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<script type="text/javascript" src="wz_jsgraphics.


<!-- calendar popup file -->

<script src = "calendarPopup.js" ></script>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">document.write(getCalendarStyles());</SCRIPT>

<script type="text/javascript">
var MILLIS_PER_DAY = (1000*60*60*24);

var margin = 1;
var barWidth = 2;
var maxNumFrames = 52;
var barMaxHeight = 30;

// the distance in days to maxDate between which to display events

var firstToShow = 7;
var lastToShow = 0;

var ECsData = new Array();

// given a date, return the bar ID corresponding to this date, based

// on current state of graph
// 'eventTime' is the number of days earlier than maxDate
function getBarID(eventTime)
// as these are measured by distance from maxDate,
// firstToShow is larger than lastToShow.

// calculate barID only for relevant events

if ((eventTime > lastToShow) && (eventTime <= firstToShow)) {
graphTime = firstToShow - lastToShow;
barID = Math.round(((eventTime - lastToShow) / graphTime) * (maxNumFrames-1));
} else {
barID = -1;

return barID;

// given a set of events (their timestamp in days and importance)

// calculate which bars should be drawn on the canvas.
function calulateStateOfBars(events)
var bars = new Array(maxNumFrames);
var barID;
var eventTime;
var curNumEvents = 0;

// document.writeln('showing events ' + firstToShow + ' to ' + lastToShow);

for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {

eventTime = events[i][0];
eventImportance = events[i][1];

// skip dummy event

if ((eventTime == 0) && (eventImportance == 0)) {

barID = getBarID(eventTime);

if (barID >= 0) {
curNumEvents = curNumEvents + 1;

if (bars[barID] == null) {
bars[barID] = eventImportance;
} else {
// update only if importance is higher.
bars[barID] = Math.max(bars[barID], eventImportance);
// document.writeln('bars[' + barID + '] = ' + bars[barID]);
return {barsState: bars, curNumEvents: curNumEvents};

function drawBar(canvas, frameID, importance)

// var barHeight = Math.floor(barMaxHeight * (importance/100));
// use logarithmic scaling for the bar height
var barHeight = Math.floor((4.65 - Math.log(101-
var xpos = margin + ((maxNumFrames - 1 - frameID) * barWidth);
var ypos = margin + barMaxHeight - barHeight;
if (barHeight == 0) {
if (frameID > maxNumFrames) {

canvas.setColor("#00FC00"); // green
if (importance >= 80) {
canvas.setColor("#EEEE00"); // yellow
if (importance >= 95) {
canvas.setColor("#FF9900"); // oragne
if (importance == 101) {
canvas.setColor("#FC0000"); // red

canvas.fillRect(xpos, ypos, barWidth, barHeight);

// alert(xpos + ' ' + ypos + ' ' + barWidth + ' ' + barHeight);

// fill graph areas below lowLimit and above highLimit in grey

// 'lowLimit' and 'highLimit' are Dates
function drawLimits(canvas, lowLimit, highLimit)
var lowBar = getBarID((maxDate - lowLimit) / MILLIS_PER_DAY);
var highBar = getBarID((maxDate - highLimit) / MILLIS_PER_DAY);
if (!(lowBar == -1)) {
var xpos = margin;
var ypos = margin;
var width = barWidth * (maxNumFrames - 1 - lowBar);

canvas.setColor("#999999"); // grey
canvas.fillRect(xpos, ypos, width, barMaxHeight);
// alert(xpos + ' ' + ypos + ' ' + barWidth + ' ' + barHeight);

if (!(highBar == -1)) {
var xpos = margin + ((maxNumFrames - highBar+1) * barWidth);
var ypos = margin;
var width = barWidth * (highBar-1);

canvas.setColor("#CCCCCC"); // grey
canvas.fillRect(xpos, ypos, width, barMaxHeight);

function getParentTR(obj)
while( obj && obj.tagName != "TR" )
obj = obj.parentNode;

return obj;

function showTableRow(canvasName)
row = getParentTR(body);

if (row) {
try {'table-row';
} catch(e) { = 'block';

function hideTableRow(canvasName)
row = getParentTR(body);

if (row) {
if ( != 'none') { = 'none';

function createBarGraph(canvasName, data)

var empty = true;
var jg = new jsGraphics(canvasName);

jg.setColor("#000000"); // black
jg.fillRect(0, 0, (2 * margin) + (barWidth * maxNumFrames), (2 *
margin) + barMaxHeight);

var tmpReturn = calulateStateOfBars(data);

var barsState = tmpReturn.barsState;
var curNumEvents = tmpReturn.curNumEvents;

var className = ECsData[canvasName].className;

var classLowLimit = classNameInfo[className].firstDate;
var classHighLimit = classNameInfo[className].lastDate;

drawLimits(jg, classLowLimit, classHighLimit);

