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What sport do you follow in Colombia and why? (If you don’t follow sports here, or at all, explain
why not.) my favorite sport is the football, because I always liked football, I still to play football
and my junior is the family team

 What do you think about the popularity of football and the fact that it receives more attention
from the government than other sports? Is it fair?

When the government thinks about the football, it knows about the money it can receive if it
thought about society we would have other sports to support, such as skating

 What can we do in order to help athletes in other disciplines to have better conditions and
support? Since years ego the athletes don´t have guaranties in the national sport but we would to
give in the stadium but we should give more face to face support on sport venues and companies
give more sponsorships.

 How can we motivate national channels to broadcast a wider type of sport programs and not
just football.

We should schedule at least one activity from another sport on tv every week

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