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I used to be skeptical about all talks about English Fog. Eventually, we also have fogs.

That’s why I didn’t

take the first English fog seriously. “Well, that it is, famous English Mist” – I said to my children and then
they screamed “Fog, fog”. My wife appeared to be more serious: “How I will be able to go to the store?”.
All the same she went and even came back, but we were waiting for her about 2 hours, although the store
was round the corner.
Fogs interrupt the traffic, even the railways, close factories and kill people. No, not only on the roads,
although there is a big amount of accidents. The main people killer is “Smog” – A mist with smoke and soot
from the fireplaces and traffic fumes. The famous killer, “Smog”, killed 435 people suffering from asthma in
1952. Smog killed more than 200 people in 1962. Londoners wear gauze bandages ins such days, these
bandages become grey in the quarter of an hour.
Fog causes a lot of troubles. But not all year in England is foggy, windy and damp. Rains and high humidity
are annoying. But a man can get used to it. You’re getting used to the English weather too.
Winter has come - spring is around the corner (winter heralds the coming of spring) - the English say. And
spring in Britain is a wonderful time. It is all blooming. It blooms in cities, blooms in the suburbs. Delicate
pink flowers of cherries. White flowers of apple trees.
To see the real spring in England, you need to visit the apple orchards of Kent. On the highway are signs
"road in bloom." You can ride along these provincial, narrow and winding roads mile after mile and enjoy
the white and pink-colored trees. England is beautiful in these spring weeks. And rain spares her beauty.
And the sun makes it bright colors.
No, you think, walking along the lawns of London parks covered with white and yellow daffodils, the British
still know where to live. And then tulips appear, from which it is impossible to look away. And the summer
is ahead, white candles of chestnuts, blooming roses, with their delicate aroma, blooming linden alleys. But
the rain had already lost patience. He will begin to recall that this is, after all, the British Isles, and not the
Sahara. Rain will make this country cool, and even in July you will not complain about the heat here. But
the rain will make even more beautiful English green.
No luck with the British in the summer. The sea that surrounded them on all sides, the wide, soft, sandy
beaches of Cornwall, only tease. Even on the southernmost of the British Isles, the White (the Isle of
Wight) you cannot to swim anytime you want. The sea remains cold even in the summer. And only
hardened people dare to splash off the coast. Most vacationers just look at the swimmers.
September and October in England are excellent. Indian summer is long, sunny, warm. The grass was only a
little less bright. The trees are only slightly yellowed. There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest, but the
British never collect them. They eat only champignons. On fine autumn days I don't want to think about
the impending winter. Here it is usually snowless, rainy, windy and foggy. Skiing only in Scotland. In
London, only two closed skating rink. And numerous ponds, rivers and lakes freeze only once in twenty
There is, however, an advantage in such a climate. He is cheap. You can do without a fur coat and a warm
hat. Nineteen out of every twenty houses have no central heating. However, it happened to me to spend
an “exceptionally harsh” winter in England. In January 1963, the snow in London lay for three weeks. The
temperature dropped to -5 ° C. Nothing like this has happened in England in the past ... 150 years or so. In
Russia, such a frost would not have been called invigorating. In England, he caused havoc on transport.
Only one railways these three snow weeks cost five million pounds. But such winters in England happen no
more often than once in half a century.

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