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“In what ways does Dangaremba make you feel that is Lucia is an admirable character?

Brianna Gómez

IGCSE World Literature


10th grade Roosevelt 

In Nervous Conditions, a novel written by Tsitsi Dangaremba, the author evaluates the life

conditions of African women in post-colonial times. Throughout the novel, the education, self-

determination, and social dignity is far from the reach of Lucia, an African woman who is clearly

given to the male counterparts. Dangaremba portrays Lucia as an unassailable, independent woman

as she defies stereotypes and traditions within her society.

Dangaremba presents Lucia as an admirable character as she does not feel the need to

suppress her feelings. This is evident when Tambudzai, the narrator, describes Lucia as “hearty and

quick” but certainly not “superficial”(p.155). Dangaremba uses these adjectives to portray Lucia as

loudly vigorous, cheerful, and honest to give the reader the impression that her absolute frankness

in relating with other people, is irrespective of their dominance status in relation to her. Speaking

her mind out is Lucia’s proposal of yet another mode of resistance to oppression, one that she

establishes at the outset of her participation in the narrative. Moreover, this example reveals the

pride Tambu had towards Lucia, her aunt, who with her authentic disposition does not let society

pressure her to undertake decisions influenced by men and traditions.

Furthermore, Dangaremba shows the reader that Lucia is no ordinary African woman, as she

portrays the typical conventions of post-colonial African social interactions, Woman are supposed to

follow orders imposed by men with the sole purpose of serving others; besides Lucia who strongly

disagrees with these standards as she fights to obtain more than a miserable life, with no education,

no emacipation, and freedom of speech; refraining her from a brighter futre.This is clearly shown

when Tambudzai states that Lucia was able to “manage things” in a way that “other women could

not”(p.155). This demonstrates, the influence Lucia’s decisions in life inspires Tambu to also go

against standardize procedure with done otherwise woman are seen as rebels and ungrateful.

In conclusion, Dangaremba highly ilustrares Lucia as an exemplary character through the

use of Tambu’s admiration and appreciation to the bravery she exerts others when it comes to
defying this obsolesce Rhodesian society denigrating others. Furthermore, Lucia is perceived as

rebel in her society but Dangrenba makes gives a clear image of her instead of disgrace and

disappointment to her relatives. In contrast, by focusing on Lucia’s feminist tendencies,

emphasizing on the cosentization of females, sustains the growth of tambu to be rational and aware

of reality and it conveys Dangarembga’s decolonizing purpose of the novel leaving behind fight

against social injustice.


Dangaremba, T. (2004). Nervous Conditions (2ª ed.). Banbury, United Kingdom: Ayebia Clarke

Publishing Ltd.

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