandemic," said David Silverman, PharmD, vice president
of pharmacy services for Prime Healthcare. "We are currently exploring options for
expanded access programs of the drug."

Prime Healthcare, a national health system with 45 hospitals in 14 states, purchased the
358-bed hospital in the heart of Newark's business and university community in 2016.

"Prime Healthcare's mission of saving hospitals to save lives has never been more
important and we have been working tirelessly to provide resources to our patients and care
givers that will transform care, such as access to the most promising emerging treatments,"
said Kavitha Bhatia, MD, MMM, Prime Healthcare's Chief Medical Officer of Strategy.

James Fallon, the director of clinical research at Saint Michael's, said remdesivir was
previously available on a limited basis through a "compassionate use" program for
individual patients who were too ill to participate in a clinical trial. About 1,000 people were
participating in the compassionate use program.

Gilead Sciences Chairman and CEO Daniel O'Day wrote in an open letter published in
March week that compassionate use typically works well when there are a limited number of
requests for the drug.

"But the system cannot support and process the overwhelming number of applications we
have seen with COVID-19," O'Day wrote. "There is nothing typical about this crisis."

With expanded access, hospitals or physicians can apply for emergency use of remdesivir
for multiple severely ill patients at a time. "This approach will ultimately accelerate
emergency access for more people," O'Day wrote.



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