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Manifestation and abundance of ThetaHealing ™


IN THETAHEALING ™ the concept of manifesting is the Belief that it is

possible to create something within the physical using the power of the Creator
of All That Is.
Every statement, thought and action is reflected in what we are manifesting in
our lives. Every decision is made on the mirror reflection of what we choose to
create. What we think and say has a direct influence on whether our
manifestations are for our benefit or our detriment. If you constantly say that
you are poor, you will be poor. If you constantly say and you think you are
financially abundant, you will be. It is of the utmost importance to remain in a
positive state of mind.
When deciding what you want to manifest for your life, the biggest challenge is
deciding what you truly want. Many people do not know what they want in their
life, and for that, they never believe it. Other people believe that their lives lead
them and do not direct their lives. These people get carried away and wait to see
what happens.
The truth is that we are creating our own reality, and can manifest the best that
the world can offer. However, you must first decide what you want in your life.


Being in Estado Theta to manifest will increase the chances of a manifestation to
between 80 and 90 percent. Just talking about something will sometimes
manifest that in your life, and the possibility of this happening is between 30 and
40 percent; Visualizing it increases the possibility to about 50 percent, but a
Theta State greatly increases the manifestations.

• The spoken word is effective between 30 and 40% of the time.

• Visualization is effective 50% of the time.

• Manifesting in the Theta wave is effective between 80 and 90% of the time.
Theta wave is the most effective way to manifest.

AN IMPORTANT ASPECT to remember when you are making any kind of

manifestation is that, if the manifestation becomes reality, you will get exactly
what you ask for. This is why you should always ask for the best and highest
way for your highest good. If you need money, you must be aware of asking for
it in the best and highest way. For example, you will not want to receive ten
thousand dollars as a claim for an accident insurance policy registered in your
name. Following these principles is important for any manifestation in the Theta
state to ask for abundance.

• We create our own reality.

• Think before asking for something. You can simply get it.

• You are only allowed to manifest in your own life.

• Be very specific about what you want.

• Be specific in what you ask for. If you ask for a million dollars, specific you
get the best and highest way.
• You will have to know exactly what you want, "word for word," and specify
"word for word" in your prayer of manifestation.
• Beware of spoken word and directed thinking, because this can bring
manifestations to your life, whether good or bad. What you say and what you
think creates your life.

• Be aware that there may be blockages on some level in relation to what you
want to manifest. If your manifestations do not become reality, the cause could
be in programs at the Fundamental, Genetic, Historical or Soul levels. Test for
these programs and replace them with the appropriate ones.

• It assumes that the manifestation is created in the current positive sense.

Declare, "I have this, now!"
• Do not ask to be like someone else; Rather, ask that you be the best you can

Many people try to use ThetaHealing ™ to program a total economic success

without first testing themselves energetically for what may be blocking them. In
some cases, these people become disillusioned about not achieving immediate
results. In this manual you will learn to eliminate these possible blockages, to
elaborate a plan, to establish your intentions and to follow up your ideas to be
successful. This is not a manual to get rich quick, but rather, it is a universal tool
of discovering yourself to use your potential.

The following course is divided into two parts:

1. Find your locks and obstacles.

2. Train your Mind.

This course has been designed to teach you to use Theta Wave of the Best and
Higher Way to guarantee yourself success in all aspects of your life.


To start talking about abundance and how to create it in our lives, it is important
that you find what is blocking you. Removing the blocks listed in this manual is
the first step towards creating what you want in your life, and to help the people
around you to get what they want. Remember, locks on abundance rarely have
to do with money. The programs and blockages that have to do with money
almost never is the bottom belief, which is what keeps you out of the abundance.
When you work on yourself or others, the ThetaHealing ™ Basic Course
Manual and the book will be a very useful and in-depth resource to guide you in
finding and releasing the problems listed below.
People often can not leave behind the thoughts of "I should have done / could
have done ..." taught by our society. On many occasions, these emotions or
feelings cause the fear to advance by the fear to re-experience these failures (or
errors). There are many books about living in the now, but physics teaches that
what you think about the future creates the now, thus creating our realities. To
create using Theta wave it is imperative to eliminate these negative emotions
and thoughts, so that we can manifest and create a future without the fears of the
past. It is important, as we move forward in life, to avoid swings and get caught
up in the emotions of an earlier incident. It eliminates repentance, since it only
allows you to relive the past. Learn from your mistakes, and apply that
knowledge to your future to ensure success and abundance.
It is part of human nature to compare and recognize what other people have in
terms of abundance and what they do to be able to live. However, we must avoid
resentment towards others, as this only creates paralysis in your life. If you have
resentment towards others for what they have or possess, remember to focus on
yourself so that you can get your own abundance. If you have resentments about
the past for physical, emotional, or psychological abuse, you must make a
conscious effort to forgive and to advance.  
Manifestation and abundance of ThetaHealing ™

