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Club activities will be held three days a week (3 days/week): Monday, Wednesday and Friday at a
specific time during daylight. So, it’s a must to decide on that speficific time in order to have a
maximum participant for each class.

At that frequency, we’ll have twelve classes a month. So, for each month, we need about twelve

Here is the program presented in details (reviewed)

Writing classes Listening classes Speaking classes consist of Reading classes consist
consist of: consist of of:
Grammar Listening to: Presentation (of work of research, Text reading activity
lessons of important characters in any
field of activity etc)
Vocabulary Songs Debate ( social, political, cultural Text commentary
and scientific issues. For ex: how techniques
children learn to speak / language
acquisition process)
Idiomatic Speech Reading techniques
Translation Broadcasts Reading exercises ( for
activities exemple, ask participants
to read a text with loud
Writing Interviews
Writing Documentaries
production etc

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