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English/ Dr.Etika Ariyani.M.Pd.

1. Write do/does in the blank space !

Ex: …… the students study hard every day ? (Do the students study hard everyday)

……Mr.Kim go to his office everyday ? (Does Mr. Kim go to his office everyday )

a. Do your English lessons seem difficult ?

b. Do the children go to bed early ?
c. Does Mr.Moore teach English or History ?
d. Does Jhonson & walter work in the some office ?
e. Does Mrs.Ann prefer coffee or tea ?
f. Do that girl come from south America ?

2. Arrange words into correct sentences !

Ex: working - Mr.Kim - on - I’m - a report - for
(I’m working on a report for Mr.Kim )
a. We - always - listen - to - the radio - everynigh
b. They - enjoy - that - class - English
c. He - now - to - dictating - Mr.Peter
d. We - are - seriously - studying - some - important - paper
e. She - talk - and - write - at - the - same - time
f. They - listen - carefully - to - Mr.Smith - in that room

3. Write am, is or are in the blank space !

Ex: The people …. Listening to Mr.Jhonson seriously (are)
Smith ….. collecting information now (is)
a. I am sitting at my desk right at this moment
b. He is telling the people about our method
c. Everyone are working very hard right now
d. They are also making much noise at this moment
e. Ann and Budi are reading in the library now
f. Carefully are working on the report right now

4. Matching the sentences with words

Study - finish - explain - stay - borrow - enjoy

a. My sister stay in California for two and a half months

b. We finish that work at six today
c. Everyone enjoy the party very much
d. Frank borrow some money from his bestfriend
e. Mr.George study that interesting lesson carefully
f. The students finish those two difficult lessons everyday

5. Create sentences from words !

Ex: Live
a. We study at Deva’s home tonight
b. My friend dive me to the lakey beach
c. Bima speak in front of the class
d. I find soe money in my parent’s room
e. My mom make some cake for me
f. Mrs.Anisa write poem for her sister

6. Every day I help my mother with household chores such as cooking, washing clothes,
washing disnes and so on. And I was prematurely old, for what reason ? because I had to
help my mother take care of my little sister, because I was busy working from morning to
evening, I was for ced to replace my mother to take care of my sister. In addition to
helping mothers with house work and taking care of younger siblings, I also study online
at home. And on Sundays during holidays I also spend my vacation time to help my
parents work in the fields of corn picking, and on Friday the-14th 0f march to coincide
with the birth of my sister, my friends and I plan to buy a cake and celebrate birthday my
15th year old sister, and I also gave her a birthday present. Day after heart has passed.

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