As with the aspect of repentance, in order to create in the Best and Highest Way
using Theta wave, you must be free of these negative emotions. It is difficult to
sustain the energy of the Seventh Plane when you hold resentments.

One of the biggest blockages you can have is coveting what others have.
Instead, you must focus on your own life, so that you, clearly, can manifest
abundance. Instead of focusing on what others have, do not compete with
anyone and focus on your own path of life and your own goals. Remember,
there is plenty of money and abundance for everyone!

Angry / IRA
It is quite common for people to get angry when they have not yet achieved their
precise manifestations. This anger or anger is often misdirected towards other
people around them, either consciously or unconsciously. When abundance is
not achieved, this anger or anger can also focus on the Creator. Our own beliefs
hold us back, and rather than blaming the Creator or someone else other than us,
it is important to locate these anger or anger programs.

Some people can not have achievements because there is an absence of direction
in their life. They may know what they want to create, but they may not be
aware that they have the ability to create. Some people have the belief that it is
selfish to want something or want things to be better. Remember that wanting is
a human characteristic, and denying yourself is wanting to deny yourself the
human being. In ThetaHealing ™ we can create what you want and program the
emotions and beliefs necessary to allow your subconscious to achieve your

I always agree against you

Some of us, unknowingly, unconsciously use our partners as a crutch and an
excuse as to why we have not yet achieved the abundance we desire. This crutch
can manifest in your partner, because you project in her your belief that she
keeps you away from your goals. Doing Job of Beliefs in both, can help
eliminate this blockade.

The "poor me" complaint is a genetic excuse to pity and prevent you from
achieving your goals.

For some people living within a budget can feel extremely limiting. They may
feel compelled to obey it and look for ways to control the feeling of being
controlled. The result of this is often to spend money before having it, over-
spending to compensate for feeling handicapped. In a way, these people dig
"holes of abundance" to get out of this. This is also a way to keep the mind,
body and spirit busy with a challenge.


This could be called the "New Generation Syndrome", as many children of the
current generation feel that the world owes them and that no effort is needed to
achieve anything. It is inappropriate to ask God for abundance without taking
action, without responsibility or without accountability. These Fundamental and
Genetic Beliefs can be changed to allow for abundance.

We learned from children that it was wrong to take toys from other children, etc.
This principle is still vitally important in our adult lives. You must take
responsibility for your own actions, avoiding taking what is not yours in your
own right. ("Taking" electricity without paying your receipt, taking over
someone else's personal space, etc.). Some people feel that they simply have to
take what they want, where and when they want it, but this will stop the
abundance in their lives and will not allow them Manifest in Theta to make it a


This is genetic programming. For generations it has been said that you have to
spend money to make money causing this belief to arise.


This is a generational belief designed to make the poor stay poor. Many people
fear that money makes them bad or too powerful. Money is simply a form of
exchange, it's just numbers! There is a lot of money in the world for everyone. It
is not a sin to have money, not to spend.

The human ego, if not controlled or balanced, can cause problems. Some people
will put their ego first and pretend to be something they are not, and others,
when they allow their ego to control them, yearn to have power over other
people. The characteristics of the ego must be worked and changed to manifest
the Best and Highest in life.


A subconscious way to sabotage yourself is to demand proof of the Creator's
existence. This refers to those who demand abundance from God, in order to
prove the very existence of God. In this way of thinking, if abundance does not
take place, then and therefore God must not exist. Or, if abundance comes to
you, then it is for the existence of God. When this way of thinking is carried out,
there has already been an inner belief blocking abundance. God is not the root of
lack of abundance.

