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This is my second time that I saw a play of this kind and presented by The Performers and

in this work, I’m going to make some “analysis”. First of all, the plot was good but there

were some things missing. They didn’t use any typical topics to represent a play. The plot

was interesting, a guy looking for a manuscript and his friend who was also looking for the

manuscript, the first guy wanted to know what happened with his old pal and to know what

does the manuscript contains he must travel to the center of the earth and look for answers.

I didn’t like it, comparing it with the previous ones, because there was a lack of characters.

There were just four people, the last year’s play was funnier, more interesting but the plot

was not good like this year. The play was named Verne and I don’t know what does it had

in common the title with the play, I don’t get it. A good point of I was the fact that the

performers were really good actors and how they get in their character. When the play

ended people asked questions and they shared the reason why they are good at acting,

everyone said that they started to dance, acting or singing at 4 years old. That’s the reason

why they are pretty good, but I didn’t like the plot of the play.

The Performers are a great group of artists, they well used the elements to make an

interesting play such as music played in the right time, a smoke machine to create suspense

and mystery, lights, scenario, props and humor sense. In conclusion, it was a good play but

I wouldn’t watch it again.

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