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Nama : Devi Rosari Indah (12203173163)

Literary Text Translation

Seeker of Truth
By E.E. Cummings (1904-1962)

Seeker of truth

Follow no path

All paths lead where

Truth is here

Pencari Kebenaran
By E.E. Cummings (1904-1962)

Pencari Kebenaran

Tidak mengikuti jalan

Semua jalan mengarah kemana

Kebenaran ada disini

Analyzing “Seeker of Truth”
"Seeker of Truth" is one of the remarkable poems of 2900 E. E Cummings poems. This is
a collection of poems since 1904 until 1962. E.E. Cummings is a great poet, painter, essayist,
author and screenwriter in America. If we look at this poetry year, this poem existed in the era of
Naturalism and Modernism, and when we analyze again in terms of the form, structure and use
of language, it is very clear that this poem belongs to the modernism poetry class. Where the
form of poetry is short not very long like old poetry, then the use of the language also does not
use old English.

Then, actually this poem must be understood in depth because it only has one stanza. The
idea the poet wants to portray is that those who seek the truth know that truth starts from within.
'Truth seekers' do not follow any path because all roads lead to a place but the truth is here.

In short, if compared as if we were given a problem, we are sure we can answer that
question without having to seek help from others. Because there’s no one understands us more
than ourselves. The poet wonders why we are looking for help when we can ask ourselves. The
poem tells us to find out the truth but not by following the path.

Furthermore, the writer expects the readers to discover the truth by creating it in our own
way. Often, we seek truth outside, but in fact the only understanding of life that can be found is
within ourselves. We cannot constantly ask people to choose our path. This is our life. Overall,
truth is not something to look for because there is no real way to do it. The poet insists that the
truth is nowhere but inside you, for you to find.

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