It may seem innocent or it may just be a habit, but complaining about "I do not
have" is programming oneself to not have. You must be aware of the things you
say as you undertake to create the abundance you desire.


What are your blockades? One way to find out is to practice the technique to
manifest the Seventh Plane. Follow the guided exercise on the ThetaHealing ™
CD that accompanies this manual.

If money were no problem, where would you live and who would YOU have?
(Remember, live without coveting!)


Manifestation of the Seventh Plan:

Follow the guided exercise on the ThetaHealing ™ CD that accompanies this


What is the worst that would happen, or could happen, if you had everything
you want?

Using the Introspection and Belief Work processes that are presented in the
Basic DNA Course, start with the following question:

What will you regret when this happens? How will the people around you react?
Use the Introspection and Belief Work processes that are presented in the Basic
DNA Course.

Manifestation and abundance of ThetaHealing ™

Doing simple things in your daily life will help you create your abundance.
Below is a list of items that will need to be programmed into yourself so that
you have the ability to receive. If you are struggling with a specific aspect of
your life as money, it is a good idea to focus on introspection and Belief Work
in relation to that matter.


Create a list of things to achieve that you want to achieve. You must explain in
each one before moving on to the next one. Go beyond just having things. What
will you do after achieving your first set of goals? It always allows your
subconscious to go further. ThetaHealing ™ is used to change disease and create
a healthy reality. In many ways, being poor is a type of illness. Using
ThetaHealing ™ will also instantly change "this ailment". Leave your ego out of
this. The Creator is the teacher and the healer, and we are the witnesses to
facilitate this from the Seventh Plan.

If you have great ideas, you should make sure your subconscious is able to
follow them. If you do not understand, or do not have some of these feelings to
follow, teach yourself these feelings by programming them from the Creator.

Be smart in your adventure of creating your life. Take control and create your
own life, rather than let it be created for you alone.


If you choose to make your abundance through ThetaHealing ™, you must first
know your potential. If you are a teacher and you want people to come to your
course, you must take action and promote yourself. First make good clients (this
means that you must be a good reader); Then these clients will become students
in your courses. If you are not being referred to clients or students, get yourself
the Energy Test to find Limiting Beliefs (or lack of Feelings), and this will
improve your reading and teaching skills.


Do not let others project your anger or your Beliefs of failure into yourself.
Keep your ideas to yourself, and trust only a few people, because others could
sabotage a good idea before you start it. Remember: you create for yourself.
Manifestation and abundance of ThetaHealing ™


When you use the Seventh Plane you need to understand that this will
immediately increase your ability to manifest. That is why it is so important to
eliminate negativity, so that you do not manifest it from the Seventh Plan.


As already mentioned, the people around you affect your energy and your
beliefs. Working with your partner and those close to you is important for you to
achieve your abundance. Do the Energy Test on yourself to see if you can only
achieve and succeed when you have a conflict, or when someone tells you that
"you can not". Change this belief so that you no longer need to develop about
negativity and conflict and you can count on the support of the people around
you. As you change your own energy, many people around you will also have
the desire to change their energy. However, some people will simply move in
different directions. Do not get upset with people who are not yet ready to
change. Let them continue their journey and hope that their paths and yours will
cross again sometime in the future. In addition, you will need to make sure that
you are immune to the negative thoughts and sabotaging beliefs of those around
you. When you are open to the Abundance of God, God brings you to the people
who will help you in your journey.
Before coming to this life we made promises to the Creator, which put us in
sync with the timely Divine Moment of this planet. When you live your life in
harmony with the Timely Divine Moment, life is easier. With the Divine Timely
Moment you can achieve much more than you can actually imagine. Are you
ready to receive all the abundance that the Creator has to give you? If you reject
the Creator's abundance, you reject your Timely Divine Moment. The Creator's
unconditional love energy brings love, laughter, family, friends, and abundance
to those who use it, because the Creator is not poor, the Creator is Omnipotent.
When we begin to use our birthright, we will not only bring abundance into our
own lives, but bring it to those around us as well. In order to be prepared for our
Timely Divine Moment, we must eliminate our blocks around things as simple
as money. Practice asking the Creator for your own Divine Timely Moment. If
you get the answer that you are the only one capable of bringing a secret to the
world, your ego is most likely to be interfering. If you see great things beyond
yourself, you have no ego.
Before you receive true abundance, you must establish your beliefs and your
limits to prevent others from taking your abundance. People often believe that if
you have more than what they have, then you owe them. Set your limits to
protect your energy before a problem arises, as it is much more difficult to
create limits during crises. Always leave a time that is special for you and your
family, in which do not disturb others.

