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Anansi gives Nyame a child - script:

Narrator - Spencer

Anansi - Dennis

The Messenger - Ziyad

The Annoying Red Baby - Josh

Nyame - Alizeh

True Mother of the Annoying Red Baby - Bogart

The Wife - Bogart

The Villagers: - Everyone except for the baby and the wife

The Old Man - Dennis


Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a sky god called Nyame. She and Anansi (A trickster)
were friends. One day Nyame was sad.

Anansi: Why are you sad Nyame?

Nyame: *Sniffle* WHY ARE ALL MY CHILDREN BLAAAAAAAACK??? (Spencer you can say dark
instead if you'd like)

Anansi: You're right! How monotonous. I shall bring you a child of a different colour.

Nyame: Are you sure?

Anansi: I promise.

Nyame: This is quite a difficult task, but I shall hold you to it.

Narrator: And so, Anansi left home and looked everyone for a child of different colour.
Unsuccessful, Nyame grew impatient. 2 Months after Anansi began searching, the first
messenger came.

The Messenger: Where is the child you promised Nyame?

Anansi: (Talks to himself) Uh oh better make up an excuse...

Anansi: (Talks to the messenger) Hey! No one can make a baby in just 2 months! Does it no take
9 months to give birth?

The Messenger: Uhh.......

Anansi: EXACTLY! Now get out of here, I'm a pregnant man and I need some rest! (Anansi looks
around for a baby once the messenger is out of sight [That's basically when Ziyad exits the
Narrator: So Anansi stalled for the time being. However just 2 months later, another messenger

The messenger: Where is the child that you have promi- (Gets interrupted)

Anansi: You again? Didn't you get the idea last time?

The messenger: Yes but- (Gets interrupted again)

Anansi: 9 MONTHS. IT TAKES 9 MONTHS NOT 4. Now go away. I'm still pregnant. (Anansi looks
around for a baby once the messenger is out of sight [That's basically when Ziyad exits the

The Narrator: Finally, when time was nearly up, the messenger came once again

The messenger: Where is the chi- (Once again, gets interrupted me)


The Messenger: But it is nearly time for the baby to be born, is it not?

Anansi: *Sigh* Is it 9 months yet?

The messenger: No bu- (Gets interrupted)


The messenger: I don't know?

Anansi: Exactly. Now go away, I will be giving birth very soon so I need some rest.

Narrator: At this time, Anansi was very nervous because Nyame ad said that he would hold
Anansi to his promise. He began hiding in the woods. Meanwhile, in a nearby village...

The Annoying Red Baby: *Cries* WHERES MY FOOD???? 

The Mother: Here take this (Throws KFC at him)

The Annoying Red Baby: I'M STILL HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Mother: I cant take this anymore! I've been feeding you non-stop for a whole week! (Drags
the Annoying red baby to a corner of the classroom)

Anansi: (Wandering through the woods, or the classroom) Hey look! I found a baby of a different


Anansi: And it can talk too! How delightful! I must show Anansi immediately! (Drags baby to

Nyame: *gasps* You have found me a red baby!! YAY! I will give this baby to my wife.
The Wife: I'm the Wife

Anansi: OK....


Narrator: The Wife gave baby milk. *Baby Drinks some apple juice*
The Wife fed the baby *Baby eats some KFC*
But the baby did not stop wanting.

The Wife: Why does this baby eat so much???? 

The Villagers: NOOOO! All our precious food is gone!

The Wife: I’m the Wife

The Baby: AND I'M STILL HUNGRY!!! *Crawls underneath the old man*

The Old man: What's happening to me?? 

Narrator: The baby jumped inside the old mans mouth and became the tongue. That is why all
tongues are red.

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