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“The rules of good teeth”

If we want to have strong and healthy teeth,we

must respect some small rules of oral hygiene.For
the begining we must try to brush our teeth at least
twice a day.
The first time should be made in the morning,for
least 5 minutes,and the second one should be made
in the evening,before going to bed,for least 10
minutes.We must clean debris from food that have
been accumulated during the whole day.
Another step that should be used by everyone
consist of changing the toothpaste every 2
months,the some thing like the do with the
toothbrush.The toothbrush is chosen depending on
everybody preferences,but it is recommended to be
soft.After,we should use mouthwash.All this also
must be changed every 2 months.
These changes are made to prevent tooth addiction
to the same tooth products.Then we must use dental
floss after each meal.It will help to remove food
through teeth.Is not so hard to follow our oral
hygiene,this are the easier way to have
beautiful,healthy and strong teeth and of course an
amazing smile.

“The rules of good health”

When it comes to achieving overall well-being,you
need to balance many keys aspects of
health,including diet,exercise,sleep,professional care
and socialization.
Even just remembering to smile is a way to stay
healthy and keep your blood pressure down.Good
health is wealth.I want to some rules of good
health:1)Exercise to destress and to tone your
body.You should exercise not only for weight
loss,but also to develop strongnees.2)Drink alcohol
in moderation,and gradually shift from potent
liquon to fine wines.The maximum permissible level
for health is two glasses of wine a day.3)Sleep well
for at least six to eight hoursa night.Sleep is like
medicine for the mind and body.Sleep deprivation
results in premature ageing,irritability and a short
If you want to have a strong and beautiful body
you must exercise yourself.It is more important to
your health to be a participant than a
spectator.Learn how to play and learn to play
well.Play well and play to win.

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