Manifestation and abundance of ThetaHealing ™

The more honest you are with yourself and with others, the sooner you will
receive abundance. Remember that we are talking about the definition of
honesty of the Creator. Being honest does not mean allowing your ego to put
other people underneath in your quest to express yourself.


Another secret to abundance is to take responsibility. Make arrangements to pay
your bills and do not use what you do not have. Do not overwhelm yourself, but
take the steps to make life easier. Running away from your accounts will not
help your abundance; it will make you feel more trapped. Put yourself in the
shoes of others. Focus not on the companies you pay them for, but rather on the
people who work in the company whose lives hold your account. Would you
like someone to run away and not pay you? There are many organizations that
are willing to help you restructure your accounts to help you level and advance.
Following the "golden rule" is often the best way to approach the situation.
When you have taken something from someone who requires you to pay them,
just remember that money is simply an exchange of energy. Be honest if you do
not have the money and find ways to return this energy. There are many
solutions to keep you assuming your responsibility. If you ask the Creator, you
will be shown how to receive your abundance.

One rule of attaining wealth is to be generous. If you are giving courses,
scholarship to some people for courses. If you are abundant, help those around
you. This does not mean that you should give everything, but you must live in
the energy of helping others achieve their happiness. Practice generosity with
yourself! (Buying something to eat does not mean that you are being generous to
yourself.) However, buying even very small things for yourself will lead to
increased abundance.

Your reputation precedes you; Is the direct reflection of how you treat the
people around you. There will always be people whose opinions differ from
yours, but if you have a positive reputation, people will always respect you. Do
you feel you have a good reputation?

Once you manifest, the universe will give you ideas and plans in which to work.
The human mind is ready for action. You can have all the good ideas in the
world, but if you do not act, your manifestations do not come true. Sometimes
the action is as simple as making a business card. If you act on what is shown to
you, your manifestations of abundance will become your reality.


There is a belief that intuitive people can not see their own future. This is not
true. Not only can they see their future, but they can also create it. In the
mechanistic view of reality, you can not see your future because it simply has
not yet happened. I believe that the past, the present and the future are the same
thing, and that one of them can not exist independently of the other two. I
believe that we live in all three at once, and just as we can remember our past,
we can also remember the future. Look, I believe there is a part of our
consciousness that is beyond the past, the present and the future, and this part is
the Self-God, the spark of creation that is within us all to change reality.

If you connect with the Seventh Floor Creator and ask him to remember your
future, you can see it clearly. This requires practice. In many cases, the intuitive
person tries to make the future as he wants, without considering those around
him. This practice is carried out by intuitive people who believe they can
perform hex (ability to send thoughts to another person in order to hurt or
control their life). This is an action of the Fifth Plan and goes against the Law of
Free Will. A good intuitive person is always immune to the negative thoughts of
others and can easily realize that he is creating everything in his life, and in
doing so, is aware of the lives of others.

There are several ways to remember your future. One way is to raise the Creator
and ask him to be brought to the Law of Time, where the Akashic Records are to
see your perceived future. I prefer to ascend to the Creator of All That Is and
stand in the corner of the Universe where you can see your past, your present
and your future at a time, with an added advantage. Once you connect to the
Seventh Plane, you can see the perceived future and simply change it ...

Or better yet, just create it.


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Manifestation and abundance of ThetaHealing ™

What areas on the abundance list give you more trouble?

What kind of planning would work for you?

Will you be able to confirm your wealth list when you reach your goals?