//DEBUG// document.writeln('barstate is ' + barsState);

// if there are events to draw, draw them.

if (curNumEvents > 0) {
empty = false;
for (i=0; i< barsState.length; i++) {
if (barsState[i] > 0) {
drawBar(jg, i, barsState[i]);
} else {
empty = true;

if (empty) {
} else {

// update the '# of events' cell with the number of events shown.
var pnum = document.getElementById('ne' + canvasName);
if (pnum) {
pnum.innerHTML = curNumEvents;

function DrawAllGraphs(ECsData)
var curCanvas;
for (var canvasName in ECsData) {
curCanvas = ECsData[canvasName];

// update the 'each bar is # days' paragraph

var daysPerBarElement = document.getElementById('daysPerBar');
if (daysPerBarElement) {
var graphTime = firstToShow - lastToShow;
var daysPerBar = (graphTime / maxNumFrames);
var daysPerBarText;
if (daysPerBar > 1) {
daysPerBarText = daysPerBar.toFixed(1) + ' days';
} else {
daysPerBarText = (daysPerBar*24).toFixed(1) + ' hours';
daysPerBarElement.innerHTML = '1 bar = <font color="yellow">' + daysPerBarText
+ '</font>';

function redrawGraphs() {
// alert('initiating redraw');

function init()
var tmp;

tmp = new Date(maxDate);

calFromDate.addDisabledDates(formatDate(tmp,"yyyy-MM-dd"), null);
calToDate.addDisabledDates(formatDate(tmp,"yyyy-MM-dd"), null);

tmp = new Date(minDate);

calFromDate.addDisabledDates(null, formatDate(tmp,"yyyy-MM-dd"));
calToDate.addDisabledDates(null, formatDate(tmp,"yyyy-MM-dd"));


// document.getElementById("scoreHeader").title="Score Key:\n" +
// document.getElementById("IBMSG_MelodyMessageLog").title="Score Key:\n" +
// "101: This message is very rare.\n" +
// "90-100: This message is quite rare, or it appeared an unusually large number
of times.\n" +
// "70-90: This message appears in this log file more than it usually appears.\n"
// "0-70: This message appears in this log file about the usual number of times.";

// being taken care of in resetTimeLimits()

// DrawAllGraphs(ECsData);

function resetTimeLimits()
var tmp;
tmp = new Date(maxDate);
updateLastToShow(tmp.getUTCFullYear(), tmp.getUTCMonth()+1,

tmp = new Date(minDate);

updateFirstToShow(tmp.getUTCFullYear(), tmp.getUTCMonth()+1, tmp.getUTCDate(),

function updateFirstToShow(y,m,d,skipRedraw)
var newFirstMilli = Date.UTC(y,m-1,d);

var newFirstToShow = (maxDate - newFirstMilli) / MILLIS_PER_DAY;

// alert('newFirstToShow is ' + newFirstToShow + ', while lastToShow is ' +

// can't select negative interval (compensate for precision errors)
if (newFirstToShow < lastToShow + 0.01) {
alert('You cannot set the start date to be later than the end date!');
// use the current firstToShow
newFirstMilli = maxDate - (firstToShow * MILLIS_PER_DAY);
newFirstToShow = firstToShow;

firstToShow = newFirstToShow;

var firstMilliDate = new Date(newFirstMilli);

document.forms[0].dateFrom.value = formatDate(firstMilliDate, 'MM/dd/yyyy');

// DEBUG //
// document.forms[0].dateFrom.value = firstToShow;

if (!skipRedraw) {

function updateLastToShow(y,m,d,skipRedraw)
var newLastMilli = Date.UTC(y,m-1,d);

// add 1 day to the last date to show, as we want to include all events
// in this day.
newLastToShow = ((maxDate - newLastMilli) / MILLIS_PER_DAY) - 1;

// alert('firstToShow is ' + firstToShow + ', while newLastToShow is ' +

// can't select negative interval (compensate for precision errors)
if (firstToShow < newLastToShow + 0.01) {
alert('You cannot set the end date to be earlier than the start date!');
// use the current lastToShow
newLastMilli = maxDate - ((lastToShow+1) * MILLIS_PER_DAY);
newLastToShow = lastToShow;

lastToShow = newLastToShow;
var lastMilliDate = new Date(newLastMilli);
document.forms[0].dateTo.value = formatDate(lastMilliDate, 'MM/dd/yyyy');

// DEBUG //
// document.forms[0].dateTo.value = lastToShow;

if (!skipRedraw) {

window.onload = init;

<style type="text/css">

#slider a img {
border: none;

#slider img.first{
float: left;

background-image: url(rail.gif);
background-position: center left;
background-repeat: repeat-x;
height: 10px;
width: 95px;
margin: 0 5px;
float: left;

height: 12px;
width: 12px;

A.title {
color: white;

.graphCanvas {
position: relative;

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