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Antifeminism is opposition to some or all forms of feminism. It’s the 21st century,
do we really need feminism anymore? I think we don’t need it becasuse we have in
mind what we are as a woman, we are equal before the law and we don’t need to
show or appeal everyone, it is not good to get to violence.

In first place equality includes men, not only women, we had equal rights for a long
time since 70s.
We don’t feel unsafe because of the men, we feel unsafe because the violence of
the area, specially the violence that feminists créate, in other words feminist take
liberties to speak for all women, for example they say bad words, they aren’t
encouraging respect.
Feminism blame men for something that we are responsable for.

In conclusion, I think that feminists are creating a bad image of all women they are
making us look like if we were all weak or less than them, even if they are trying to
make others respect our rights.

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