How to remember your future:

Imagine climbing to the Seventh Plan. Give the order. "Creator of All That Is:
He commands / asks him to see and remember my future now. Thank you! It is
done. It is done. Done it is. " Remember in silence and observe. This will take
you to the Sixth Plane of Existence, in the outer corner of the Universe. This is
where the Law of Cause and Effect resides. This is where you can see what your
actions have created in your life up to this point, both in the future and in the
past. Stay there a moment and watch as you see what looks like two mirrors at
your sides and you can see the whole past and the whole future. You can also
order to go to the Akashic Records, but if you go to the Law of Cause and Effect
you can go and change what you are creating. The Law of Cause and Effect
overlaps with the Law of Time, which in turn overlaps with the Akashic
Records. Sit there and see what you are creating in your life. In the next class we
will teach you how to manifest changes in your future.

Of course, all you have to do is "remember your future". The Creator will take
you to the Law of Cause and Effect, without having to specify where you can
see your future.

How to See Your Future:

Follow the exercise as it is presented in the Basic DNA Manual given to you in
the Basic DNA Course.
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Manifestation and abundance of ThetaHealing ™


To begin to train your mind for success, you must first start with yourself, then
go on with your family and friends, and then with your community. To start with
yourself you must include your house. In much the same way you programmed
Feelings in yourself, now we will teach you to use the animate and inanimate
things around you to help you.

Your house is a reflection of you. If your house is full of things, then your mind
is full of things. If the cover of your desk, your refrigerator or your tables is
crowded, or you have small children or is a sign of too much burden on your
body and your life. This is a product of the feeling you have of carrying the
weight of the world on your shoulders. Clean your house and clear your mind.
When you clean things around you, you make room for abundance. For
example, whenever we clean our Nature's Path store, more customers are
immediately arriving.

Get rid of things you have in your house that you do not want. Do not keep gifts
there just because someone gave them to you. If you do not like something, get
rid of it! Do not store clothes that you do not intend to use again. Remove things
that do not serve you from your home. This does not mean that you have to buy
new furniture, but you must find things that you like and that make you feel

As taught in the Advanced DNA Course, all the Plans work together. Things
hold negative and positive thoughts, but if you charge them with a purpose, you
will only let them conserve the energy to achieve this purpose. You will reflect
that purpose back, giving you a safe haven to reload your mind. So make things
at home work for you. In Theta State you can infuse a condensed thought form
into every important item in your house to load it with intentions.


1. The table of your dining room should be loaded so that there is always plenty
of food and so that whoever eats at that table is satisfied.

2. Your walls should allow you to feel safe.

3. Your chair should be loaded to be inviting and comfortable.

4. Statues and stones may reflect the sacred, projecting abundance, etc.

5. The bed should be loaded to be comfortable, to love, to rest and to play.

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Manifestation and abundance of ThetaHealing ™

6. The pictures must be loaded to nourish, honor and inspire (depending on the

7. The sculptures should be loaded with the appreciation of beauty, majesty and


Load all the objects in your house and your space with the desired intentions.

I know the Creator's definition of what he feels and how:

- To know the difference between the Divine Timely Moment and my


Be smart
- Listen to others
- Accept all the abundance that the Creator has saved for me
- Assume the responsibility
- Setting limits in my time
- Save time for my family and for me

- Be generous
- To be honest
- Be impeccable with my word
- Understanding the power of intention
- Identify the difference between my thoughts and the thoughts of others
- Discipline me to have achievements
- Being close to God and still having money
- Be thankful
- See how abundant I am already
- Living my life without blaming my mother or my father
- Living my life with abundance as second nature
- To know that there is always a solution
- Have creative solutions
- Be abundant in the future



At the start of this course, you were asked to fill out a questionnaire that relates
to the different Belief Systems. These belief systems are: Fundamental, Genetic,
and Historical Beliefs. (You can find a broader explanation of these levels and
how to work with them in Chapter 11 of ThetaHealing ™, which begins on page
62.) So you can understand where some of these blocks come from, To the right
side the Level of Belief. Some of these beliefs are saved on more than one level,
which is why, when on the second morning of the course the Energy test of the
response was done, you may have noticed a variation in the way you originally
answered the questions .
These questions have given us the beginning for the process of introspection (as
presented in Chapter 14 of The ThetaHealing ™ book that begins on page 84.)

1) I fall victim to the disease of greed. Genetics

2) I am controlled by the illusion of power. Fundamental, Genetics
3) I have to have more than anyone in my family. Genetics
4) It is wrong to have more than my family. Genetics
5) Identify the difference between my thoughts and those of others.
Fundamental, Genetic, Historical
6) I identify the difference between my fear of success and that of my partner.
7) I have to save every penny I get. Fundamental, Genetics
8) I have to spend every penny you get. Fundamental, Genetics
9) I have to be punished for mistakes in the past. (Karma) Fundamental, Genetic,
10) The more I earn the more I spend. Genetics
God hates me. Genetics
12) God is punishing me. Genetics, Historical
13) My partner is against my manifestations. Fundamental, Historical
14) I identify the difference between the voice of the Creator and my own ego.
15) I have to have terrible problems in order to solve them. Genetics
16) I have to work for someone else. Genetics
17) I can not raise my social status in life. Genetics, Historical
18) I am poor and proud to be one. Genetics, Historical
19) Rich people are driven by greed. Genetics, Historical

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Manifestation and abundance of ThetaHealing ™

20) The rich are my enemies. Genetics, Historical

21) If I become rich, I will lose my friends / family. Genetic, Historical
22) If God loved me, God would make me rich. Fundamental, Genetics
23) To succeed you have to be able to pass over others. Fundamental, Genetic,
24) No one wants me to become rich. Genetics, Historical
25) If I get rich, everyone will accept me. Genetics, Historical
26) If I tell people that I can not pay my bills, we
They will hurt my family or me. Genetics, Historical
27) The collectors frighten me. Fundamental, Genetics
28) Responsibility scares me. Fundamental
29) There is no one to help me. Fundamental
30) People use me. Fundamental, Genetics
31) I am the scapegoat. Fundamental
32) To be close to God, I have to be poor. Genetics, Historical
33) I fear the burden of success. Fundamental, Genetics
34) It works for everyone except me. Fundamental, Genetics
35) It is wrong to charge money for services. Genetics
36) I feel guilty when people compensate me for my time. Genetics, Historical
37) I know how to assume my responsibilities. Fundamental
38) I know how it feels to have all my bills fully paid. Fundamental, Genetics
39) I know what I want. Fundamental
40) I know what I would do with millions of dollars. Fundamental
41) Thinking about a lot of money scares me. Fundamental, Genetics
42) I can see how abundant I am already. Fundamental
43) People drive me crazy. Fundamental, Genetics
44) I find something bad in every person I know. Fundamental, Genetics
45) I can live my life without gossip. Fundamental
46) It's my mother's / my father's fault. Fundamental, Genetics
47) If I succeed, my children will want everything. Fundamental, Genetics
48) If I succeed, my parents will want everything. Fundamental, Genetics
49) For me, success is money. Fundamental

50) For me success is the family. Fundamental, Genetics

51) I am a lousy father / a terrible mother. Fundamental
52) I'm terrible with money. Fundamental
53) I'm a fast food pichicatero. Fundamental
54) I know where my money is going. Fundamental
55) I would rather buy food for material goods. Genetics
56) I would rather buy clothes than things for my house. Fundamental
57) I care what people think of me. Fundamental, Genetic, Historical
58) People owe me things. Fundamental, Genetics
59) Life owes me. Fundamental, Genetics
60) I do not care about hard work, but I never get anywhere. Genetics
61) I want someone else's life. Fundamental
62) I want someone else's body. Fundamental
63) I plan things, but they never get noticed. Fundamental, Genetics
64) I know how to advertise myself. Fundamental
65) My opinion matters. Fundamental, Genetic, Historical
66) I come from a long series of poor people. Genetics
67) I come from a long series of successful people. Genetics
68) I hate money. Genetics
69) Money is a nuisance to me. Fundamental
70) I like my reputation. Fundamental
71) I know how to make other people aware of their importance to God.
72) I know how to build my reputation. Fundamental
73) I pay my bills. Fundamental
75) I know how to use my credit. Fundamental
75) I am married to God. Genetics
76) It is bad to have material possessions. Genetics, Historical
77) If I become rich, I will worship money. Genetics, Historical
78) If I become rich, I will forget God. Genetics, Historical
79) I am destined to be poor. Fundamental, Genetic, Historical
80) It is more difficult for a rich man to enter heaven. Genetics

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Manifestation and abundance of ThetaHealing ™

81) It's everyone else's fault. Fundamental, Genetics

82) I'm afraid I'll make more money than my spouse. Fundamental
83) I have to make everyone happy. Genetics
84) To please my parents, I have to fail. Fundamental
85) To please my parents, I have to be successful. Fundamental
86) My brothers will hate me if I have more than them. Fundamental
87) My friends will hate me if I have more than them. Fundamental
88) I am honest with myself. Fundamental
89) I am honest with those around me. Fundamental
90) I have to go through hard times to be rich. Genetics, Historical
91) I have to go through difficult times to be happy. Genetics, Historical
92) The Creator wants me to be happy. Fundamental, Genetic, Historical
93) The Creator has already decided that I will be poor. Fundamental
94) I can only be abundant in my next life. Fundamental
95) I can achieve abundance in this life. Fundamental
96) I have to save the world. Fundamental
97) I have to save my family. Fundamental, Genetics
98) Life is supposed to be difficult. Fundamental, Genetics
99) Everything I've been through in my life matters. Fundamental, Genetic,
100) If life is easy, what I have suffered does not count. Genetics



Exercise I'm stuck (How this works for me)


How to create your future from the Seventh Plan



Establish your intention in your money, because it is only a form of exchange.
Put your intention that your money comes back to you multiplied by 3 to 10
times each time you spend it. Always carry some money in your pocket. Your
subconscious will think there is a lot and it will bring you more.


By doing this you will train your subconscious that you always have more of
what you need. With just this little technique you can change the structure of the
belief "I always have only what I need". This will help you keep your life
flowing in a positive direction.


BUT DO NOT SEND IT UNTIL YOU HAVE IT! Doing this causes your
subconscious to know that you want to pay your bills, and so, create it for you.


- 18 -
Manifestation and abundance of ThetaHealing ™

Courses taught by Vianna and ThetaHealing ™ Certified Instructors

Vianna's ADN2 course

Vianna Advanced DNA2 Course, Plans of Existence Vianna Intuitive Anatomy

Vianna Rainbow Children's Course

ThetaHealing ™ Manifestation and Abundance Course

Courses taught exclusively by Vianna

Vianna Rainbow Children's Teacher Course

Vianna DNA Course 2 for Teachers

Vianna Advanced DNA D2 Teacher Course
Vianna Intuitive Anatomy Teachers Course

Previous books

Go Up and Seek God (Go up and find God)

Go Up and Work With God

Current book

ThetaHealing ™

Course Manuals

ThetaHealing ™ Practitioner's Manual Vianna Teacher's Handbook

Vianna Advanced DNA2 Manual

Vianna Advanced DNA 2 Instructor's Manual Vianna's Intuitive Anatomy
Vianna's Intuitive Anatomy Master's Handbook Vianna's Arcoiris Child's
Handbook Vianna's Arcoiris Young Child's Handbook Vianna Arcoiris
Children's Handbook

ThetaHealing ™ Manifest and Abundance Manual


2990 South 25th East, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404

Office: (208) 524-0808 Fax: (208) 524-3061 E-mail:


This manual is derived from the courses and books of Vianna Stibal, founder of
ThetaHealing ™. The Copyrights of the Text © belong to Vianna Stibal and
Vianna's Nature's Path, respectively. All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be stored temporarily or permanently in any medium. It is
prohibited to transfer, transmit, reproduce, photocopy, publish or otherwise
exploit, modify, create derivative works, or combine with other material the
contents of this manual without the express permission of the copyright holders
and the publisher.

The ThetaHealing ™ brand is owned by Vianna Stibal, owner of Vianna's

Nature's Path. Unauthorized use of the term ThetaHealing ™ is prohibited.

The Orian Technique ™ brand is owned by Vianna's Nature's Path.

Unauthorized use of the term Orian Technique ™ is prohibited.

© Copyright 2007 by Vianna Stibal and "Vianna's Nature's Path"

All rights reserved in this manual are reserved. All techniques and processes
contained in this manual are registered and protected by copyright and
trademark rights.

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